Don't really like his passive. Kayle used to have a very similar passive long time ago (only procced by people dying near her), and it was complete garbage.Q: Line skillshot that increases in range as you hold the button down. You can move while it is held down but you are slowed by 20%. The scaling on the max hold one is about 150% total ad + a small base ammount. Range at max hold is around 1100 units (That's what the guy who created him said)
W: Passive: Gains small amounts of magic damage on every attack. At max rank I think it's 30 damage. Everytime you hit an enemy with an autoattack it applies a debuff to them that triggers when hit by another of Varrus's abilities doing a % of their health. 5% at max rank.
E: A medium to long range small aoe like Make It Rain. It's damage is dealt upfront and it slows by a small percent (~30-40%) and leaves behind a field that applies the Grievious Wounds ability.
R: Long range skillshot that does about as much damage as Ashe Arrow. If it hits an enemy champion it snares them for 2 seconds. If there is another enemy within a small range (Dev said it was ~400 range) it will start moving towards them. If it reaches them they are then inflicted by the same debuff that the original target took and take the same damage. It will chain off that target to new targets until there are no valid targets for it to hit.
Passive: When you kill a minion you gain 20% attack speed. When you kill a champion it's a 40% attack speed increase for 6 seconds.
Some peeps from PAX managed to try out Varrus (the new AD- carry) and put out some details in reddit:
Don't really like his passive. Kayle used to have a very similar passive long time ago, and it was complete garbage.
Wow dignitas' new support team is digustingly strong
I want to see video of that. It sounds entertaining.That was absolutely insane. Mundo passive regen + heal from taric + heal for Soraka + Ult + lulu's shield + lulu ulti.
Just ridiculous.
Some peeps from PAX managed to try out Varrus (the new AD- carry) and put out some details in reddit:
Don't really like his passive. Kayle used to have a very similar passive long time ago (only procced by people dying near her), and it was complete garbage.
That was absolutely insane. Mundo passive regen + heal from taric + heal for Soraka + Ult + lulu's shield + lulu ulti.
Just ridiculous.
Which match was it?
The new ad carry's skills:
I need to get this guy. Sivir just got too weak compared to other carries now and I hate how trist pushes lanes. I think i'm going to make ad my main when this guy comes out for a while.
second and third match from the CLG vs Dignitas bracket.
Atma's Impaler now grants Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health, down from 2%.
Existing Champion Changes
Base Health increased to 530, up from 510.
Base Armor increased to 20, up from 17.
Monsoon now costs 150/225/300 Mana, down from 200/275/350 Mana.
Divine Blessing now increases movement speed by 18/21/24/27/30% for 3 seconds, up from 15/17/19/21/23% for 2.5 seconds.
Divine Blessing now heals for 60/105/150/195/240, up from 45/85/125/165/205.
Divine Blessing now costs 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, up from 60/65/70/75/80 Mana.
Command: Attack now costs 50 Mana at all levels instead of 50/55/60/65/70 Mana.
Arctic Assault now costs 70/75/80/85/90 Mana, down from 70/80/90/100/110 Mana.
Ravenous Flock now costs an extra 5/6/7 Mana each second to sustain, down from 5/7/9 Mana.
Hexplosive Minefield now slows enemies for 1.5 seconds, down from 2 seconds.
Chronoshift now costs 125/150/175 Mana, down from 200 Mana at all ranks.
Time Warp now costs 80 Mana, down from 100 Mana.
Item Changes
Atma's Impaler now grants Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health, down from 2%.
Doran's Blade now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health.
Doran's Ring now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health.
Hexdrinker shield effect now lasts 5 seconds, up from 3 seconds.
Wit's End now has a 2150 Item Cost and 700 Recipe Cost. Up from 2000 Item Cost and 550 Recipe Cost.
Oh god doran's nerf
Wow dignitas' new support team is digustingly strong
So Atma's getting nerfed?
Just watched the replay. Any other games from yesterday worth watching?
Win 9 games in a row
Play with GAF
Lose 3 in a row
Leave GAF channelWin 9 games in a row
Play with GAF
Lose 3 in a row
Leave GAF channel
Play alone
That's what I did.
Also, I just won one.
I predict people will stop using dorans much if that nerf has a significant effect.
The mana change to Orianna's Q sounds good to me!
I predict people will stop using dorans much if that nerf has a significant effect.
Arctic Assault now costs 70/75/80/85/90 Mana, down from 70/80/90/100/110 Mana.
Which champions are good for solo queue normal? I've been using Shen a bit but I've been told he's not very good unless the team is coordinated.
Shen is really annoying to play in Solo Queue. Everyone thinks that you should always save them, all the time. The guy invading their jungle getting into a 1v3 fight? Yeah, it's your fault he died. The guy who chases someone past their turrets and dies in their base? Yep, your fault he died.
Yeah, that's kind of why I don't want to play Shen in solo q.
What's a good jungler at low levels (without any runes)?
Yeah, that's kind of why I don't want to play Shen in solo q.
What's a good jungler at low levels (without any runes)?
Shyvana, Nunu, Udyr, Master Yi
Shaco. Solo queue terror.
You only need full runes/masteries because the guides assume you're playing against other level 30 summoners.I tried him out too but a lot of guides seem to rely on full masteries and full rune pages, so I'm having to recall a lot early on as I'm only level 13ish.
Oh my. That was intense.
You only need full runes/masteries because the guides assume you're playing against other level 30 summoners.
That and they clear a bit faster.I see.
Watching streams, I see that junglers move around a lot when attacking mobs. Does that lessen how many hits they take versus just standing still and attacking?
Newest Patch:
Doran's Blade now grants +80 Health, down from +100 Health.
Damage increased to 10 from 9.
Fixed a bug where it was providing an unintended effect. (It was giving 1 gold per 10)
Cost increased to 475 gold from 435.
Damage increased to 9 from 8.
Increased the damage granted to 8 from 6.
Health reduced to 100 from 120.
Life steal reduced to 3% from 4%.
V1.0.0.70: Remade.
120 health.
6 attack damage.
4% lifesteal.
Now sells back for 50% gold from 70%.
Updated tooltip.
Gold per 10 sec reduced to 1 from 2.
July 10, 2009 Patch:
Removed attack speed bonus.
Added +2 gold per 10 sec.
May 15, 2009 Patch:
Health reduced to 130 from 150.
Cost reduced to 435 gold from 475.
May 9, 2009 Patch: Added
Doran's Blade:
Cost: 475 gold
+150 health
+6 damage
+? attack speed