How do you play Rengar these days? I bought him a while ago, and have used him only once. Do people still play him AP or did that get nerfed? I'm assuming tanky/ADish, using bushes often? I'd like to try him out, but I think the one game I played with him went horribly (Dominion). Or is he just a bad choice now after the nerfs?
I don't think they're too bad. He steals movespeed and his slow lasts fairly long, even if it isn't huge to start out.Tried jungle Malph for a bit. His pre-6 ganks are pretty shit but I like his jungle clearing, and he feels pretty safe. Post-6 he's naturally godly, so that's good too.
You say this like it's a bad thing.He requires double GP5 items, though, tried him with Mandred's Razors and felt like a waste.
I'm giving DotA 2 more chances now. At hero level, I don't see how they're supposed to be more complicated. Aside from exceptions like Meepo, Night Stalker and Invoker, skill design is pretty much the same. Some heroes seem to be even less complicated because of how many passive skills they have. Ashe feels like a much more active Drow Ranger. Sniper is like a simpler combination of MF, Tristana and Cait.
The skill ceiling is definitely higher, but having so many aspects relegated to RNG hurts it competitiveness. LoL is slowly removing those (dodge, Randuin/Warden next).
To those who played the game more often, which heroes are closest to Vayne, Lee Sin and Ezreal?
The slow has a pretty short range and all your attacks are melee with no gap closer except your ult, so basically all you can do is slow the guy down and have the other player kill him. I guess that's the same for Skarner, though, and he's still pretty great.I don't think they're too bad. He steals movespeed and his slow lasts fairly long, even if it isn't huge to start out.
Yeah, I dunno, since they're gonna take out the HoG, I feel he may be in a bad spot because of that. Or maybe not. I'm confused.You say this like it's a bad thing.
You steal the movespeed so not only do they move slow but you should move fast enough to keep up or catch them. I dunno, I don't find it too hard to stick to people as Malphite.The slow has a pretty short range and all your attacks are melee with no gap closer except your ult, so basically all you can do is slow the guy down and have the other player kill him. I guess that's the same for Skarner, though, and he's still pretty great.
It's not as though he needs HoG or is reliant on it. Malphite players will just build other things. I don't think he's the best jungler or anything, and it'll probably be harder for him after the patch, but he'll be okay.Yeah, I dunno, since they're gonna take out the HoG, I feel he may be in a bad spot because of that. Or maybe not. I'm confused.
Ignore madreds, it's pretty bad. I'd suggest an abyssal scepter.
FM = frozen malletDitch Madred.
Get Mallet instead of Warmog.
If you get Warmogs, you shouldn't save it for last.
Madreds is really expensive for what it does. You're better off with a wits end unless you have way more gold than you can spend.on shyv? Why? it gives armor and attack speed while turning her Q into a mini-DFG; seems perfect for her.
abyssal scepter does have some sexy MR though....
FM = frozen mallet
my thinking is that since shyv has higher HP per level by default; i dont need an early warmogs and only get it at endgame to maintain shyv's natural advantage as the giant damage starts to fly around.
But im not that attached to it; i've also been considering randuins omen since it has a nice advanced level component; while with warmogs the only useful stepping stone that feels worth a slot is giants belt.
It was supposed to be an anti-tank item, or a bruiser item, but it's incredibly flawed that way.on shyv? Why? it gives armor and attack speed while turning her Q into a mini-DFG; seems perfect for her.
on shyv? Why? it gives armor and attack speed while turning her Q into a mini-DFG; seems perfect for her.
abyssal scepter does have some sexy MR though....
FM = frozen mallet
my thinking is that since shyv has higher HP per level by default; i dont need an early warmogs and only get it at endgame to maintain shyv's natural advantage as the giant damage starts to fly around.
But im not that attached to it; i've also been considering randuins omen since it has a nice advanced level component; while with warmogs the only useful stepping stone that feels worth a slot is giants belt.
I need someone to duo with = / ..All my friends quit playing.
