But you can just play the game to earn skins (through chests and keys). Also, while having to buy champions is indeed a grueling process (ie: I own mostly supports, so buying into toplane is taking me quite a while at 60 to 150 IP earned per game), Overwatch probably doesn't do that because of its tiny character pool.
The thing about earning them is that, even though I don't like League's drop system, OW's gives you permanent skins more often, yes, but most of the time they're just chromas, they're still random and you can even get repeats, making opening a chest a lot more likely to let you down compared to LoL. Getting chests, keys, shards and essence takes longer in League, but at least I can, say, craft all my unwanted champion skins away for those I actually like, and am guaranteed to not get a skin for a character I don't even use.
I've gotten repeats in chests, just letting you know >_>; For skins. I also own all the champions in league(A 7 year process) so it stops becoming feasible through the 4 chest cooldown and the S rank requirement for the other 100 chests. Not to mention the keys are random. Not to mention that the hextech chests will give you skins or champions you already own.