For top lane:
Summoners- Flash/Ignite.
Skill Order- W->Q->E R>Q>E>W
Runes: AD quints, ARpen reds, MR scaling blues, flat armor yellows
Masteries: Usual AD stuff. Get 9 in defensive, get the health boost.
Items: (don't get latern when top laning with her, just buy wards)
-Start with boots/pots.
-When you go back snag a doran (or two if you can afford).
-Boots into merc treads or ninja tabi mattering on your toplane matchup (and overall opponent composition). Though you wanna dominate top, so think about counterign who you're up against.
-Vamp Scepter.
-BF sword->IE
From here you need to prioritize these 3 items:
-Finishing Bloodthirster
-Last Whisper
-Guardian Angel.
If you're dominating a bloodthirster is a good pick. If they're stacking armor get your whisper. Getting guardian first of these might not be a good pick, but you never know.
After those sell your brutalizer and get a situational item.
For Jungle:
Pretty much the same thing, except get a wriggles first instead of dorans.
Your laning should go like this:
Play passive until lvl 3. You can't do anything until you got all 3 of those. At this point try to get them to push the lane. Fiora last hits under tower very very well due to her W's AD, plus any doran blades you picked up. If your opponent is even the least bit squishy or not a hard counter (panth, olaf, irelia), you wanna start to harass. Stay behind your creep wave and try to bait them to use their skills (riven using her dash, or gp his parley whatever) so when you do harass you don't get traded as hard. Activate your E, use your Q to dash in on them and start autoing them, hit W if they go to auto attack. If they run chase with your remaining Q. After your E's attack speed has worn off, run away. The movement bonus you get from it should let you get away safely. At lvl 6 you wanna try and secure a kill with your ult. Hopefully you've gotton them low from your harass at this point, go in for one final harass+ult.
As for her ult, NEVER NEVER NEVER lead the fight with it. Always use it to finish an enemy off, tower dive them, or to heal yourself up/Avoid Damage.
If you manage to get a kill early game, you're going to snowball hard. If you get first blood you've pretty much secured the lane unless they start hard countering.
Helpful hints.
-Exhaust is your enemy. Never use your ult if you've been exhausted.
-Ninja tabi is your enemy. An opponent with ninja tabi is a big big big reduction to your damage.
-Any character with blocking abilities (fiora, panth, jax). They can block the first (and biggest damaging hit) of your ult. Try to use your ult when they're unable to block it (their ability on cooldown).
-Pick your fights carefully. In team fights always hang back far away from the action. Your Q can get you into the fight very quick, but you don't wanna be near the fight during the first initiation. Let people trade a few blows then go in.