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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Far more human than any vastaya I had yet seen, this creature, bathing on the opposite shore, had the ears and tail(s) of a fox, but she was unclothed – and I shall leave my descriptions vague so as not to offend my younger or more sensitive readers – and otherwise very, very much like a female human.


the vastaya story is really good, it even has pictures (!)

i liked it a lot, and i like that they're creating a new race (and making ahri one of them instead of random fox lady) since that expands the world outside of the particular instance of this new champion

like, tahm kench and bard and kindred and stuff are great but they're more like one offs, this vastaya thing means that maybe in two years we'll get another vastayan champion or whatever

that's pretty cool

yea literally just finished reading it

it's actually much shorter than most rito stories


I really want a Vastaya otter champion. I fucking love otters. Stupid bird people.

Finally got around to playing Tahm in the jungle again and it went...well. Not an amazing game, but had lots of clutch W saves, several of which really panned out because I saved carries that let us grab some objectives afterwards. Need to do a better job using my ultimate, but that's frankly something I need to do a better job of when I play support Tahm anyways. Three ults were used just when the opposing jungle Yi came in, so nothing really came out of them, but that's kinda just dumb luck.

SBP has a noticeable effect. Definitely some room for improvement and maybe a bit more min/max'ing for my runes, masteries, and item builds, but still encouraging.

But I'd be even happier if Riot finally let Tahm end the damn buffs...
what if the phoenix and the harpy are just projections of otters

and you play as otters

and what if it comes out that ahri is really an otter


Java coffee is a coffee produced on the island of Java. In the United States, the term "Java" by itself is slang for coffee generally. The Indonesian phrase Kopi Jawa refers not only to the origin of the coffee, but is used to distinguish the strong, black, very sweet coffee, with powdered grains in the drink, from other forms of the drink.
The Dutch began cultivation of coffee trees on Java (part of the Dutch East Indies) in the 17th century and it has been exported globally since. The coffee agricultural systems found on Java have changed considerably over time. A rust plague in the late 1880s killed off much of the plantation stocks in Sukabumi, before spreading to Central Java and parts of East Java. The Dutch responded by replacing the Arabica firstly with Liberica (a tough, but somewhat unpalatable coffee) and later with Robusta. Today Java's old colonial era plantations provide just a fraction of the coffee grown on the island, although it is primarily the higher valued Arabica variety.[1]
Java's Arabica coffee production is centered on the Ijen Plateau, at the eastern end of Java, at an altitude of more than 1,400 meters. The coffee is primarily grown on large estates that were built by the Dutch in the 18th century. The five largest estates are Blawan (also spelled Belawan or Blauan), Jampit (or Djampit), Pancoer (or Pancur), Kayumas and Tugosari, and they cover more than 4,000 hectares [2]
These estates transport ripe cherries quickly to their mills after harvest. The pulp is then fermented and washed off, using the wet process. This results in coffee with good, heavy body and a sweet overall impression. They are sometimes rustic in their flavor profiles, but display a lasting finish. At their best, they are smooth and supple and sometimes have a subtle herbaceous note in the aftertaste.
This coffee is prized as one component in the traditional "Mocha Java" blend, which pairs coffee from Yemen and Java. Some estates age a portion of their coffee for up to three years. During this time, the coffee is "monsooned", by exposing it to warm, moist air during the rainy season. As they age, the beans turn from green to light brown, and the flavor gains strength while losing acidity. These aged coffees are called Old Government, Old Brown or Old Java.
Java is also a source of kopi luwak, renowned as the most expensive coffee in the world. On Java, this variety is produced by feeding captive palm civets with ripe coffee cherries. The digestive tract of the civet removes the mucilage from the coffee beans.


edit: woops wrong post :^)
big thread on reddit complaining about the new client

i really think the pace they're working on it is disappointingly slow, i can understand not having any new features but it's kinda crazy that it runs so much worse than the old client :/
Not really defending how the new client runs but how is it crazy that it runs worse lol its a beta client with like 100x more animations and shit, I thought it running worse would be expected?


Not really defending how the new client runs but how is it crazy that it runs worse lol its a beta client with like 100x more animations and shit, I thought it running worse would be expected?

