I wish they added an optional way to tie your champions with masteries and runes, so you can skip doing it manually every match if you want. I keep forgetting which masteries pages I have...20 Mastery Pagees on PBE.
I wish they added an optional way to tie your champions with masteries and runes, so you can skip doing it manually every match if you want. I keep forgetting which masteries pages I have...
Not saying you shouldn't be able to change it in champion selection, just that it sets itself up automatically, maybe saving the last rune/masteries/spells combination you used with that champ or something.Except you can have multiple mastery pages for the same champion to help against certain matchups.
Phage first, then pick up the rest of the Triforce. Guardian Angel, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Randuin's stuff like that. Some kind of defensive boots situationally based on enemy team comp.What do you guys build on Jayce?
Triforce? BT? I have no idea.
Brutalizer builds into nothing that Jayce wants, so you're only setting yourself back with it.If you're doing well in lane, I like Brutalizer before starting the Triforce. But, otherwise, it's basically a Triforce/GA/BT/LW build.
"I play Trinity Force as a jungler".P.S. Start submitting OT names. This should be done by tonight
It got scrapped and turned into Dominion... The joke's on youOT3 of still waiting for Magma Chamber
Brutalizer builds into nothing that Jayce wants, so you're only setting yourself back with it.
SF as in Street Fighter or San Francisco?P.P.S. Do we have SF GAF in here?
I just largely see it as a gold sink that sets you back. I don't build CDR or find a high demand for it on Jayce. Instead of a Brutalizer you're probably better off buying two Doran's Blades.It's a cheap source of AD, CDR, and ArPen to keep the lane yours. It's not a terrible item for what it does, especially if you're already ahead. This is in reference to being able to skip the early 2x Doran's for a Brutalizer, not for Doran's -> Brutalizer -> Triforce. Just quoting my own experience with him as well as what some of the 2k+ elo players run off early leads with him.
Though, I really do wish there were better AD CDR options besides Youmuu/Brutalizer. It's a really good stat for many ADs like Jayce.
I just largely see it as a gold sink that sets you back. I don't build CDR or find a high demand for it on Jayce. Instead of a Brutalizer you're probably better off buying two Doran's Blades.
SF as in Street Fighter or San Francisco?
Got my vote.|OT3| Crs Cop: Soda cop
|OT3| Crs Cop: Soda cop
Who is
P.S. Start submitting OT names. This should be done by tonight
P.P.S. Do we have SF GAF in here?
I like this one.|OT3| Crs Cop: Soda cop
|OT3| Crs Cop: Soda cop
In case you guys were not aware there is a TSM tournament going on right now, and they're fighting Azingy's team.
So apparently the SEA Regionals just started.
I'm actually not sure, I retuned in just as the game started.So many streams to be watching oh god.
Wait, best of 1?
Seems like a normal Ez build.They don't seem to like IE. Ez had TF, LW and BT. Vayne was going for BT and 2 PDs. Some pretty good moves by Vayne, like the triple kill on the bottom tower defense, plus the tumble dodge against Blitz pull.
Thailand vs Philippines up next.
Annie, Ryze, and Sivir if you're looking for cheap ranged champs. Jax and Alistar if you're looking for something melee based. Just keep trying out free week champions for the most part.Just getting into this game now. Any recommended champions for a beginner to try out?
So far, I've had a lot of fun with Caitlyn and especially Teemo. They tend to keep a safe distance with some defensive attacks (easier for newbies like myself, but I want to try other play styles).
Annie, Ryze, and Sivir if you're looking for cheap ranged champs. Jax and Alistar if you're looking for something melee based. Just keep trying out free week champions for the most part.
So many streams to be watching oh god.
|OT3| Joined for the moba, stayed for the Waifu(s)
Skins win games.
|OT3| Game Over
insert particle effects for Sona
Snägäri.But Sona never dies
Inskipp (4:03): what the hell is pgo
Inskipp (4:03): pho*