Level 2 ganks galore.I don't know how people can play Jungle Pantheon.
Level 2 ganks galore.I don't know how people can play Jungle Pantheon.
Level 2 ganks galore.
That's a fair point, he is pretty reliant on heavy snowballing.That's nice and all but a few other junglers also have some good level 2 ganks with the added advantage of staying relevant later.
I don't know how people can play Jungle Pantheon.
Phage first, then pick up the rest of the Triforce. Guardian Angel, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Randuin's stuff like that. Some kind of defensive boots situationally based on enemy team comp.
I vote for this.|OT3| Kiunch is a vegetarian
The world must know
wag lng papitas indeed, Darius. Indeed.
I hope that's not something horrible in some other language somewhere
I would be fine with damage, but the range already feels really long sometimes. I thought that got buffed a while ago actually.I want turrets to have increased damage and increased range because turret dives at level 5 is ridiculous and highlights how pointless the current turrets are.
I would be fine with damage, but the range already feels really long sometimes. I thought that got buffed a while ago actually.
Never play DOTA.The amount of times where an enemy gets to dive and leave with 1 HP because the turret decides to switch back to a minion at the last second is too much.
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OT3 | Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give me a leash or I won't gank for you.
Too long perhaps?
Nice, I love shutting up people like that. I've never managed to steal Baron with Lux's laser. I've done it with her E a couple times but wither her laser I'm always a little early or a little late...Holy waffles what an excellent match. The scores make it look like we steamrolled. IT WAS NOT.
Early game Sion got fed CRAZY and was becoming unstoppable. I think the score was already 10-20 for us. We just kept losing until all our inhibs were down, compared to ONE tower we took. He kept trashtalking, saying we were really delicious.
We kept playing extremely defensively. Every teamfight at our base could have been our end if it went badly. I tried to steal Baron but failed. Somehow we managed to keep winning teamfights, usually 4-2 in our favor. Getting the inhibs up took forever, because one of them kept going down. Alistar and Blitz blew much of their gold for wards which helped SO MUCH. Our jungle was this lit up.
I tried to steal the next Baron and SUCCESS. I was nervously timing it because Jarvan placed an outer ward, and they could just pull/flash out to kill me. We retreated and had to ace two more times before we had enough time to push to victory. They were THAT pushed. I've bought 5 elixirs in the game because every fight could've been the last. We threw our ignite, exhaust and grievous wound and went apeshit on Sion. I was kiting like mad. I'm so glad I picked Lux this time, since it stops Sion from getting to me. Alistar, Blitz and Darius kept them really busy.
It was so sweet to rub it in on Sion and Zigg's faces.
Seriously though don't run Clarity.
I'm so lonely in here