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I thought Skarner's ult drag was a skillshot. I have a friend who plays Skarner a lot, and they sometimes seem to be all CRAP I MISSED THE SHOT so I assumed it was burning the ult or whatever.

Well it's possible to activate it on the wrong person in the middle of a big fight. Like in our GAF game where I was trying to grab Fizz, but he was basically inside Amumu and I dragged Amumu back to our group. He then proceeded to ult us and we lost the fight.


No, no I'm not D:

You are to me


Beginners, if you are like me and find Mobafire to be an unusably bad website, give http://SoloMid.net a try.
For what it's worth, I find solomid annoying in a my limited experience for the following reasons:

  • The ads/javascript/whatever seem more obnoxious and bloated than mobafire, but that might just be my impression (I seem to recall even mobafire having some crazy changing background image?)
  • It's really easy when you go to any individual guide to click the champion name and then see all the guides sorted by rating on mobafire. I don't know how to do this easily in solomid so I have to go back to the top and manually select from the champion list. Just an ease of use thing.
  • I don't think it's obvious when guides were last updated on mobafire when you're looking at the list, aside from their little freshness icon. If this is better on solomid than that's an advantage.
  • The BIGGEST problem I have with Solomid is that most of the time when I go to check their site, I feel like I either find like 5 guides for a champion (while mobafire has say, 50 for the same champion), and/or the couple of high-rated guides on the champion haven't been updated in the last 8 months.


For what it's worth, I find solomid annoying in a my limited experience for the following reasons:

  • The ads/javascript/whatever seem more obnoxious and bloated than mobafire, but that might just be my impression (I seem to recall even mobafire having some crazy changing background image?)
  • It's really easy when you go to any individual guide to click the champion name and then see all the guides sorted by rating on mobafire. I don't know how to do this easily in solomid so I have to go back to the top and manually select from the champion list. Just an ease of use thing.
  • I don't think it's obvious when guides were last updated on mobafire when you're looking at the list, aside from their little freshness icon. If this is better on solomid than that's an advantage.
  • The BIGGEST problem I have with Solomid is that most of the time when I go to check their site, I feel like I either find like 5 guides for a champion (while mobafire has say, 50 for the same champion), and/or the couple of high-rated guides on the champion haven't been updated in the last 8 months.

I consider that a plus myself. What's the point of a guide if you're willing to look at ones written by any old smuck? Either way you can toggle that on solomid.


Worst part is that even if you gathered EU people, chances are that they'll be split on both EUW and EUNE.

Edit: I keep going to the Community tab :(

I keep doing the same and getting confused. xD
Yeah you're probably right, which is annoying. Need to get a headcount of who's on what!


Consistently banned in ranked. That'll tell you what you need to know.

He actually gets banned now? He was my favorite tank back when everyone was still autobanning Ramus/Amumu/Shen. Sucks (for me) that people wizened up.


For what it's worth, I find solomid annoying in a my limited experience for the following reasons:

  • The ads/javascript/whatever seem more obnoxious and bloated than mobafire, but that might just be my impression (I seem to recall even mobafire having some crazy changing background image?)
  • It's really easy when you go to any individual guide to click the champion name and then see all the guides sorted by rating on mobafire. I don't know how to do this easily in solomid so I have to go back to the top and manually select from the champion list. Just an ease of use thing.
  • I don't think it's obvious when guides were last updated on mobafire when you're looking at the list, aside from their little freshness icon. If this is better on solomid than that's an advantage.
  • The BIGGEST problem I have with Solomid is that most of the time when I go to check their site, I feel like I either find like 5 guides for a champion (while mobafire has say, 50 for the same champion), and/or the couple of high-rated guides on the champion haven't been updated in the last 8 months.
I won't lie to you or sugar coat stuff. 99% of Mobafire guides are pretty bad. Solomid guides have the benefit of being sorted by ELO.

He actually gets banned now? He was my favorite tank back when everyone was still autobanning Ramus/Amumu/Shen. Sucks (for me) that people wizened up.

He's not banned that much, but he's still as much as a troll as ever. Nothing has changed about singed.
Since I had to look up guides for every champion, I ended up preferring MOBAFire only because they were actually current. I stuck a few solomid guides that were written by notable experts (Reginald for Gragas), but otherwise...

