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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


what is the NA playerbase like this early in the day? i have the day off and want to finish my diamond promos (1-0 so far) but i dont normally play at this time of day and if people are bad i don't want to do it


what is the NA playerbase like this early in the day? i have the day off and want to finish my diamond promos (1-0 so far) but i dont normally play at this time of day and if people are bad i don't want to do it

Not in NA, but this applies anyway.

Has school started yet? If it has, it's people without a job/older students playing, so they shouldn't be too bad. If it hasn't started yet, there will be tons of kids playing, so it's more risky.


Having tried out the Gragas changes on PBE, I actually like the change to his ultimate, and I don't mean in the sense that it's a sensible nerf, but rather in the way that I think I like his ultimate more now and I don't see it as a nerf at all. Giving it a constant delay of 0.5s regardless of the distance thrown makes it way easier to lead targets than before. The trade-off of it being a bit easier to escape from at short distances by flashing, dashing, etc. is worth it, in my opinion, because it's more dependable at longer ranges where the knockback is typically more impactful.

I need more jungle champions than Elise, Vi and Eve feel so gimmicky now

Tahm Kench is amazing. Poppy when properly built (as in, not as a fucking pure tank) is good fun as well.
I haven't played it, but nowhere near as annoying as he can be currently, at least.

But costy

Now that Yorick is the Undertaker © I want to do the Tombstone on my opponents

Atleast tell me Ill be able to do that

Pile drives the opposing champion for 500/650/800 damage, and is stunned for 5 seconds. Yorick will fall to the ground and be in Stasis for 5 seconds, afterwhich he will rise up with full health


so imma go ahead and guess he has some sort of zztop portal integrated in his kit somehow

like he opens up graves that spawn ghouls or something, maybe they replace ghouls and earn him money each time they kill something and are extra strong vs champions and turrets

You know, I always imagined a wrestler champiom that could pile drive someone. A close range version of Vi's ult, but way more dramatic.
Tahm Kench is amazing. Poppy when properly built (as in, not as a fucking pure tank) is good fun as well.
Poppy jungle still works? I could work with that


getting +20lp per win now after losing promos 1-3, was only getting 17 before

dream alive? one more win to get promos again. nautilus top is really my comfort pick, but im better at irelia
not while bork is around

Phreak: Wow Irelia brought out the big guns, a bork to fight against her toplane opponent

Reginald: Its a bold strategy Phreak, le-OH MY GOD WHO IS THAT RISING OUT OF THE COFFIN, ITS YORICK MORI!

Phreak:Yorick Mori!? But he wasnt drafted this match! Oh my god hes pointing at Irelia! Irelia is charging towa-


Phreak: Here comes Lucian to check on Irel-OH MY GOD YORICK IS UP! He just clothes lined Lucian! He cant get up! Yorick wins! Whats that, hes holding up the jar the contains Karthus's ashes! OH MY GOD HES SIPHONING THE SOULS OF IRELIA AND LUCIAN! HES UNDEFEATED AS HE GOES BACK INTO HIS COFFIN!
What about Graves, Rek'Sai, Nidalee,
or Rengar
Do I look like a meta slave to you

I need to get out of silver on my own special snowflake terms damn it. Seriously now, Nidalee is too busy for me and Reksai and Graves are boring as shit. As for Rengar, I'd rather subscribe to Nightblue


So ... Pant gets another damn skin (even though he looks like he needs a VG IMO)? No Illaoi skin?

Sigh ... why even bother? I guess I can't have nice things.

BTW, Hope Yorick is fun. Been holding onto his Penti Skin Shard just incase.


You know, I always imagined a wrestler champiom that could pile drive someone. A close range version of Vi's ult, but way more dramatic.

Poppy jungle still works? I could work with that

Yeah, sure. Better than the stats would make you think. Clears fast, scales very well, can play from ahead or behind, can duel anything but the top tier jungle duellists. Doesn't just have utility, but some very particular utility that makes her very good against other top tier junglers. Her recent W buff and the upcoming MS buff will make up for some of the lost range on her E.

Big thing though is to ignore the popular tank builds and build her more like Vi. Get some early damage via warriors and trinity force, then tank up and mix in the odd bruiser item like hexdrinker, black cleaver, etc. as necessary. Between her passive and the passive on W she already gets quite tanky, she can dip into damage items until well into mid game.

There's certain champions+roles whose reasons for their win rates escape me. Jungle Poppy is one of them, I just don't see why it would be as low as it is. It's not top tier but it's definitely capable.
So ... Pant gets another damn skin (even though he looks like he needs a VG IMO)? No Illaoi skin?

Sigh ... why even bother? I guess I can't have nice things.

BTW, Hope Yorick is fun. Been holding onto his Penti Skin Shard just incase.

Yeah this part sucks. panth has more than enough skins.



after like 11 defeats in a row, this

league is such a weird game

edit: whelp next game we get matchmade vs challengers and d2s

matchmaking is so good lol


Had the pleasure of having a Tahm Kench getting a sweet counter pick top into Teemo. Unfortunately, he fed the shit out of him. Fuck that on-hit teemo bullshit.
Fuck man Yorick is making me so hype. Back in Season 2, he got me to Diamond(Him and Morde, funnily enough.)

I like his ugly old self, but his new look is so good just because it's pretty much the Undertaker.


Gold Member
Yorick rework makes me so hype because I just got beaten by a Yorick. FML. I'm not like killed or anything but we just slap each other in lane with nothing else happening. Come team fights he becomes an annoying champ to play against. Not to mention an Anivia at the enemy team. Fucking hell nobody dies.
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