It runs way, way worse than the old client on my Macbook (so no dedicated graphics card) even when using toaster mode, while both the old client and the in-game client have always worked perfectly fine for me. Even in toaster mode, it takes way too long for me to enter a lobby (so good luck calling a role in normals), edit masteries (sometimes it doesn't even save) or even change summoner spells (the client downright hangs while playing the animation for opening and closing the ss selection menu).
i dont get it

The Ritos in recent Zelda games have been bird-people.

what if the phoenix and the harpy are just projections of otters

and you play as otters

and what if it comes out that ahri is really an otter

Of all the things you've said recently, this is the thing I can most easily get behind.


If you're playing with Gator Raid, and he locks in Lux as a support, dodge. Dodge fast.


If I lock in Vlad mid, get ready for a good time :^)


sealed with a kiss
The Ritos in recent Zelda games have been bird-people.

Of all the things you've said recently, this is the thing I can most easily get behind.

If I lock in Vlad mid, get ready for a good time :^)
♿️ Gator's lux coming through ♿️
If they're coming to PBE now, yes. If they're coming to PBE in two weeks, probably not.

I'm guessing we get the reveal today thanks to the short time between the first pic and the facebook video.
I'd imagine Riot wouldn't do the reveal of their designs if they weren't coming to PBE in this cycle, so hopefully we get them today.

Plus can you imagine what kind of clusterfuck 7.9 would be with two itemization updates, 3 champion reworks and 2 brand new champions, not counting any new skins beyond their release skins?


I'd imagine Riot wouldn't do the reveal of their designs if they weren't coming to PBE in this cycle, so hopefully we get them today.

Plus can you imagine what kind of clusterfuck 7.9 would be with two itemization updates, 3 champion reworks and 2 brand new champions, not counting any new skins beyond their release skins?

We're getting the tank reworks in 7.9? Then yeah, we should probably get the champs in 7.8.


Not really defending how the new client runs but how is it crazy that it runs worse lol its a beta client with like 100x more animations and shit, I thought it running worse would be expected?
well I have a pretty decent pc that runs the game without issue, after almost a year or beta I'm surprised the client still feels this bad on my computer. also it's quite buggy

youd think it's be easy to beat the old client but it's kinda taking forever?

The Ritos in recent Zelda games have been bird-people

Any chance that Wukong's lore gets updated to make him a Vastaya? He already has Ahri listed as a friend on his lore page.
most likely

So, full reveal of Harpie Lady and Harpie's Brother today?
I hope


Yeah, 7.9 is supposed to be the midseason patch. Meddler even said 7.8 would have some midseason stuff for testing so they don't have to do it all at once.

Oh, cool. I'm looking forward to it. I might have to play some more ranked before all the madness hits.
well I have a pretty decent pc that runs the game without issue, after almost a year or beta I'm surprised the client still feels this bad on my computer. also it's quite buggy

youd think it's be easy to beat the old client but it's kinda taking forever?

Speaking as a developer with a major rewrite of core code coming up, I will tell you that probably one of the biggest issues they're focused on is feature parity. Once the new client has all the same features as the old client they're likely to have more ability to improve performance. I don't know anything at all how development is going inside Riot, but right now they've probably got dev split between bringing in new features and fixing bugs/performance issues. Once they've got all the features in they may have more people to devote to performance issues?


Not really defending how the new client runs but how is it crazy that it runs worse lol its a beta client with like 100x more animations and shit, I thought it running worse would be expected?

well I have a pretty decent pc that runs the game without issue, after almost a year or beta I'm surprised the client still feels this bad on my computer. also it's quite buggy

youd think it's be easy to beat the old client but it's kinda taking forever?

I haven't had any recent issues with the new client and I notice less bugs than the old one right now. Old one's shop would bug out half the time I opened it.

Perhaps my computer is too powerful for me to notice any worse performance than the old one though.
Marauder or Sun Goddess maybe? If we were in the winter season, I'd say winter karma.

Also tfw you catch up to the support meta after a few months.


Tried playing a ranked game. Got support, top hovered Singed with ghost/cleanse and jungler hovered Teemo, so I promptly excercised my right to GTFO.

Guess I'll just try again in the evening, then.


So Karma is busted. What's the best Karma skin art currently?

In honor of Talents she should have a Lady Gaga meat suit skin.

Not really defending how the new client runs but how is it crazy that it runs worse lol its a beta client with like 100x more animations and shit, I thought it running worse would be expected?

Probably because the biggest complaint of the old client was how it performed, so the new client running worse yet having all these bells and whistles (which you can gratefully turn off, jfc they're obnoxious) makes players upset that Riot might have it's priorities in the wrong place.
I honestly haven't felt like the client performs any worse on my computer, but I recognize that even in just this thread we probably have a wide disparity in terms of hardware configurations.


