ok so zero damage vayne and help spamming top karma got into an argument
who's to blame for caitlyn and renekton crushing down on our inhibitors, stealing our jungle camps, starving us for vision and tearing us apart as a team?
is it because of our lack of a true tank, specially when you have so much lag and no one peels for you? or is it because of that struggling bot lane that's not defending 4v5 and ruining our efforts to split push like any crafty 100 cs at 30m windspeaker's blessing karma would?
words weren't enough, to end this flame war once and for all a 1v1 was needed, and paragon of justice that i am, i offered my services as arbiter
i was expecting at least one yasuo tho, disappointing...
of course these people had the foresight to not choose tournament draft so i would be as impartial as i could. you know, 3 minutes after.
oh and also they picked aram map cos u know, those first three levels aren't that important
i'm guessing vayne played these 1v1s often cos she crushed karma's terrible zed and well, they played for like 15 minutes after that cos who knows, i quit
now karma dc'd and i'm guessing they're in a very bad mood
but justice has been served and it is vayne who was right in flaming karma for not picking a tank
i'll never forget you
you truly are the king of the shitters
"Oh, I'm top and last pick, I get to counter!"
lol, sorta