Feels good
haha roy...anyways that was a KS varus y0...nah j/k that champs is very mixed bags right now. I beat a couple of varus's but your varus was on point
Feels good
Just fyi, I'm not usually that bad... I'm a little inebriated.
Feels good
This bo5 game in the OGN series is brilliant. Blind pick. Both teams picking Shen and Graves.
It's a replay of the semi final.
3 games, 3 wins.
Sometimes, the perfect LoL evening happens...
First game, I was Cho'gath top against Yorick because yaddayaddacounter and, thanks to some good lane synergies and an excellent performance of our first-time-picked-after-buying Varus, won hard.
Second game, had one of the first picks and picked Yorick. The enemy team picks Cho'gath and I'm expecting to suffer like my opponent of the previous match. Nope, me and Mundo wrecked the fat zerg without problems. Bot lane was Miss Fortune (us) vs Varus (them), but our carry dominated the opponent. Good.
Third game was ranked, picked Malazhar against Anivia mid. Boring farming lane, with failed ganks from their Warwick and Anivia who hugged the tower like her favorite teddy bear. Then the game started getting more dynamic with roaming ganks everywhere, a couple of barons in our favor, the Varus on our team with TONS OF DAMAGE and a Nasus who farmed his Q against Yorick for around 30 minutes, and had +430 damage on it.
Then there are evenings where everything goes pear shaped, and I have to struggle to avoid raging hard on Teamspeak...![]()
Also, who's gonna play d3
Also, who's gonna play d3
Guild Wars 2 all day e'eryday*
Also, who's gonna play d3
You bastard, I've got all your shit teams; 3 games 3 loses guaranteed before 10 minutes in. Including the Varus/Fi bot lane where at 7:30 Varus had 4 deaths and 4 kills.... of minions. Yep 4 cs at 7:30 with 4 deaths. It's bad beyond rational explanation.
Guild Wars 2 all day e'eryday
I'm shivering with withdrawls too.. but doesn't mean you can't have D3 to tide you over.
that's what I am doing basically, Diablo 3 until GW2
All base skills are available at level 30.
Real game starts at inferno.
GW2 is on the extreme side of skill progression - to a fault. Lacked the satisfaction of getting new kewl skills as you level.
All base skills are available at level 30.
Real game starts at inferno.
GW2 is on the extreme side of skill progression - to a fault. Lacked the satisfaction of getting new kewl skills as you level.
I know that.
But traits aren't as powerful as new skills
And utility bar skills arent as cool as your normal offensive skills.
I don't deny that GW2 has customisation. So sure, they made your character.
But as level up incentives, they're not as powerful as a new skill.
Also I'd like to point out that you still have to level up to get your traits and utilities and yet "GW2 has spoiled me" (regarding leveling up to get skills) HA.
Except youre a better gamer than that - "because this skill is newer, it must be better". Are you really going to stick with that logic? come on son.
So guys, how about that League of Legends, it's pretty cool eh? Eh? Eh?
I have like 10000 IP now, so I'm rapidly becoming a J Rizzle. "I'm so rich, what on earth do I buy?!"
So guys, how about that League of Legends, it's pretty cool eh? Eh? Eh?
I have like 10000 IP now, so I'm rapidly becoming a J Rizzle. "I'm so rich, what on earth do I buy?!"
I just grabbed Cass. She does WAY too much damage, holy fuck. You can dish out 2000 damage in two seconds flat if you hit all four of you shots. Then she has good sustain damage too. I'll need to get used to her early game, but her late game is just easy as hell.
I've always wanted to use Cass ugly.![]()
Shut your mouth, she's sexy.
I've always wanted to use Cass ugly.![]()
If you think Cass is ugly, please don't ever play Urgot.
I play Battlecast Urgot.
Also, who's gonna play d3
I've been playing non-stop Lee Sin, Tryndamere, Vayne, and Yorick in anticipation.
I've been playing non-stop Lee Sin, Tryndamere, Vayne, and Yorick in anticipation.
Malphite jungle I assume? A malphite jungle had the first 5 kills in a recent ranked game for me I think. It was great since he was like "Bait Shaco, he'll come", so I walked forwards as 1/3 HP kat, kind of pushing the abandoned mid tower. Shaco showed up out of the jungle, maybe ulted, chased me towards the river bush, and promptly got double ulted or whatever, lol.I just had a masterful ranked game as Maliphite. I somehow ended up starting the game with the first eight kills. That's right 8-0 start. I didn't even gank until about lvl 5. One kill top, double kill bot (w/ ult), free dragon, up to a kill mid. On my first back I bought two gp/10 and a glacial shroud. Feels good mang.
More like, your lack of IP purchasing, heyoooo!Oh shit people salty over my IP purchasing?!
Who the hell buys IP??More like, your lack of IP purchasing, heyoooo!
Who the hell buys IP??