Peanut Butter
This is where the "playing to win" mentality gets on my nerves, since that slight edge you're looking for relies upon thinly-veiled insults in all chat to tilt your opponents into playing worse which, oh look, fits the definition of bullying! Professional fighting game players don't need to go "get rekt" after a perfect or an amazing read, and I'd rather enjoy good sportsmanship than having to endure a bunch of tryhard spikes actively trying to tilt their opponents.
Yeah, you can always mute people as soon as you see they start to flame, but even then that's just a band-aid because you did get treated to at least one petty insult, all while the guy's unsporting mentality probably remains unchanged.
REgarding emotes, I'd be all for decoupling what your own emotes from what the rest of the players's clients see if you happen to spam them too many times in a short span of time. That way, you'd get to fool around with animations and voice lines to your heart's content while the rest would see and hear them only once in a while.
Well, if someone feels like they got personally insulted just because someone said "gg easy" at the end of a game, I don't think that person should be playing with real people because that's crazy imo.
I don't go into every match with the goal of starting something in /all. I usually start to type in there when someone shows signs of tilting. If the enemy top laner starts to complain in /all that he's only getting camped because our top laner is bad, I'm going to keep going there, and I might throw in a "
If I'm getting demolished in a game, and the enemy is taunting with mastery emote spamming or roasting me in /all, I never give them the satisfaction of a response and I just focus on trying to win so that way the single "gg easy" that I'll type if we win makes them look dumb.
Like I said, there's a huge difference between the stuff I'm talking about and legit flaming, where people use profanity and other kinds of slurs that are actually insulting. That should be punishable/bannable. Not telling someone that "Co-Op vs AI is all the rage" if they're 0/5 in 6 min and going on soliloquies in /all complaining that their team is trash.
I get where people are coming from on this topic tho. I just grew up with a different mindset.