For those of you who are interested I have an interview with Dan Dinh after the match at SXSW that will be going up sometime tonight or tomorrow.
haha there are LoL matches at SXSW?
For those of you who are interested I have an interview with Dan Dinh after the match at SXSW that will be going up sometime tonight or tomorrow.
We need to get some killer GAF combos going like
We all play like we're drunk, does that count?Will GAF ever be interested in a dunk team?![]()
Will GAF ever be interested in a dunk team?![]()
Like I'd have a choice when I've played plenty in one region and want to migrate to another. >_>I despise smurfs so no.
Rumble says sup?You know... fiora really fucks up top laners. That or everyone I lane against is tarded.
Rumble says sup?
So... how do you adapt to a support who doesn't honor your lane control? And second, how do you catch up if you're behind and teammates take all of the farm? Is the answer just to ward the jungle better and farm there? Is the answer not to ever play Twitch?
M5 was just masterful to watch in the first game of the finals. That roam gank was some scary stuff.
My elo took a huge dive.![]()
You know... fiora really fucks up top laners. That or everyone I lane against is tarded.
Well, Twitch is kinda in a bad spot (although I here he's a top ban in Asia, so maybe we just don't know how to play him). But in this case, I would have just picked up some GP5 items and then roamed to other lanes with the jungler for 3-man ganks.
No matter who you are, coming back from going 0/4 is going to be tough.
I want to climb the ELO ladder again but I feel like i'm too bad to play ranked anymore since I can't play everyday. Last hitting seemed really hard to me after only 3 days of not playing![]()
Rumble says sup?
Rumble says sup?
Well, Twitch is kinda in a bad spot (although I here he's a top ban in Asia, so maybe we just don't know how to play him). But in this case, I would have just picked up some GP5 items and then roamed to other lanes with the jungler for 3-man ganks.
No matter who you are, coming back from going 0/4 is going to be tough.
Surprisingly...I don't find it troubling to find Rumbles anymore. Maybe they are just cocky, maybe iI'm facing back Rumbles, but it seems that I've never lost a lane top against Rumble in the past few months, in the rare case that I see a Rumble.
Rumble can no kite fiora!
Will GAF ever be interested in a dunk team?![]()
Gets boring very fast.I want to experience 500 elo but I don't want to level another account up![]()
It was my curse for joining your team.Had the worst night of my life on LoL tonight. I dont know what kept happening... if it was just pick on telaso night, or evil aliens sucked out my powers to play against Looney Toons or what, but it was just bad....
Maybe you didn't stun him? Ragnarok and stuff.Also Olaf's lightning bolt is so weird, it felt like I got hit by it WHILE Olaf was stunned.
Who are you jungling as lately? I've been testing Mundo out and even when I do kind of bad things go surprisingly well.I'm finally learning how to counter-jungle and man is it effective. I've been able to out-level the other jungler by a few levels by end of game and stealing buffs under their nose is such a thrill.
It's fiora's first free week, which mean it's Yorick week for me.
So much QQ about her on the forums, I'm scared she'll be nerfed![]()
Six Tiamats.What's a good ultra-pro Fiora build?
What's a good serious ultra-pro build for Fiora? :'(
What you say translates to "Riven build" in my head, but for that I'd be taking brutalizer instead of wriggles.
Who are you jungling as lately? I've been testing Mundo out and even when I do kind of bad things go surprisingly well.
What's a good serious ultra-pro build for Fiora? :'(
I really wish there was a MR/AD equal to Atmas's. Hexdrinker just does not cut it.