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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Everything is moe to me
Everybody is going crazy because there won't be a patch in a while

there are two patches between now and december 11th; thats an odd definition of 'awhile'. [1.72 the pbe patch currently being tested and 1.73, the summoner name sale cleanup patch]


The Season 3 patch, which includes Nami, is scheduled at some point between now and December 4th.

So basically, December 4th most likely.
lol :(

there are two patches between now and december 11th; thats an odd definition of 'awhile'. [1.72 the pbe patch currently being tested and 1.73, the summoner name sale cleanup patch]
No patches for 4 weeks... Oh god. Where is Nami I don't know how to feel anymore
Played Nasus. Setup the perfect freeze lane against Shen. MF comes then pushes the lane aaaaaaaaall the way. Creeps never go back. MF TPs to bot and pushes that too. No more farm.

He can't hurt me enough to unfreeze the lane. I asked my teammates to play passively from the start because I'm a liability for a while and Shen can ult around but nooooo gotta keep starting fights. The 3rd time I saw them running around enemy jungle against enemies I just knew we lost. Even if MF liked to push somehow her CS was just so bad other teammates told our support Nunu to start farming. I don't know how she did that, and she had 730 wins. Other lanes just kept flat out losing the fights they start even if I keep TPing. Not sure what MF was planning to build with a Long Sword either. God forbid if she was thinking of SotO.


Everything is moe to me
starting to become a lot more confident in my CSing; getting about double compared to what i had a week ago. i'm seeing some pretty serious gold gains at my level from it too, and thats a great motivator to keep improving.


even though there was an awkward start to this lane, i massively outfarmed this vayne to the point that her 1 kill advantage over me was totally moot. [all her kills were on my sona anyway]

still have lots of work to do though, have to learn to stop pressing down seige minions when killing time between CS, it keeps pressing my lane forward and putting me in a vulnerable and gankable situation.


formerly sane
starting to become a lot more confident in my CSing; getting about double compared to what i had a week ago. i'm seeing some pretty serious gold gains at my level from it too, and thats a great motivator to keep improving.


even though there was an awkward start to this lane, i massively outfarmed this vayne to the point that her 1 kill advantage over me was totally moot. [all her kills were on my sona anyway]

still have lots of work to do though, have to learn to stop pressing down seige minions when killing time between CS, it keeps pressing my lane forward and putting me in a vulnerable and gankable situation.

S is your friend.

Vayne's suck vs any adc at farming because she has no skills to kill cs in groups as fast as others.

4k gold over the other adc is always a good clear item advantage. Your team also was a team judging by the assists.


starting to become a lot more confident in my CSing; getting about double compared to what i had a week ago.

Too many people focus on the wrong things and never learn to properly cs. Harassing in lane is almost never worth missing a cs (+ that is the support's primary duty in lane, zoning/harassing off cs). 3 kills in lane but down 50 cs? You're behind in gold. It's such a vital part of every lane that there's never an excuse to not work on it.

still have lots of work to do though, have to learn to stop pressing down seige minions when killing time between CS, it keeps pressing my lane forward and putting me in a vulnerable and gankable situation.

On that note, a lot of people don't seem to realize what small subtle things you can do to influence a lane:

Want to force your lane to get pushed back? Aggro the minion wave ahead of your wave and lure them off to the side. They'll bunch up a bit and you'll start slightly pushed up but they'll focus fire the first melee minion that approaches. Within two minion waves, it'll push to your turret and you can safely freeze it there forever. Similarly, you can bait an auto attack which will make your minions switch aggro to your lane opponent; do this once or twice a wave and your lane will get pushed back to turret fairly quickly. More of a top lane strat, really.

Want to push your lane so you can split push elsewhere? Kill only the caster minions (or caster + siege minion). The melee minions will take some time to die which will cause your wave to slowly bunch up. It'll eventually build up into that huge mass of 20-30+ minions that forces someone to come clear the wave or else they lose a turret / lose out on ~400-600+ gold. You don't clear the minion wave entirely and run off if you want the lane to push up. You do that if you're going to sit in that lane and push with the wave.

Daruis sale!!! Time to revisit the top lane.

Mmm, more Darius picks. Feed my Elise more kills.


Everything is moe to me
such a difference in CS from miss fortune to ahri... the money sliver of hp is so much smaller. Still, kept even with my kat and never gave up any kills and eventually scored a double when the junglers got involved. Dat triple dash ult +w is such a great way to catch people being cheeky under a tower with low hp.

after that jungle just kept giving me blue and i omnom'd my way through the enemy every time a fight started.

Scy said:
Too many people focus on the wrong things and never learn to properly cs. Harassing in lane is almost never worth missing a cs (+ that is the support's primary duty in lane, zoning/harassing off cs). 3 kills in lane but down 50 cs? You're behind in gold. It's such a vital part of every lane that there's never an excuse to not work on it.
I think that is an advantage i accidently got by starting with miss fortune; when i lose my passive to small pokes, i found myself drifting away from lots of small pokes. probably saved me a lot of the 'right click enemy champ and trade' grief.

