Elise hardcounters Jax?
Generally speaking, not really. He was either just bad or didn't know how to play vs Elise. He let me zone him from csing / minions entirely and I just killed them all whenever Maokai or Kassadin roamed up for a gank. Hell, me and Merc dived them into their base just trying to kill someone for a blue buff out of boredom (and because we wanted blue buff damn).
"DW guys i'm a 2000elo smurf"
I don't think anyone who's 2000+ and smurfs actually says things like this.
See enemy taking baron? Better b and buy a dagger
Honestly, Baron timing is the biggest thing we need to work on for GAF games. Too many times we're dancing around Baron and then three people go back simultaneously or two people show bot for 5 cs or something.
Also the learning doesn't end at level 30, far from it.
Far far far from it. Lol.
Always got more to learn. Always.
Honestly, most the learning is done at 30. Games just play out differently. Then you get to relearn things every Elo bracket, basically.