Is this your work, Costy
no but it's pretty good
Is this your work, Costy
kit copy pasta pls :<
maybe spoilertag?
ppl have mentioned they don't like leaks being posted here
not saying don't discuss it but maybe spoilertag the leaks themselves
Xayah:kit copy pasta pls :<
Said leaks:
He's melee and get the bolts from her W, but I doubt that he can shoot them from rangeBoth Rakan and Xayah seem cool.
Does Rakan have ranged autos? His kit seems like a melee champion kit, but he seems to gain ranged autos from Xayah if he doesn't already have it.
He has melee autos.Both Rakan and Xayah seem cool.
Does Rakan have ranged autos? His kit seems like a melee champion kit, but he seems to gain ranged autos from Xayah if he doesn't already have it.
np, thanks for the bother!Ok, didn't know about that. Thought leaks have been fine for a long time. Already spoiler tagged.
Passive: Spell casts make her next 5 autos pierce targets and leave a feather at the end
Q: Throws 2 line skillshots, leaves 2 feathers at the floor
W: Steroid, gives her extra damage bolts, attack speed and on-champion hit MS buffs, if she uses it near Rakan he gets the same steroid
E: Rips all feathers from the floor, damaging people between her and them, anyone hit by 3+ feathers gets rooted.
R: She jumps on the air becoming untargetable while still being able to move around, then she throws a bunch of feathers in a cone, leaving 5 feathers on the ground
Passive: He gets a passive shield that can regenerate even in combat, CD reduced by autos
Q: Line skillshot, if it hits a champion Rakan heals in an area around him after some time or if he touches a champion
W: Dashes to an area and then AoE knockup, think of a Malph ult with a small delay
E: Dashes to an ally and gives them a shield, can dash again immediatly after, can even dash to the same ally again, range basically doubles if he targets Xayah
R: He starts running around like crazy and whoever touches him gets charmed
Both of them can join on the other's recall as well, so basically you can have a super fast recall if you catch the other in the middle of it.
He's melee and get the bolts from her W, but I doubt that he can shoot them from range
He has melee autos.
He can basically Insec people if there's an ally around lolsounds interesting, nothing too insane in their kits but i'm a bit intrigued at the amount of mobility rakan has for a support
Yeah, they're already out on PBE.Updating PBE right now if anyone wants to play tonight (they're out on PBE right?).
Updating PBE right now if anyone wants to play tonight (they're out on PBE right?).
The clip on her reveal page shows her flipping Zed the bird and completely ignoring his ultAn interesting thing about Xayah is that we finally get an adc that can become untargetable.
That will do wonders for her survivability.
His damage seems pretty mediocre to be a bruiser. Offensive spells have a .5 AP ratio, nothing too crazy on bases and reasonable cooldowns.Rakan is the only support worthy of being called a support
Now lets build him bruiser
I always forget RobertxLee works for Riot now
Only the initial target gets lifesteal and on hits. It's the same as do her piercing autos interact with botrk
Only the initial target gets lifesteal and on hits. It's the same as Ricochet.
Thresh isn't melee though.Incidentally, Rakan is "melee" in the same sense that Thresh is.
Because she's a harpy and many representations of harpies have ears like thatI still don't get why Xayah has fucking marsupial ears
like you didn't have to give her ears rito. Unless she's supposed to be a horned owl.
Because she's a harpy and many representations of harpies have ears like that
Can I play either of them in top
Rakan and Xayah have a bunch of lines together
they're pretty good VAs
If you don't have a read on the meta anything is viable topofc
lucian is a top champ too, remember
Thresh isn't melee though.