Anyone mid 1300's want to try and push gold?
Q105. kaiser69andi: Thoughts on Heimerdinger?
Toyz: Probably works well with fast tower pushing strategy.
Toyz laying down the law on American teams forever being bad as long as they keep prioritizing streaming and making roster changes.
bind pls
Also, pre-level 30 tactics hitting the pro scene. Invictus Gaming just tried a no jungler comp against Moscow 5.
Toyz laying down the law on American teams forever being bad as long as they keep prioritizing streaming and making roster changes.
bind pls
Interesting how he says that he fears azubu blaze with reapered the most. Wonder if that's a little jab against their roster change. I know reapered is really good. Can't imagine this change is that good for them. But who knows.
How is the matchmaking for Draft Pick on Summoner's Rift? Still deciding how to spend my 6000ip looking for champions similar to Shyvana or should I try and get as many champs to get 16 so I could get in.
I still don't get why only American teams get shit for the roster changes. Azubu Blaze axed Reapered for Flame, Azubu Frost ditched Locodoco and had Woong change roles for Shy, SK and Fnatic have a revolving door of talent, WE changed rosters as recently as 1 month before the S2 championships, etc. I get the streaming part, but NA is no different than the other regions in terms of roster changes.
Also, pre-level 30 tactics hitting the pro scene. Invictus Gaming just tried a no jungler comp against Moscow 5.
Its pretty good. I enjoy draft pick modes be it ranked or normals. I only play blind pick if I'm practicing a particular champ and don't expect to be able to pick it every time.
Dat Gaf drama.
Dat Gaf drama.
Dat Gaf drama.
Damn everyone in the GAF group is level 30... I am only level 16.
on shyv? Why? it gives armor and attack speed while turning her Q into a mini-DFG; seems perfect for her.
we got no life.
It is expensive, built from stupid base items (there are better), and your damage is based on how much health your enemy had. If the enemy have a lot of health, more likely it is a tank stacking both armor and magic resist, the last guy you want to target. If you want to focus the enemy carry, the chance is they won't have enough health to make it any better than a wit's end (or any other ad item) that cost a lot less.
Well that is the max level so I get it. But i was kinda looking for someone to play with makes it easier than playing with randoms and rolling the dice.
hrmmm I will keep that in mind when I play again. I only have shyvana and Alistar.
Is the Not Gaf mumble server the right server? I used the info in the OP.
Might play some games later after dinner, plus I have my first win of the day bonus that should be available in like 2 hours.
It is, there is a section for GAF if you scroll down below.
shadowamlet is my name and i am in room two of LOL. Just waiting.
I miss you guys...
just ask in game chat if they want to play. if they do ask them to go on mumble when u are starting a game. waiting there wont' do you much good. You can always try to ask people who are already to see if they have room (esp if you only see if there are only 4 people).
Damn everyone in the GAF group is level 30... I am only level 16.
on shyv? Why? it gives armor and attack speed while turning her Q into a mini-DFG; seems perfect for her.
abyssal scepter does have some sexy MR though....
I don't play Shyv because I'm smart enough to play Mundo, but this seems like a terrible idea. Huge waste of stats on the Wand.Check your damage breakdown after a match, shyv's damage is usually split 50/50 down magic/physical. The abyssal scepter will give her MR for fights, and reduce their mr so your W and E do more damage... especially in dragonform in teamfights. It also boosts your wit's end damage.
Though if someone already has one, ignore my advice.
Is there any penalty for disconnecting? On a 9 game lose streak because at least one person on my team DCs within the first 5 minutes, the last 4 games of said streak ended up being 3v5. Game is starting to become unfun since I almost expect every game to involve stalling for 20 minutes and surrendering. :/
Is there any penalty for disconnecting? On a 9 game lose streak because at least one person on my team DCs within the first 5 minutes, the last four games of said streak ended up being 3v5. Game is starting to become unfun since I almost expect every game to involve stalling for 20 minutes and surrendering. :/