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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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You obviously havent play with scy


i will describe for you an actual match with scy:

oh fuck we're losing bot and mid hard an- wait, they surrendered, wtf? WTF 9-0 ELISE?!

"wtf, when did we take all the top lane towers?" Elise tower pushing op.

Don't forget my occasional "Down 10 kills, dunno if we're going to win this" calls that lead to bind saying "HAVE FAITH SCY" before we get like two or three aces in a row and then Rex builds Rageblade to celebrate the sudden 5k gold we all made.

that's good elise vs. jax analysis

Jax was one of the first that straight up showed me how to beat back an Elise: Trade with her and abuse her bad sustain. Jax's jumping in and just going beastly on me or Wukong's dash in/stealth out harass are like my two most feared match ups. I've learned how to deal with Jax for the most part (bait jump ins and escape or mid-air stuns) but Wukong I still screw up my stun with (so many stunned decoys >>). Besides that, Nidalee is kind of an annoyance as well but I think that's just being sloppy vs their heal.

Irelia is a hard one to say since I don't think I've played against too many that I'd argue really did the match up well. No Flash E engages (for the stun at 100% Health rather than Q) into perfect ults to heal up (e.g., reposition to hit minions too instead of just me). Wickd's Wit's End / Ionic Spark build really does a number vs Elise as well but all I see are rushed TFs instead of building to counter. But, there's really no trick I can think of for vs Irelia. Just try to safely Human Q harass. If you can, zone her from the minion line so you have the Rappel backward option. Always respect her damage output during a stun.

Olaf just can't do anything if he can't get close enough to Reckless Swing. So if you can dodge his axe, you've basically won the match up. He does have a scary melee presence, though, so it's good to be wary about him winning the fight when you all-in him, even if you have far more health left than him. There's not really anything special to do to outplay an Olaf, though. Just normal things except he has a "get out of stun" card that you need to adjust for (e.g., save Rappel to chase him rather than to engage). Dodge Axe, stay out of Reckless Swing range, respect his low health damage output.

Basically, just respect both Irelia and Olaf's ability to turn what looks like a kill for you into them barely scraping by and try to use Rappel smartly.

Other notable thing for Elise is enemies aren't safe under turret from her. It's really easy to Human Q, Spider Q, Rappel, Spider Q when you land. That's a ~40% damage dive right there basically. You can even cheese the turret a bit if your minions all die when you Rappel. If you let Rappel time out, the spiderlings land BEFORE Elise does so the turret starts shooting them, not you. Easy way to land and wait a second (or more, depending on how many spiderlings you have to sacrifice) for her cooldowns if you need it or to just land and walk away without taking any damage. Can even switch back to human form while turret shot is in mid-air to save the Spiderling too if you want.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Why haven't we had a good GAF v GAF match in awhile? We easily have enough.

Balancing teams is a nightmare and the games almost always end up being one sided. Some people also just want to have fun and others try hard. It ends up being fun for no one.


Balancing teams is a nightmare and the games almost always end up being one sided. Some people also just want to have fun and others try hard. It ends up being fun for no one.

not always true, though I guess that's how most people view it
like we've had really successful really fun inhouses


Tragic victim of fan death
I listen to the interview with Captain Jack and compare that to some of the NA captains that are interviewed and it's clear that their perspectives are very different. Just thought I'd point that out. Also, the translators aren't saying the right things all the time. Sort of sad.




The eyes are suppose to be ovals! Circles don't work!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
not always true, though I guess that's how most people view it
like we've had really successful really fun inhouses

I'm not saying that all of our inhouse games end up like that, but a chunk do seem to have that problem as people get cycled in and out.

I love how trying hard and fun is mutually exclusive to gaf.

It's not very fun when you're trying your hardest and getting wrecked due to the skill gap.

The eyes are suppose to be ovals! Circles don't work!

Circles make it look too natural, ovals look horrifying.


When I have fun, I just practice farming while listening to music so I end up keeping to the 100cs every 10minutes rule.

Don't think people find it very fun when my adc comes out with a fully stacked bloodthirster and phantom dancer in 24minutes

And vertical ovals looks too cute. Horizontal all the way


Right now I've got quints for flat attack damage, move speed and GP10. What are some other quints you guys find really useful? I've got a little IP saved and figured I'd build up my rune book a bit. I'm not really buying them for a specific champ, I'm kind of playing a lot of different ones right now.


Right now I've got quints for flat attack damage, move speed and GP10. What are some other quints you guys find really useful? I've got a little IP saved and figured I'd build up my rune book a bit. I'm not really buying them for a specific champ, I'm kind of playing a lot of different ones right now.

Magic pen probably. I wouldn't suggest armor pen until you get use to csing with more ad
Balancing teams is a nightmare and the games almost always end up being one sided. Some people also just want to have fun and others try hard. It ends up being fun for no one.

Have two of the best players as captains and have them pick their teams from everyone else who wants to play. Draft mode with summoners.

When we did this in HoN it was still relatively unbalanced due to hero/player picks but it was fun.