On that note, a lot of people don't seem to realize what small subtle things you can do to influence a lane:

Want to force your lane to get pushed back? Aggro the minion wave ahead of yours and lure them off to the side. They'll bunch up a bit and you'll start slightly pushed up but they'll focus fire the first melee minion that approaches. Within two minion waves, it'll push to your turret and you can safely freeze it there forever. Similarly, you can bait an auto attack which will make your minions switch aggro to your lane opponent; do this once or twice a wave and your lane will get pushed back to turret fairly quickly. More of a top lane strat, really.
Thats pretty cool! especially the caster minion bit.

I was watching "Best Riven NA"'s stream yesterday and whenever he forced an opponent to B and pushed to a tower, he'd run by and solo the next minion wave coming. this let him get gold for his attacks rather then plink away at the tower and guaranteed that the enemy tower would steal tons of CS because your minions weren't pushed off the tower and forced into a long minion vs minion low dps battle as soon as the next wave showed up.

seemed so obvious in hindsight.


formerly sane
On that note, a lot of people don't seem to realize what small subtle things you can do to influence a lane:

Want to force your lane to get pushed back? Aggro the minion wave ahead of your wave and lure them off to the side. They'll bunch up a bit and you'll start slightly pushed up but they'll focus fire the first melee minion that approaches. Within two minion waves, it'll push to your turret and you can safely freeze it there forever. Similarly, you can bait an auto attack which will make your minions switch aggro to your lane opponent; do this once or twice a wave and your lane will get pushed back to turret fairly quickly. More of a top lane strat, really.

Want to push your lane so you can split push elsewhere? Kill only the caster minions (or caster + siege minion). The melee minions will take some time to die which will cause your wave to slowly bunch up. It'll eventually build up into that huge mass of 20-30+ minions that forces someone to come clear the wave or else they lose a turret / lose out on ~400-600+ gold. You don't clear the minion wave entirely and run off if you want the lane to push up. You do that if you're going to sit in that lane and push with the wave.

Had no idea about only killing just casters to cause pile ups that way. Thanks for tips and basically agree with that.

People should be blend of all of the above especially if they are the casters or adcs. I do stress the importance of killing but farming when uninhibited or done with decent support makes ya mega broke in terms of items early. Nothing better than 5-6min bf because some dummy gave me fb and all that farm time. By the time they come back a good support can be level or two ahead with the ability to zone them easily unless the jungler comes in to help.


Tried out Elise top with Scy's build.

1st game - Irelia. This quickly became bad. I was doing okay harassing her, but a level 2 gank by hecarim left me in shambles. This is when I realized E before W. When I returned to lane I was like 20 cs and 2 levels down. I slowly recovered, but bot lane got farmed bad by hecarim who was 8 kills 20 minutes in.

2nd game - Olaf. This went better, but I was still losing (barely). Olaf was pushed to my turret the whole laning phase... never saw my jungler once. My fault was in getting hit by his damn axe every time. I wasn't used to elise's range on her Q (I smartcast), so I'd telegraph it too much when going in... and we'd always trade. Meanwhile graves on the other team was mandhandling our bot lane. He was 100 cs and 8 kills above our ADC (a trist with mandreds). So that was bad.

3rd game - Jax. I screwed jax over good. Poor guy couldn't cs, and I got 3 kills off him. He traded lanes with brand, and brand was able to atleast get CS. I got brand down to like 50hp several times.. but only was able to secure the kill once. Jax was able to actually farm in mid (against a karma), so he slowly recovered. Again our bot lane lost badly, and our jungle was feeding pretty good. Eventually they all came top to deal with me, and from then the game went downhill quickly.

Hopefully I can try again tonight and actually carry.


Tried out Elise top with Scy's build.

1st game - Irelia. This quickly became bad. I was doing good, but a level 2 gank by hecarim left me in shambles. This is when I realized E before W. When I returned to lane I was like 20 cs and 2 levels down. I slowly recovered, but bot lane got farmed bad by hecarim who was 8 kills 20 minutes in.

2nd game - Olaf. This went better, but I was still losing (barely). Olaf was pushed to my turret the whole laning phase... never saw my jungler once. My fault was in getting hit by his damn axe every time. I was used to elise's range on her Q (I smartcast), so I'd telegraph it too much when going in... and we'd always trade. Meanwhile graves on the other team was mandhandling our bot lane. He was 100 cs and 8 kills above our ADC (a trist with mandreds). So that was bad.

3rd game - Jax. I screwed jax over good. Poor guy couldn't cs, and I got 3 kills off him. He traded lanes with brand, and brand was able to atleast get CS. I got brand down to like 50hp several times.. but only was able to secure the kill once. Jax was able to actually farm in mid (against a karma), so he slowly recovered. Again our bot lane lost badly, and our jungle was feeding pretty good. Eventually they all came top to deal with me, and from then the game went downhill quickly.

Hopefully I can try again tonight and actually carry.
Elise cant carry for shit, she shutdown some lanes pretty hard (like teemo vs shen matchup) but when it come to carrying she cant do shit if the other team is fed (especially bot).