I'll have to get mumble, i generally skype with the friends I play with, but one of these days I'll get the chance to hunt a few of you down and I'll need the chat.

Please do! VC makes it so much better.

Congrats on escaping the community ghetto!
Join us, bro!


I consider that a plus myself. What's the point of a guide if you're willing to look at ones written by any old smuck? Either way you can toggle that on solomid.
Toggle what? And how does solomid prevent you from seeing guides written by random people? Either way, it doesn't fix the problem if there aren't guides that have been updated in many moons.


Been playing League for a couple of years now. Will add the chatroom but I have no idea what mumble is.

Add me. My name is Quagm1r3 and YES I'm lvl 30.


In the higher elos, I really don't see him banned as much. More Morgana, Sion and Shaco.

He's (almost) never banned in higher elo matches. You'd have to last pick him or watch him get countered in lane. Just look at the games between TSM and CLG last weekend. TheRainMan never got a chance.
I'm so adding Ionic spark to my shyvana build once it comes over to SR. That item is like made for her.
I run it on Ezreal right now. So powerful if you land those Qs.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He's (almost) never banned in higher elo matches. You'd have to last pick him or watch him get countered in lane. Just look at the games between TSM and CLG last weekend. TheRainMan never got a chance.
Being drunk during a tournament match probably didn't help TRM.
Been playing League for a couple of years now. Will add the chatroom but I have no idea what mumble is.

Add me. My name is Quagm1r3 and YES I'm lvl 30.

Mumble is a thin chat client. If you want to do well with LoL-GAF, you should really get Mumble, even if only to listen in.


alright lolgaf I lurked the old thread but this time I will post (and maybe play with you all). I'm lvl 26 but only started playing PvP since about lvl 20 so I'm still a bit noobish.

Anyways I love Teemo but suck with him do you guys have any pro tips.


Neo Member
Generally, most people use AP runes over magic penetration. Armor penetration vs AD is kind of dependent on your champion, but for ranged AD it's generally flat AD quints, and for junglers/solo top it's generally armor pen.


I wish I caught the beginning of that game. I have a lot of trouble early game

He was denying Gangplank a lot of farm early on with his blind and dot, so GP was forced to farm with Parley. Got Wriggle's Lantern for sustain and armor. The Rain Man often plays Teemo, so keep an eye on his stream every now and then.


alright lolgaf I lurked the old thread but this time I will post (and maybe play with you all). I'm lvl 26 but only started playing PvP since about lvl 20 so I'm still a bit noobish.

Anyways I love Teemo but suck with him do you guys have any pro tips.
I was going to give advice but then I realized I'm a bad player so you should probably watch good ones instead. :( However, a couple of basic things assuming you're going normal AD on-hit Teemo:

  • Start with doran's blade if you're in a side lane. Boots plus health potions if you're stuck with mid I guess. Top lane solo MIGHT happen sometimes but you hopefully don't need to worry about that.
  • Get berzerkerz shoes and malady. Malady is a cute little sword and teemo is a cute little champion so they presumably go well together.
  • If there are heavy AD damage people in your lane, try to get blind to at least level 2, since I seem to recall the blind duration gets decent then. Otherwise, leave it at level 1. I usually start with blind at level 1 in case you catch someone off guard in a bush.
  • Get W or E second, shouldn't matter too much. Try to last hit in lane rather than autoattacking until you get enough attack speed and damage to push lanes and escape safely.
  • Press S to stop autoattacking and cloak in lane. This means you get faster autoattack speed for last hitting and killing more minions when the time is right again.
  • If you can cloak in a bush near a teammate, you can sometimes get kills off if someone runs over you by say, blinding them if they're AD, autoattacking them and chasing with W if it's safe, and finishing off with ignite as they try to run away and your poison isn't going to get them.
  • I recommend leveling blind up last, past level 1 or 2, because the mana cost gets so high. Focus on W or E. My policy is, if I'm moving fast enough and need more damage, level more E. If I'm having trouble dodging attacks, level more W.
  • Take ghost and ignite. I haven't found a better combination. You MIGHT take teleport for teleporting onto mushrooms but remember that enemies outside the bushes can see you do this.
  • REMAINING ITEMS: Wits end is great for magic resist, I almost always do malady and wits end first. Get the 450 gold vamp lifesteal thingy if you want a little healing while you're farming. If enemies have high health, you can build madred's bloodrazor (the expensive green claw thing), also works for armor. Frozen mallet is another nice item to make you have more health and help you chase/kite. Black cleaver should in theory be good but for some reason I have never really tried it. Bloodthirster will help with damage output. Infinity edge could be a decent fifth item if you're not having trouble dying or chasing, and you just want more damage.

