I used to have that problem when ganking with udyr. The trick is to treat yourself like a skillshot and run behind them, rather than right clicking on them with bear stance from far away. Right click means you end up running in a curve, rather than a straight line.I was told to basically never get Q and never use it with Udyr, so who knows. Without movespeed quints my biggest problem seems to be that even with E, my movespeed stays like 390 so I can't catch people to stun when ganking.
Tiger udyr is for ganking and counter jungling. If you like tiger, you should become proficient in those areas... Phoenix at 1 seems a little pointless because after a few levels it becomes weeker than tiger and so you've basically lost a level so you can clear faster at level 1/2? Heres an early game clear tip with tiger - activate tiger, the proc will stay on indefinitely. Hit the target, then activate tiger again, giving you tiger proc x 2. This can be done while walking to the next campWith Udyr I've been torn between greatly preferring tiger stance for ganks/counter jungling but disliking the weak jungle clear speed pre wriggles. I've settled on starting phoenix at 1, but then getting tiger at 3 or 4 and going full tiger stance from there. It works really well imo, I've carried pretty hard since I've stared using it. Item wise I go boots 3 pots -> wriggles -> merc treads -> phage -> aegis -> frozen mallet -> whatever other tank items are needed to deal with whoever is carrying. I've been running it with 9/12/9 masteries and AD reds/quints, armor yellows and MR per level blues.
I was told to basically never get Q and never use it with Udyr, so who knows. Without movespeed quints my biggest problem seems to be that even with E, my movespeed stays like 390 so I can't catch people to stun when ganking.
Tiger udyr is for ganking and counter jungling. If you like tiger, you should become proficient in those areas... Phoenix at 1 seems a little pointless because after a few levels it becomes weeker than tiger and so you've basically lost a level so you can clear faster at level 1/2? Heres an early game clear tip with tiger - activate tiger, the proc will stay on indefinitely. Hit the target, then activate tiger again, giving you tiger proc x 2. This can be done while walking to the next camp
Phoenix clears jungle faster throughout the entire game and clears waves a ton faster. Tiger is only faster at killing buffs. Phoenix is less mana intensive and doesn't need Wriggles, allowing you to do many different builds right from the start.
You should try playing ranked, about half the games have at least one person either afk, ragequitting, disconnecting off and on, disconnected for 5+ minutes, etc.I can't believe there's still nothing being done about leavers. Something must be done because it is not fun to have 10-20% of the games you play ruined by a leaver. Compensation of some kind has to be given out for that shit. And I mean beyond bannings. Of course I want leavers prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but that still doesn't give me my 20-50 minutes back. Forgive the loss, buff minions, add a bot, do SOMETHING Riot. It's so stupid.
You should try playing ranked, about half the games have at least one person either afk, ragequitting, disconnecting off and on, disconnected for 5+ minutes, etc.
Well I guess it's nice that Hecarim has a charge mechanic.
I used to have that problem when ganking with udyr. The trick is to treat yourself like a skillshot and run behind them, rather than right clicking on them with bear stance from far away. Right click means you end up running in a curve, rather than a straight line.
Tiger udyr is for ganking and counter jungling. If you like tiger, you should become proficient in those areas... Phoenix at 1 seems a little pointless because after a few levels it becomes weeker than tiger and so you've basically lost a level so you can clear faster at level 1/2? Heres an early game clear tip with tiger - activate tiger, the proc will stay on indefinitely. Hit the target, then activate tiger again, giving you tiger proc x 2. This can be done while walking to the next camp
No, I think this has been happening since 1000 elo or whatnot. It's 700 now.900 elo something something
I know how to use tiger stance lol wtf. Clearing faster at level 1-4 is a huge gain because it means you don't suck in the jungle before you get wriggles and can therefore clear quickly, gank earlier, build wriggles earlier for more power and come out ahead.
No, I think this has been happening since 1000 elo or whatnot. It's 700 now.
It's getting good -- my latest team had three people calling everyone "faggot", at least one people spewing racial stuff about black people, one person possibly intentionally feeding (walking into enemy team alone twice, like into a turret, and typing and <3 afterwards), and a 1/19 karthus who would basically do nothing but walk into an enemy each time he respawned to do nothing but die and use the ult.
best cheap character is kayle but no one knows how to play it properly.
she is fighter/tank/support with amazing farming and flank abilities.
I'm terrible, and I think getting a team with a chance of winning gets more random the lower you go.Why havent you carried yourself out yet
I'm terrible, and I think getting a team with a chance of winning gets more random the lower you go.
best cheap character is kayle but no one knows how to play it properly.
she is fighter/tank/support with amazing farming and flank abilities.
best cheap character is kayle but no one knows how to play it properly.
she is fighter/tank/support with amazing farming and flank abilities.
I've played enough games with you to know you're a good player. You're skilled. Your issue is being too afraid to commit to fights.
You guys were fighting about that, in-game, for like five minutes straight.Oh man the game last night....
I've played enough games with you to know you're a good player. You're skilled. Your issue is being too afraid to commit to fights.
apparently, i only play dominion now :O
You guys were fighting about that, in-game, for like five minutes straight.
I'm not sure beating you in lane is a huge accomplishment. I can be quite aggressive in lane and the jungle, often get first blood etc., if I feel I am comfortable with the situation, the wards, the champion matchup, and my champion.I vouch for this. The weird thing is, when Summons plays AGAINST me, in lane, he's super aggressive and makes my life hard. I guess I'm not intimidating enough.
But yeah, he generally does not have a good sense of when to engage and when not to engage.
I'm still lost as to why people wanted that skin so badly. There are a ton of better skin concepts than that on the Riot forums.
What's to hate about playboy bunnies?
Nothing. People on Reddit and stuff have pushed to have that skin for a long time, I just never understood why since there are plenty of other skin concepts that are far better than that.