And there you go! Youre set to play with LoL-GAF. In fact, heres two free champions:
Developer: Riot
Platform: Windows | Mac
Price: Free (HAHAHAHA)
Persistent Account: encourages players to value their accounts, reducing dickish behavior at the higher levels
Masteries: Skill trees that provide boosts to your champion. You receive up to 30 points to
allocate into 3 different skill trees; Offense, Defense, and Utility. You can make up to 10 pages (FREE) for 10 different setups.
Reporting System: for players who are dicks, so that they may face punishment
Chatrooms: Makes organizing games and building a community easier!
Spectator Mode: Watch your friends play and keep track of gold, kills, minion farm, and a host of
other data!
Custom Games: Do you want to do all random? 3v3 on the 5v5 map? Perhaps get GAF to do an
in-house? Heres where you can do all that, and more!
Co-op vs AI: Want to test the waters with a new champion? Try your hand against bot opponents in a relaxed atmosphere.
Skins: You can gussy up your favorite characters in different skins. Play dress up as you slaughter the opposition!
Interested in learning more? Head over to the Learning Center for details on all the in-game mechanics!
Here are some specific guides for general game play:
Optimizing Your Survival: Health v Defense
Support Your Team: How to Play Support
A Detailed Overview On General Builds and Roles
Here is a guide for custom skins, if you don't feel like dishing out money to Riot. However, these skins are only visible by you and may cause problems. Not responsible~ Here's a sample: Panda Jax
Here's a tutorial. After you install the program, you just click install at leaguecraft website on the skin you want, and it will do it for you automatically.
Q: Wait, so this game is free? Whats the catch?
A: None, really. The game is pretty good at making sure that money doesnt purchase an in-game advantage. The only thing is that more than half the champions cost 6300 IP, which is a lot. And runes take a while to accumulate, but thats pretty much it.
Q: So, how do I start?
A: Theres a tutorial, but really, nothing beats PvP.
Q: Wait, that Mac site looks suspicious!
A: Not a question, but... Riot once had a Mac client up and running, but took it down citing quality reasons. The Mac community decided this was bullshit, and recruited one of the former mods to resurrect the client. Thus, the Mac version hosted by boomje. I can vouch for it; I have used it myself.
Q: Isnt this genre really hard to get into?
A: Yes, but LoL is the most forgiving of the bunch. That said, its still quite difficult to get into. The GAF community should help you speed through the process.
Q: I hear the community is shit. Is this true?
A: Yes, but by playing with GAF, you can avoid this!
Q: But GAF is full of diehard pros! How will I keep up?
A: LOL - In all seriousness, though, we welcome newcomers all the time. Just pay attention, heed advice, and youre set.
Q: Any tips?
A: Learn how to last hit, there is glory in the tank/support roles, dont face check brush if you are squishy, buy a ward or two and most importantly OBEY THE META.
Dobkeratops/Mudkira for being coauthor
Boken, for the P-A strip.
DanceInMyBlood, xcloser, Kiunch for linking me to several guides.