Corrections welcome. I realize that's really jumbled up and maybe unhelpful. Short version is, try doran's, berzerker's, malady, wit's end, and maybe vamp scepter (wriggles early if you need armor), and then experiment with the other items from there on out. Get red buff when you can.

Blinding: If you use it to harass, make sure you're not running yourself out of mana completely since you might need to escape. If you're using it in a fight or to save yourself/a teammate, wait until the enemy is about to autoattack to use it. I often forget to do this if someone is stunned -- it's wasted in that case, so wait until the stun wears off, THEN blind. Note that there are a few champions who can get significantly shutdown for a couple of seconds when you blind them, namely Vayne, Xin (I think?), and Tryndamere.

Giant final note: Never run around with your full 3 mushroom set, always plant if you have one. It's good to save a mushroom in case you need to plant one to cover an escape, but at minimum make sure you aren't wasting mushrooms by keeping your set full. It may take a good bit of practice to learn where to put them, but start out by putting them in the normal ward spots (edges of lane bushes, river bushes, narrow ramps out of rivers, entrance to dragon, entrance to baron). Benefit of putting them in the middle of those spots is that people will hit them more often. Downside is that people will hit them more often...meaning you have to plant them again. In some situations you might want to put them one side so you get the mini-ward sight, but people don't explode them as they run by. And it's probably obvious, but when you're running away, lead people through mushrooms if the situation calls for it.


Another frustrating solo queue experience.

Twisted Fate and I are bottom, Le Blanc mid, Ahri solo top and Tryndamere jungling.

Opponent team consists of Karma and Ez bottom, Galio and Tristana top and Twitch mid.

Early game Tf and I trade with Karma and Ez in our favor but Le Blanc feeds the shit out of Twitch and so does Tryndamere trying to help. Between the two of them they had over 10 deaths and 1 kill and Twitch got fed super early and proceeded to sneak gank top and bottom a few times. We told LB to get a pink ward and she does but she never drops it and continues to feed. We have no tank and no one on my team is being smart so I'm forced into buying oracle's and since Twitch was so fed and was destroying us I built a thornmail and then a warmog's. It wound up paying off since Twitch killed himself so many times by attacking me or defending himself once I got initiative due to oracle's. LB and Trynd don't group up well and I got focused in team fights, I think I wound up spending like 2000 gold on Oracle's throughout the game. Finally after farming 300 minions Tryndamere starts making a comeback and is able to survive Twitch with his own ultimate and a few team fights we finally win. Such a long, frustrating experience.



I am not sure I have ever seen 39 kills from one champion in a 50-minute PVP game. O_O; I would have been so bitter if I had been that Twitch, losing the game after a performance like that.
Just to clarify doran items or boots pots as starting items.

You go dorans ring/blade if the matchup is in your favor and want to swing it even more so and you don't worry about sustain OR if you are bot and your support has a heal for you.

You go boots pots for most other none jungle situations.

If you go dorans top or mid first, that means you are looking to get a kill lvls 1 -5

If you go top as teemo with a dblade and youre against a pantheon, thats 475g that wont help you.

Buy for the matchup.


Blizzard's Teemo is actually pretty good; I'd heed his advice.
I had some terrible games again lately so I can't claim I'm consistent. I just figured I was the only person around here who plays Teemo much at all so I should throw everything out there and hope it helps some. =P

Matchups also make a difference since you can occasionally end up with really weird lanes opponents or laning partners and feel unable to do much.

Just to clarify doran items or boots pots as starting items.

You go dorans ring/blade if the matchup is in your favor and want to swing it even more so and you don't worry about sustain OR if you are bot and your support has a heal for you.

You go boots pots for most other none jungle situations.

