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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Do I look like a meta slave to you

I need to get out of silver on my own special snowflake terms damn it. Seriously now, Nidalee is too busy for me and Reksai and Graves are boring as shit. As for Rengar, I'd rather subscribe to Nightblue
If my team needs ap out of the jungle I still like doing diana, ganks aren't the best til 6, e can be decent, but you can blow up most carries with a combo+protobelt+one lichbane proc. most things are still pretty viable in solo que, if you need a tank on the team, I still go my sej from time to time, and zac is good for getting early ganks off with his E.

edit: thank goodness someone dodged...

edit 2: I wait a few minutes to queue up, deal with an 8 min queue, then there's another guy picking Yasuo. F me.


Eh, it's focused on splitpushing clearly. And I don't see how his teamfight won't suck other than a bit of tanking.

No more braindead than pressing QWE onto everyone + R on the carry with no regard.


the new player experience in this game is so bad.

solo que is the worst..

1/14 krog maw... AFK chogall cuss you didnt get mid even though you didn't claim it in chat before the game.... really? thanks for the L.
He should be far more interesting to play, but yea I'm not feeling the doubling-down on split pushing.

Recently I've been raving about Zagara in HotS so new Yorick is in my ballpark. I am hot on Splitpushing.

Yoricks interesting. I see things from Nazeebo in him(Undead wall, leaping spirits, a specter that damages an enemy).

Sad that Xelnaths 'open a portal and a bunch of ghouls come out' idea didn't live, but this seems ok. Would have to see how long the ghouls last/the maiden lasts to really judge him, but I'm excited.


He should be far more interesting to play, but yea I'm not feeling the doubling-down on split pushing.

League could honestly use dedicated split pushers to open up team strategies. For the most part split pushers in league are either strong duellists with some ability to escape or champions with near map wide-mobility to join team fights. Both in a solo queue environment require communication, and it's often better to have them group with the team given that coordination between strangers isn't generally good.

Champions that should be really good at pushing lanes and taking towers are generally bad split pushers for reasons like them being way too important elsewhere or being too easy to catch.

In the same way that Blitz makes pick compositions easy, then a dedicated split pusher would make those sorts of strats easier to implement and follow.
The best part is that League isn't like HotS-In Hots a number of characters can travel fast across the map to counter split pushing really well, so in League it'll be really strong because you can't have characters leaving key moments to stop a push. IE dragon is up, the teams are dancing, Yorick sets off his Maiden in top lane and the enemy has to react.



So theoretically you can leave her in a lane and go to another lane where a teamfight is happening

He's going to be instabanned tbh.

Yes, that is literally what it says on the rework page. Almost word for word. lol

"When both side lanes are unoccupied, the Shepherd has a chance to show off the most unusual ability in his kit: splitpushing two lanes at once. It works like this: the Maiden of the Mist is fairly intelligent by AI-companion standards, and she'll continue to push a lane even if Yorick is no longer there. He can plop the Maiden into top lane, then TP down south to splitpush bot lane on his own. With adequate distance between the two, both are free to raise their own armies of Mist Walkers, up to four each, and push down two lanes at once (so long as the rest of your team can just hold mid for one minute). Of course, Yorick's a lot weaker without his ghoulish sidekick, so split wisely."
Yes, that is literally what it says on the rework page. Almost word for word. lol

"When both side lanes are unoccupied, the Shepherd has a chance to show off the most unusual ability in his kit: splitpushing two lanes at once. It works like this: the Maiden of the Mist is fairly intelligent by AI-companion standards, and she'll continue to push a lane even if Yorick is no longer there. He can plop the Maiden into top lane, then TP down south to splitpush bot lane on his own. With adequate distance between the two, both are free to raise their own armies of Mist Walkers, up to four each, and push down two lanes at once (so long as the rest of your team can just hold mid for one minute). Of course, Yorick's a lot weaker without his ghoulish sidekick, so split wisely."

I don't read rework pages, i just watch the ability videos and come with my own conclusions!

That's the Undertaker alright. I hope he has a Tombstone line.


looks cool, really love the idea of his ultimate, tho haven't watched the gameplay videos so idk about the whole splitpushing two lanes at once thing

his wall thing is also super cool too

he'll probably be super obnoxious tho lol

Sashimi Akali, Butcher Olaf, Barbecue Leona, Baker Pantheon On PBE
Lol Baker Pantheon may be the worst of the bunch.
omg sashimi akali is amazing
I don't read rework pages, i just watch the ability videos and come with my own conclusions!


League could honestly use dedicated split pushers to open up team strategies. For the most part split pushers in league are either strong duellists with some ability to escape or champions with near map wide-mobility to join team fights. Both in a solo queue environment require communication, and it's often better to have them group with the team given that coordination between strangers isn't generally good.

