Looks like you can get Nocturne!
Bought a full MR page after our games last night lol. Down to 2500 IP and considering using it for Armor quints
Looks like you can get Nocturne!
Video game developmentThe other option, which makes me cry at night, is that you guys meant December 4th+ by next week.
In which case,![]()
Video game development
We still have a few unshippable bugs that need fixin'.
How's your spanish?Introduce me to your cousin![]()
Destiny Hiro and Punky Brüster
kayos90 and YLA Rex
SummonsInTrouble and soda cop
Destiny Hiro and Punky Brüster
kayos90 and YLA Rex
SummonsInTrouble and soda cop
We need relationship charts up.
I did one but I was the only one who did it in the last thread.
Every single time I've done kill lane with a friend (Leona + Pantheon) we always get some smartass telling us to fuck off or "there's no adc". It's really annoying that people play the game in only one fashion and that's to emulate "optimal" playstyles. Usually we dominate bot too, but lose because Mid or Top lose their lane.Yeah, that stuff kind of sucks. I dunno, for me it's more funny to get a reaction, but I only played one ranked game as Lulu top. People usually just don't like what isn't familiar because they know that works. Most of this is kind of a culture issue with the game where the same few champions always seem like they're picked.
Your skills are inferior.
We had one didn't we?
So many champs need both a splash art and an in-game model rework. I like the new LeBlanc splash art but she still looks like a mine in-game and Lux still looks like someone messed up her scale on the Y axis...Now Sivir needs a splash art overhaul. All of the skin art is terrible except for maybe PAX Sivir. It pains me to look at it everytime.
I did one but I was the only one who did it in the last thread.
Destiny Hiro and Punky Brüster
kayos90 and YLA Rex
SummonsInTrouble and soda cop
Everyone keep changing their avatar, so it will get harder. And people refuse to tell us their like/hate/play/ignore list.
rex's super relationship chart from the last thread: http://i.imgur.com/dhaUs.jpg
I am completely for basing the chart around australia
I'm not that mad at Punky Bruster, just a disagreement about a bad match. Despite how heated it might have seemed, at least it was civil and didn't delve into NERD RAGE with swearing and name calling. I'd rather play with him than kayos or scy.
Rex just drink a line to the gaffer he played with. That's.... too normal... too boring! Zero personality! Need more dark secret!
Now this is chart worthy! The drama is so heated I bet it crashed xcloser's TI-83.
Didn't pancake volunteered to do the chart =p?
rex's super relationship chart from the last thread: http://i.imgur.com/dhaUs.jpg
I am completely for basing the chart around australia
I don't care what IronStylus says! Get more mothers on the team stat!
it's a chart he made
I think the idea was to mesh everyone's version of the chart into a singular eye blinding chart
Nosh FUCKING HATES mothers
Destiny Hiro and Punky Brüster
kayos90 and YLA Rex
SummonsInTrouble and soda cop
Corgi just dodged to go to the bank to buy more skins. Corgi use credit card next time so you can buy the skin without leaving your house![]()
it's a chart he made
I think the idea was to mesh everyone's version of the chart into a singular eye blinding chart
Nosh FUCKING HATES mothers
Video game development
We still have a few unshippable bugs that need fixin'.
Now Sivir needs a splash art overhaul. All of the skin art is terrible except for maybe PAX Sivir. It pains me to look at it everytime.
Everyone keep changing their avatar, so it will get harder. And people refuse to tell us their like/hate/play/ignore list.
rex's super relationship chart from the last thread: http://i.imgur.com/dhaUs.jpg
the chart idea is going to end soooo well
I'd rather play with him than kayos or scy.
Decided to try jungle taric today ended with 5 wins 1 loss and it's so fun. Came back from a big deficit one game too and almost guaranteed first blood with a level 2 gank if bot is responsive.
Only problem is half the time the team will think you are trolling and leave.
We're off to a good start!
Didn't pancake volunteered to do the chart =p?
Was thinking of doing the same thing with Lux's skins, but I don't want to even click on them. UghhhI plan to buy the Legacy Sivir skin in the hope that it'll look amazing whenever she gets reworked.
Needs a key. What do these lines mean?!
Here is my relationship with lolgaf, well for everyone that I know on that pic.
Black lines for "play with often"
Green lines for "play with but not often"
Green and yellow for the sake of AusGAF.
From the last thread:
Chuu2 stinks...wait...am I in the League thread?@scy: watch chuu2. you'll like it. i promise.
Chuu2 stinks...wait...am I in the League thread?
Rough mock-up
Grey=Neutral experience or haven't played with
Green=Positive experience and try to invite
Red=Negative experiences and try to avoid
Back to studying!