If you go dorans top or mid first, that means you are looking to get a kill lvls 1 -5

If you go top as teemo with a dblade and youre against a pantheon, thats 475g that wont help you.

Buy for the matchup.
I think I'd agree with pretty much all of this. If I'm especially worried about dodging skill shots from who I'm laning against, that's another reason I pick shoes.

I actually saw a solo top teemo get the health regen thing first, and build it into philosopher's stone. It worked for him but I really didn't expect to see that...


thanks for the tips blizzard
I think I knew the majority of the stuff (I should stop leveling my blind so early though) and I just have to play him more to get experience. I'm just scared to play him again because I had 2 really bad games in a row. lol


Just to clarify doran items or boots pots as starting items.

You go dorans ring/blade if the matchup is in your favor and want to swing it even more so and you don't worry about sustain OR if you are bot and your support has a heal for you.

You go boots pots for most other none jungle situations.

If you go dorans top or mid first, that means you are looking to get a kill lvls 1 -5

If you go top as teemo with a dblade and youre against a pantheon, thats 475g that wont help you.

Buy for the matchup.

Ya I never go dorans blade starting unless I know I have a support that can heal me. Dorans doesn't have enough to sustain you, and if you take damage you're screwed. It's a big risk that you only take if you purposely counter picked.


I am not sure I have ever seen 39 kills from one champion in a 50-minute PVP game. O_O; I would have been so bitter if I had been that Twitch, losing the game after a performance like that.

It happens surprisingly often. You should see some of the scores posted on reddit. Other times they have >30 deaths and still gets a win.


thanks for the tips blizzard
I think I knew the majority of the stuff (I should stop leveling my blind so early though) and I just have to play him more to get experience. I'm just scared to play him again because I had 2 really bad games in a row. lol
Yeah, don't give up after bad games. If you feel it's a bad matchup and you are pushed back to your tower, I guess one thing that could help is practicing last-hitting under the tower. That's something I am REALLY bad at, but it could probably help in some situations. Basically even if you aren't doing well in your lane, as long as you play it safe and don't feed, you can still become decent later on (by farming at the turret, farming once the turret is gone, etc.). Mushrooms are important for vision, just don't go roaming if there are 4 mia at the moment, normal stuff like that.


Ya I never go dorans blade starting unless I know I have a support that can heal me. Dorans doesn't have enough to sustain you, and if you take damage you're screwed. It's a big risk that you only take if you purposely counter picked.

good call
I've been getting dorans blade first which is probably why I have such a problem with getting pushed off my creeps in the beginning (fuck you caitlyn). I'll try boots and pots next time


sparkle this bitch
Yeah, I need to get GP5 runes, too. money money money
Bullshit. I shall continue to fight every carry in the bottom lane for last hits with my support.

I actually saw a solo top teemo get the health regen thing first, and build it into philosopher's stone. It worked for him but I really didn't expect to see that...

If you are top and use Mana. That should be your first item regardless. Even on Teemo it works out well since your goal is to sustain farm. Health Regen, and in a quick 350g, Mana and GPS is the best you can do.

Doran items aren't bad, but unless you know who you are up against and how good your team is. Always take survival over it.
Core items

Boots + 3 Pots, works for anyone.
Mana Crystal + 2 Pots. Characters who want to rush the Catalyst.
Reg Ped + 1 Pot. Characters who want to rush the Philosopher stone
Cloth Armour + 5 pots. People who aren't planning on leaving that lane, going for the GP5 + Health instead.


I am not sure I have ever seen 39 kills from one champion in a 50-minute PVP game. O_O; I would have been so bitter if I had been that Twitch, losing the game after a performance like that.

Yeah I'm sure he was pissed, his entire team sucked and was carrying them pretty hard. It was funny seeing that Ez talk crap in the midgame because they had pushed half our towers easily even though he contributed nothing positive to his team.

Once I convinced people to group up with me after buying oracles Twitch couldnt pick us off one by one anymore.


Ya I never go dorans blade starting unless I know I have a support that can heal me. Dorans doesn't have enough to sustain you, and if you take damage you're screwed. It's a big risk that you only take if you purposely counter picked.

Speak for yourself Tristana Doran's bot has almost always resulted in first blood. B|
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