When I was first using the new client it would frequently (~75%) fail to connect me to the match, and would bug out whenever I would alt-tab during the loading screen. I never really had much of a performance issue, and that's been doubly true since I turned off the animations and such.

The only thing in there right now that doesn't work for me is re-ordering rune and mastery pages. It's a crapshoot whether or not it works, and it's not uncommon for me to go check out my pages and the ordering is all sorts of fucked up.


I honestly haven't felt like the client performs any worse on my computer, but I recognize that even in just this thread we probably have a wide disparity in terms of hardware configurations.

Pft, we're all part of the superior master PC race right. no one here games on a mac lmao


Speaking as a developer with a major rewrite of core code coming up, I will tell you that probably one of the biggest issues they're focused on is feature parity. Once the new client has all the same features as the old client they're likely to have more ability to improve performance. I don't know anything at all how development is going inside Riot, but right now they've probably got dev split between bringing in new features and fixing bugs/performance issues. Once they've got all the features in they may have more people to devote to performance issues?
idk, to me the new client should be at a point where it's more than a visual upgrade.

I haven't had any recent issues with the new client and I notice less bugs than the old one right now. Old one's shop would bug out half the time I opened it.

Perhaps my computer is too powerful for me to notice any worse performance than the old one though.
i've had the client just plain not allowing me to lock my ban a couple days ago which cost me a dodge

then it happened again with my pick yesterday tho yesterday i could lock in my pick in like the last second (tho i got an error message saying i couldn't)

and i played nier, doom, deus ex, the witcher 3, etc. on this computer, it shouldn't be struggling to run these animations

i also find it really bad from a ux standpoint

it sure is pretty tho. and replays are nice. they'll get it right eventually, but it's kind of a big pain right now
Mid-Season Approaching

Couple of weeks now until mid-season stuff hits PBE. I'm not certain on exact timelines but we'll be talking at least slightly before that about the changes, what our goals are etc. Some of the crit changes we were hoping to ship didn't work out alas, so we'll have some changes to other AD items but not those. Will certainly take the time to talk through what we were going for, why we concluded we shouldn't ship the changes and whether we might go back to them at some point though.
Then ya'll better not fuck with BoTRK until then

Oh and
Exciting day today, we finally get to put our latest champions onto the PBE and have you folks see them in action.
There's the confirmation that it's two separate champions. The absolute madmen. Can't wait for the full reveal.


sealed with a kiss

The english native speakers in the P5 localization threads that are trying to say they don't see anything wrong with this line:

are getting me upset.
Yes just because you're looking forward to a game doesn't make shoddy work like that acceptable

Also new karma skin already? ResidentSleeper
Seems fine to me

When in your life ever have you heard someone say 'answer (your) expectations'? If you think hard you might come up with 1-2 instances. In english we 'meet expectations' or 'live up to expectations'. However, in Japanese you 'answer expectations'. So looking at it through the critical eye of someone who does some translation as part of his job, it's bothering me that people are giving a pass to what should be a super easy phrase to localize.


sealed with a kiss
This is the TLDR of what you need to know -Vastayan Lovers -2 separate champs (ADC and support) -Specific gameplay synergies with each other -They can be played separately and have dope kits -Xayah manipulates feather blades and can go untargetable with her ult -Rakan is mobile AF and brings a lot of CC and protection

From leddit


When in your life ever have you heard someone say 'answer (your) expectations'? If you think hard you might come up with 1-2 instances. In english we 'meet expectations' or 'live up to expectations'. However, in Japanese you 'answer expectations'. So looking at it through the critical eye of someone who does some translation as part of his job, it's bothering me that people are giving a pass to what should be a super easy phrase to localize.
I will live
I will live

Yeah, you will. I'm not saying it affects anyone's enjoyment. It won't affect mine. What bothered me was everyone pretending this is 100% natural English when the fact is, if you submitted this translation for something like a Japanese course any teacher worth their salt would tell you the answer is close but could be better.


First impression is the new champs look fluid and cool and the the patch notes are pretty garbo.
I think I might have the ip for a new champ on release for the first time. I'm getting close to unlocking everyone and rito has to release two at once!

Edit: how many lol gaffers are playing persona 5? I got a good 3-4 hours in last night.
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