Champions that should be really good at pushing lanes and taking towers are generally bad split pushers for reasons like them being way too important elsewhere or being too easy to catch.

In the same way that Blitz makes pick compositions easy, then a dedicated split pusher would make those sorts of strats easier to implement and follow.

Understand that I am a Dota2 player first, so split pushing as a concept is perfectly fine to me.

The problem as I see it in League is that said split pushers are also ayptically strong duelists as well. In Dota 2, for example, plenty of heroes can 1v1 a split pushing Nature's Prophet or Naga Siren including a great number of supports. Split pushers like Anti-Mage are good at split pushing because they have extremely reliable mechanisms for escape. Otherwise, they would just get shit on for the majority of the game as they are quite fragile. Then there are several spells, items and heroes that can throw a wrench into the strat. Smoke ganks, heroes with heavy disables. The important point here is that split pushers are VULNERABLE to being 1v1'd in Dota 2 if they get caught.

Split pushing in League is different. Split pushers tend to be the likes of Master Yi, Tryndamre, Fiora, Illaoi, Garen, Udyr, and Himer. The number of champions that can 1v1 any of those champs is very low. As a consequence, teams usually have to send 2 (or 3) to stop the pushing causing an awkward map balance if your team doesn't also have an equally capable split pushing threat. I don't know. I find split pushing already a bit too safe in League. But maybe it's fine and I simply have yet to feel comfortable playing against it.
Yea this is a good VO right here.

Wait, besides sending the Shepherd to another lane, can you send it into the enemy jungle?

You don't have fine control over the ult spirit. It attacks what it wants to attack and I'd assume neutrals would not be included given they don't attack first. I assume it will walk down lanes becuase lane creeps will attack it and her ghouls.


Championship Zed confirmed, Championship Riven coming back to the store with updated textures

Original owners of the skin get a special version with a loading border, an in-game crown and a exclusive ult particle. That's actually pretty fucking dope
zzz for zzzed
Wait, besides sending the Shepherd to another lane, can you send it into the enemy jungle?

That's a good question. I wonder if one of Yoricks skills will make maiden focus on his targe? Like his E?


Do his creeps follow him around or just go through a lane
Championship Zed and Riven confirmed.

Nice to see that Riven skin finally return. That thing used to be quite expensive.

Championship Zed confirmed, Championship Riven coming back to the store with updated textures

Original owners of the skin get a special version with a loading border, an in-game crown and a exclusive ult particle. That's actually pretty fucking dope

good for us; probably not enough for those who spent hundreds of dollars on it thinking they had something really exclusive. they're going to be sad regardless.

That's a good question. I wonder if one of Yoricks skills will make maiden focus on his targe? Like his E?


Do his creeps follow him around or just go through a lane

you know there's a champion update page that answers all these questions. It actually answers every question you've asked about him.
That's a good question. I wonder if one of Yoricks skills will make maiden focus on his targe? Like his E?


Do his creeps follow him around or just go through a lane
Not sure if it'll work, he needs to kill 3 things at least to proc his ghouls.
good for us; probably not enough for those who spent hundreds of dollars on it thinking they had something really exclusive. they're going to be sad regardless.

I just bought it from the store and I'm happy as shit


One mistaking costing me the game is something I'm used to from other mobas.... But in this low elo it's hitting me a little bit harder because often everyone else in my games is doing so bad that I'm literally the only hope, and when I die or screw up its totally my fault we lost.... It really truly feels like I'm 1v5, which is not something I am completely used to.

I just bought it from the store and I'm happy as shit

sounds good. in4one as well. always wanted that skin.

One mistaking costing me the game is something I'm used to from other mobas.... But in this low elo it's hitting me a little bit harder because often everyone else in my games is doing so bad that I'm literally the only hope, and when I die or screw up its totally my fault we lost.... It really truly feels like I'm 1v5, which is not something I am completely used to.

this is why assassins tend to feel unusually strong at low elos. against some teams, all you need to be able to do in order to win a team fight or prolong a match (or end one) is to pick off that one problem champ. If they're a glass canon, the proposition is straight forward. It's why Zed, Akali, Fizz and similar can feel like they need another balance pass after certain games. lol

Always had Championship Riven

Never played Riven

Living the life

must be nice! I didn't have enough friends back then to get me a code from worlds or whatever back then.
lmao I love how the second comment on the patch changes is somebody saying 'You nerfed Jhin, a champion I haven't seen in MONTHS and buffed (x champs I hate playing against'. What fucking game modes is this dude playing in?
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