Visage is a good early game counter to magic burst - it seems like he was having problems against Kassadin - visage would help. But sure, visage has no place in a 5 item build.vlad with spirit visage? wut?
Wota is already enough. Vlad is the strongest 5ap item champ in the game because of his passive. Spirit visage is a waste of an item slot.
You hardly seem to notice in normal games because you care less about normal games. It's impossible to avoid dcs, people can have bad connections - thats unavoidable. Everything else on the list is unavoidable too, but it happens less in higher elo, mostly because the people who are likely to troll/grief, afk on purpose, rage quit etc drag their elo down. Yes, its sad that you have so many disconnects, but we know low elo sucks - you should drag yourself out, if you can.Wow, even Ferga's super high ELO has it -- are ranked games truly worse than normal games? I hardly ever seem to notice people quitting in normal games, but literally 50% of ranked games seem to have at least one person AFK in lobby, AFK in spawn, disconnecting for 5 minutes, griefing/trolling, ragequitting, or some variant of the above.
Like, I understand if you don't have time or whatever, but can't all these people play NON-ranked games? It's ridiculous how it's literally almost every game some times. I think 3+ of my ranked losses last night had 1-2 afk or disconnected people on my team.