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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Something that Boken didn't teach me: If you start Caitlyn's Q animation, even if you get stunned, it will finish. I think the same is true for Sona's ult.
Isn't that the case for 90% of the champs, since most skills don't require casting time, like Karthus' ult?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Something that Boken didn't teach me: If you start Caitlyn's Q animation, even if you get stunned, it will finish. I think the same is true for Sona's ult.

You sure? I can't count the number of times I've used Sona's ult, heard the audio for it. But nothing...


Sorry if old, would buy so hard.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Taric+Orianna my god, so fabulous.


Also, hello Nami.


Invisible Sona ult?

No, I hear the sound but die before it can be cast. It's pretty rare but annoying when it does happen.



Enemy team threw so hard.

They had Lee Sin roaming so Caitlyn was alone but bot still lost. Top got destroyed too because Lee Sin camped top for the first 10 minutes. After awhile Gragas got bored and left to pick up some kills from bot and top. About 15 minutes in they had 4 top and pushed down the inhib and then took Baron at 20 minutes. Middle inhibitor fell not too long later. Then 5~10 minutes of playing defensively. During one of the stand offs at mid I noticed Gragas was bot and just pinged to go in and we won and pushed down mid inhib. Some tried to do Baron and died, giving the enemy team baron. Next fight I don't really know why we went in but we just did and won lulz.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That's uh, an interesting name for Darius. Oh, and don't buy mob. boots on Kha'Zix Corgi.


doh but i spent all my ip on life steal quints zzz

Btw, if you guys have xbox live, you can watch IPL5 on the big screen!

So hyped. Every group has good matches. Impressive distribution, ign. (except group c perhaps)


Edit: I had the worst flash last night playing Maokai... I couldn't make up my mind whether or not to grab Nunu. :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=385ZB7mZiBM

I was trying to figure out why you needed a fail flash to begin with. I mean, he was right there anyway!

I take it games didn't go well after I went to sleep last night :(

hey scy teach me how to elise

I run Spell Pen Reds, Armor Yellows, Scaling MR Blues, and Spell Pen Quints. Masteries are a fairly typical 9/21/0 page. Skill order is QEQW, R>Q>W>E.

Item build is: Boots3 -> Haunting Guise + Sorc Shoes (whichever order you can afford) -> Frozen Heart | Rylai's | Abyssal (typically only get two, almost always FH + Rylai's in some order) -> GA.

Laning is to just "if you can Q them, Q them" basically, though you can play it safe until Level 3 if you want. Don't bother harassing with Human W at low levels honestly. Rank 1 is 75 Damage for 60 Mana so it's not cost effective to spam it compared to her Q (95+8% CurrentHP Damage/60 Mana by the time you have Rank 1 W). Just rely on her Q unless you're all-in on them or you have W Rank 2 (125 Damage/70 Mana) or 3 (175 Damage/80 Mana). Your goal in lane is to basically force them to use potions early and to make them cautious about going to cs due to how fast you can drop them to half health. Jungler showing up to scare them (if not outright ganking them) helps make them extra wary about being at half health as well.

Once they're below half, you can then try to do one of her all-in combos:

Starting Human: Land E, run towards them, W, Q before Spiderling hits, switch to Spider, Q in, W. When they flash out, Rappel after them, Q, switch to Human for another Q if needed.

Starting Spider: Basically, the same as above but without the stun opening. You'll use that at the end after you Rappel in.

Edit: Alternatively, starting Spider: Bait them to engage you, Q them, W and stick to them. When your Q has ~2 second cooldown left, Rappel up. They'll Flash out (quickly E them before they get out of range) or they'll stay. Wait out the Rappel and land for another Q and then switch to Human for a quick EQW+Ignite. Generally, this is how I deal with Jax or Jayce. I get them to want to trade with me and then I Rappel out of the Jax dodge or Jayce W and just beat them in a straight up trade by avoiding some of their damage.

I tend to do the Human one when stuck in the middle of lane or closer to their turret and the Spider one when under my turret, though it basically comes down to whether or not I feel confident that I can land my stun. Don't forget your safest spot to harass is beyond the minion wave. This way you can kite further away from the wave and then Rappel backwards for an easy escape; if you're behind your minion wave, you basically can only use Rappel for the two seconds of invulnerability and hope they move somewhere you can drop to. Also, Rappel has a 2 second duration so abuse that if you need to wait for a cooldown to score a kill when low on health.

Team fight stuff is I just Human form harass them as much as possible. Try to land a stun on someone in the front that we can engage on (e.g., their AP carry, someone who's low from all the poke damage) and then Rappel beyond their front line and onto their ADC. Typically just stay in spider form for this unless I need to kill someone immediately and my Spider Q is on cooldown (/they're kiting me). You're just squishier in Human form so not much reason to be in it unless you NEED human Human spells (e.g., stunning the ADC, need Human QW for an instant 500 damage burst).


I just realised why they are changing nami ult so much. It is so damn easy to flash over and make it completely useless.

If your lane relies on the ult's cc and it gets flashed, you are screwed if you chased and took a bit too much minion damage.

E.g. You are cait chasing a half hp mf. Your nami ults. MF sees it coming, flashes over it so that she is next to you and rapes your face as enemy minions help


I just realised why they are changing nami ult so much. It is so damn easy to flash over and make it completely useless.

If your lane relies on the ult's cc and it gets flashed, you are screwed if you chased and took a bit too much minion damage.

