alright lolgaf I lurked the old thread but this time I will post (and maybe play with you all). I'm lvl 26 but only started playing PvP since about lvl 20 so I'm still a bit noobish.
Anyways I love Teemo but suck with him do you guys have any pro tips.
I was going to give advice but then I realized I'm a bad player so you should probably watch good ones instead.
However, a couple of basic things assuming you're going normal AD on-hit Teemo:
- Start with doran's blade if you're in a side lane. Boots plus health potions if you're stuck with mid I guess. Top lane solo MIGHT happen sometimes but you hopefully don't need to worry about that.
- Get berzerkerz shoes and malady. Malady is a cute little sword and teemo is a cute little champion so they presumably go well together.
- If there are heavy AD damage people in your lane, try to get blind to at least level 2, since I seem to recall the blind duration gets decent then. Otherwise, leave it at level 1. I usually start with blind at level 1 in case you catch someone off guard in a bush.
- Get W or E second, shouldn't matter too much. Try to last hit in lane rather than autoattacking until you get enough attack speed and damage to push lanes and escape safely.
- Press S to stop autoattacking and cloak in lane. This means you get faster autoattack speed for last hitting and killing more minions when the time is right again.
- If you can cloak in a bush near a teammate, you can sometimes get kills off if someone runs over you by say, blinding them if they're AD, autoattacking them and chasing with W if it's safe, and finishing off with ignite as they try to run away and your poison isn't going to get them.
- I recommend leveling blind up last, past level 1 or 2, because the mana cost gets so high. Focus on W or E. My policy is, if I'm moving fast enough and need more damage, level more E. If I'm having trouble dodging attacks, level more W.
- Take ghost and ignite. I haven't found a better combination. You MIGHT take teleport for teleporting onto mushrooms but remember that enemies outside the bushes can see you do this.
- REMAINING ITEMS: Wits end is great for magic resist, I almost always do malady and wits end first. Get the 450 gold vamp lifesteal thingy if you want a little healing while you're farming. If enemies have high health, you can build madred's bloodrazor (the expensive green claw thing), also works for armor. Frozen mallet is another nice item to make you have more health and help you chase/kite. Black cleaver should in theory be good but for some reason I have never really tried it. Bloodthirster will help with damage output. Infinity edge could be a decent fifth item if you're not having trouble dying or chasing, and you just want more damage.
Corrections welcome. I realize that's really jumbled up and maybe unhelpful. Short version is, try doran's, berzerker's, malady, wit's end, and maybe vamp scepter (wriggles early if you need armor), and then experiment with the other items from there on out. Get red buff when you can.
Blinding: If you use it to harass, make sure you're not running yourself out of mana completely since you might need to escape. If you're using it in a fight or to save yourself/a teammate, wait until the enemy is about to autoattack to use it. I often forget to do this if someone is stunned -- it's wasted in that case, so wait until the stun wears off, THEN blind. Note that there are a few champions who can get significantly shutdown for a couple of seconds when you blind them, namely Vayne, Xin (I think?), and Tryndamere.
Giant final note: Never run around with your full 3 mushroom set, always plant if you have one. It's good to save a mushroom in case you need to plant one to cover an escape, but at minimum make sure you aren't wasting mushrooms by keeping your set full. It may take a good bit of practice to learn where to put them, but start out by putting them in the normal ward spots (edges of lane bushes, river bushes, narrow ramps out of rivers, entrance to dragon, entrance to baron). Benefit of putting them in the middle of those spots is that people will hit them more often. Downside is that people will hit them more often...meaning you have to plant them again. In some situations you might want to put them one side so you get the mini-ward sight, but people don't explode them as they run by. And it's probably obvious, but when you're running away, lead people through mushrooms if the situation calls for it.