Everything is moe to me
Elise cant carry for shit, she shutdown some lanes pretty hard (like teemo vs shen matchup) but when it come to carrying she cant do shit if the other team is fed (especially bot).
i will describe for you an actual match with scy:

oh fuck we're losing bot and mid hard an- wait, they surrendered, wtf? WTF 9-0 ELISE?!


Elise cant carry for shit, she shutdown some lanes pretty hard (like teemo vs shen matchup) but when it come to carrying she cant do shit if the other team is fed (especially bot).

Knowing how to lane and knowing how to team fight is 2 completely different things. A fed Elise (or any top with gap closer) can eat the ad carry alive, the fed carry in the other team just position a lot better.


Want to push your lane so you can split push elsewhere? Kill only the caster minions (or caster + siege minion). The melee minions will take some time to die which will cause your wave to slowly bunch up. It'll eventually build up into that huge mass of 20-30+ minions that forces someone to come clear the wave or else they lose a turret / lose out on ~400-600+ gold. You don't clear the minion wave entirely and run off if you want the lane to push up. You do that if you're going to sit in that lane and push with the wave.
Huh, that's pretty amazing to know.


Thats pretty cool! especially the caster minion bit.

Had no idea about only killing just casters to cause pile ups that way.

Basically, your goal is to just give your minions a hand with the wave rather than fully clearing it. This way, a second wave has a greater chance of catching up with your first minion wave which just allows them to keep growing in size as they make their way through the lane. If you clear the wave as fast as you can, your minions will eventually lose out when you leave and this will actually cause the enemy minions to eventually win out and push the lane (or, at the very least, reset and come down to which side the RNG favors for targeting).

If it helps, think of it this way. If you kill just the caster minions, your wave outnumbers them 2:1. It will guaranteed win that fight after some time (since melee minions take forever to die, even when focused by all the minions) but will take some damage. When it meets the next wave, it'll most likely lose out due to having hurt minions but it'll be reinforced with a second minion wave behind it very shortly. This again puts it at roughly 2:1 position. This continues until it reaches a tower / someone comes to clear it.

If you cleared the wave as fast as possible, you basically just sent a slightly hurt wave forward with a second wave maybe not reaching it in time. This tends to actually help their lane push against yours.

I was watching "Best Riven NA"'s stream yesterday and whenever he forced an opponent to B and pushed to a tower, he'd run by and solo the next minion wave coming.

Yup. On top of this, I also try to never back when a cannon minion wave is coming since it gives more gold than normal. Though, sometimes this hurts me since I stay to clear the wave and my lane opponents gets back in time and then I convince myself to just deal with them with no items anyway.

People should be blend of all of the above especially if they are the casters or adcs.

Yeah, I basically do it regardless of lane role. Like, I'll run ahead of my minions and pull the incoming wave even when mid. If my jungler is closer to top, I'll pull the wave towards bot river bush. This way, if my jungler comes to gank from the top river bush, he has a wide open angle for the gank attempt. Also helps that my lane opponent tends to try to stand directly opposite of me so this tends to position them more towards the left half of the lane.

Likewise, I do the same whenever I play support. I'll run up and grab the minions into one lump and then run it back to my ADC (and, if possible, away from bush so the ADC/Support can't bush camp for their cs). Keeps the lane bunched up which reduces the total width of the minion wave. Just means my ADC doesn't have to cover as much ground for csing (+ easier to push for ADCs like, say, Caitlyn) and it limits the area where their ADC/Support can go to harass which makes it easier to zone them.

1st game - Irelia.

Irelia is a frustrating one just due to how quickly things can turn badly due to what kind of damage she'll do (+ heal) during a stun. I tend to play it safer against an Irelia and wait for them to be even lower than normal from Human Q harass before I go for the kill.

2nd game - Olaf.

Honestly, I don't fear this match up at all. Dodge Axes, hit him with a Q. Hooray. He's harder to all-in and kill (since Ultimate + Ghost) so I tend to always do my initiates on an Olaf in Human form. Once he ults and runs, I'll then Rappel and pursue.

3rd game - Jax.

Jax is one of those ones where they need to know their character to do well. If he plays safely, he'll lose. He has such a good ability to fight her that he's best played going in and out trading her. Additionally, Dodge can really hurt her damage so it kind of forces you to Rappel it to avoid wasting two seconds doing nothing. If I play a Jax that isn't scared to out trade me, I push deep against him so I can harass, get him to jump in, and then I Rappel out to minions behind me. Rinse, repeat. At low health, I'll win a fight due to her Execute damage and getting to Rappel his stun / Rappel and chase. Jax's that sit back scared of her being ranged are essentially playing right into what Elise wants.

Elise cant carry for shit, she shutdown some lanes pretty hard (like teemo vs shen matchup) but when it come to carrying she cant do shit if the other team is fed (especially bot).

She's meant to deal with their carry. I treat her like Olaf. My job is to pick off people that put themselves out of position and to then just dive the everloving shit out of their ADC. With Rylai's and the tank I build on her (Frozen Heart, Randuin's), the ADC is basically screwed unless they have an escape and Flash. In which case, hooray, I zoned the ADC and they have no escapes.
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