E.g. You are cait chasing a half hp mf. Your nami ults. MF sees it coming, flashes over it so that she is next to you and rapes your face as enemy minions help

I thought it was slightly wider than Flash range? Or close enough that the timing for it requires Flashing right before it hits you.

And if you need the ult to secure the kill (otherwise you die), then, yeah, I can imagine it sucking. Then again, MF flashes the ult, Nami E's Caitlyn (+Damage, Slow), lands the double heal from her W (Heal Cait, Damage MF, Heal Nami), and Exhausts + Q's MF.

If their ADC and the Support flash and counter engage, you're fucked probably!


I thought it was slightly wider than Flash range? Or close enough that the timing for it requires Flashing right before it hits you.

And if you need the ult to secure the kill (otherwise you die), then, yeah, I can imagine it sucking. Then again, MF flashes the ult, Nami E's Caitlyn (+Damage, Slow), lands the double heal from her W (Heal Cait, Damage MF, Heal Nami), and Exhausts + Q's MF.

If their ADC and the Support flash and counter engage, you're fucked probably!

Well if nami turns out to be like prenerf sona, at least I have an idea of playing against her


Well if nami turns out to be like prenerf sona, at least I have an idea of playing against her

The secret will be that me or bind need to make all future games. Ban Nami if purple, first pick Nami if blue. Then you won't have to worry about playing against her!

Honestly, I'm intrigued if that is how people play against her ult. If so, Mikael's gets a bit more valuable for this. Flash jukes the ult? Mikael's + Nami W + Summoner Heal = a lot of goddamn healing (at Level 10, ~650 HP + 7.5% maxHP assuming that Mikael's was used when you were at half). The ultimate Heal baits!

Not that you'll ever have Mikael's in lane while being faced with an ADC that will Flash juke the Nami ult. Or anyone will seriously all-in like that against such an absurd amount of healing potential.


So basically, ezreal will be really strong against nami.

Depends on the width of the wave, I guess. Shift should be the only ADC escape that could bypass it since the rest are considered dashes.

Honestly, the timing seems like it should be pretty rough. I can't imagine random Ezreal players to dodge it 100% of the time. And I'd imagine a good Nami to have enough presence of mind to watch for it and have her Q ready anyway.



I didn't even see that. Wonder if i ended up getting that cait

No :<

I was trying to figure out why you needed a fail flash to begin with. I mean, he was right there anyway!

I take it games didn't go well after I went to sleep last night :(

This was one of our last games Tuesday night. You are in the video! Last night, however, went swimmingly. Only played 1 game after you went to sleep and having been inspired by BEST LEONA USA, I went 2/0/16 as Leona, making all of the plays in bot lane.

The secret will be that me or bind need to make all future games. Ban Nami if purple, first pick Nami if blue. Then you won't have to worry about playing against her!

First pick is based on team color? Never knew/correlated!


This was one of our last games Tuesday night. You are in the video!

Oh shit, THAT game. I was awful (can see me miss an E at the start, how does that work?!). It was horrible.

Last night, however, went swimmingly. Only played 1 game after you went to sleep and having been inspired by BEST LEONA USA, I went 2/0/16 as Leona, making all of the plays in bot lane.

BEST LEONA USA, truly an inspiration to us all.

Actually, was probably the best person on that team if I recall, so it's not really all that sarcastic. All those ward kills she got!


Actually, was probably the best person on that team if I recall, so it's not really all that sarcastic. All those ward kills she got!

I didn't see the other lanes but yeah, she was super scary. I think we only won bot lane because she was over confident and thought I was a scrub support. :x Each engagement was still ridiculously close and she managed to shut Rex out the majority of each fight.

I learned a big tip for Leona players though. You can kill most any freshly placed ward by Auto, Q, Auto, BUT you have to right click to activate the second auto. The timer for your swing does a weird soft reset, such that if you don't right click, it will wait the full duration of your AA and you will miss the ward. I had to start stunning their Leona/placing wards 4 teemos away in order not to lose them. :<

Also, MS on Leona is a godsend and has forever changed my build for her... until S3 masteries :x


I didn't see the other lanes but yeah, she was super scary. I think we only won bot lane because she was over confident and thought I was a scrub support. :x Each engagement was still ridiculously close and she managed to shut Rex out the majority of each fight.

Put another way, I remember bot lane was Graves and Leona. I don't really remember anything special about their other lanes or jungler at all. I think it was Irelia, Mordekaiser, and Rengar? Sounds right. If so, Morde went like 1/6 in lane and Rengar I think just started suiciding at the end.

Also, we five man ganked bot a few times because I was allowed to roam and Kiunch teleported to wards because that's what he does.


Kha'zix is my favorite champ ... I hope they buff him a little bit.

They should make it so that if you're in the radius of the spike explosion for the heal then the mana cost for that spell is greatly reduced .... but make it cost more if you're just shooting it off for poke.

So easy getting away from people with Evolved Leap ... or getting in for surprise buttsexes.
NA LoL matchmaking at work. I dunno why Firefox won't upload pics to imgur anymore. It's always stuck to Pending.


Playing ADC without runes suck. So many instances where I try to last hit and end up leaving the minion with 5 ish HP who promptly dies to an ally minion. I must have missed a million CS this way.


Kha'zix is my favorite champ ... I hope they buff him a little bit.

They should make it so that if you're in the radius of the spike explosion for the heal then the mana cost for that spell is greatly reduced .... but make it cost more if you're just shooting it off for poke.

So easy getting away from people with Evolved Leap ... or getting in for surprise buttsexes.

he just need mana buff on his w.
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