And vertical ovals looks too cute. Horizontal all the way
I'll fix it when I get home.
Right now I've got quints for flat attack damage, move speed and GP10. What are some other quints you guys find really useful? I've got a little IP saved and figured I'd build up my rune book a bit. I'm not really buying them for a specific champ, I'm kind of playing a lot of different ones right now.
Armor penetration might make a comeback come s3, otherwise spell vamp quints since it's hard to itemize


Have two of the best players as captains and have them pick their teams from everyone else who wants to play. Draft mode with summoners.

When we did this in HoN it was still relatively unbalanced due to hero/player picks but it was fun.

Great, we get to simulate the feeling of being last picked in PE!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Right now I've got quints for flat attack damage, move speed and GP10. What are some other quints you guys find really useful? I've got a little IP saved and figured I'd build up my rune book a bit. I'm not really buying them for a specific champ, I'm kind of playing a lot of different ones right now.

You don't have any AP quints? Armor Pen and MR quints can be handy in some rare situations.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
What have you done to lux? You monster!


It's not very fun when you're trying your hardest and getting wrecked due to the skill gap.

For me personally, I am okay with losing, but I get kind of upset when my opponents start doing some stupid crap because they don't want to hurt my feeling. I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but I am not 9, and they are not an oscar winning performer.

It is one thing I learned all those years playing fighting games, no one ever appreciate it if you go easy on them. It is better to go 100%, and help them point out their mistake afterward.

I mean it is not about being the best player in GAF or something, it is just fun knowing that you are improving everyday. That is one thing good about inhouse, whoever beat me in lane can actually give out feedback on the mistake I made during laning and teamfight.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
For me personally, I am okay with losing, but I get kind of upset when my opponents start doing some stupid crap because they don't want to hurt my feeling. I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but I am not 9, and they are not an oscar winning performer.

It is one thing I learned all those years playing fighting games, no one ever appreciate it if you go easy on them. It is better to go 100%, and help them point out their mistake afterward.

I mean it is not about being the best player in GAF or something, it is just fun knowing that you are improving everyday. That is one thing good about inhouse, whoever beat me in lane can actually give out feedback on the mistake I made during laning and teamfight.

I absolutely agree. I have no problem playing against better players, even if I get stomped I will probably learn something new. The problem comes when people start yelling and getting mad at each other, then it stops being a neat learning experience and just becomes aggravating.


FNATIC outsmarting TPA with a TP on Kat mid lane. These guys are good.

Edit: well... lol. Interesting "counter" to Toyz TF, nonetheless.


I absolutely agree. I have no problem playing against better players, even if I get stomped I will probably learn something new. The problem comes when people start yelling and getting mad at each other, then it stops being a neat learning experience and just becomes aggravating.

I don't know, some time the mumble drama is pretty fun....

I want to see you or corgi or anyone without a mic get aggravated and start screaming at people in mumble using the text-to-voice. I bet it will be on reddit front page for a couple of days.

I am going straight to hell :(


I absolutely agree. I have no problem playing against better players, even if I get stomped I will probably learn something new. The problem comes when people start yelling and getting mad at each other, then it stops being a neat learning experience and just becomes aggravating.
I agree with this.

On a recent note, I liked reading scy46's and Rex's comments about freezing and pushing lanes, since I feel like those are mechanics I really don't understand sometimes. Does anyone else have good general tips like that, that people might not mechanically be aware of?
I like inhouses, but I do rage when people do stupid things. If you wanna try hard, then try hard. Don't try hard then in the middle start fucking around.


I agree with this.

On a recent note, I liked reading scy46's and Rex's comments about freezing and pushing lanes, since I feel like those are mechanics I really don't understand sometimes. Does anyone else have good general tips like that, that people might not mechanically be aware of?


You only get creep aggro on auto attacks and not skills? Though sure everyone knows that one.

How bout getting creep aggro to check for wards in side bushes?


You haven't experienced boken/scy/kaos/soda cop yelling at you in mumble. YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND MAN

Oh god, I'm considered one of the ragers now? I really need to reevaluate everything in my life.

That probably sounded sarcastic. That's pretty serious. I'm typically pretty laid back. At worst, disappointed in what happens, not really angry at people.

For me personally, I am okay with losing, but I get kind of upset when my opponents start doing some stupid crap because they don't want to hurt my feeling. I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but I am not 9, and they are not an oscar winning performer.

It is one thing I learned all those years playing fighting games, no one ever appreciate it if you go easy on them. It is better to go 100%, and help them point out their mistake afterward.

I mean it is not about being the best player in GAF or something, it is just fun knowing that you are improving everyday. That is one thing good about inhouse, whoever beat me in lane can actually give out feedback on the mistake I made during laning and teamfight.

Inhouses, in my experience, is a random assortment of people who care and people who don't. I try my best every game since that's what's fun for me. I want to improve and practice every game. It's hard to do that when my lane opponent isn't trying. Or our team fights later are some people engaging, some people doing things to joke around. Or nobody listens to objective calls. Or so many other things.

It's basically just a game for "fun." Which is fine, I guess, but my idea of "fun" is a serious game, not one where half the people involved are just doing whatever.


Tragic victim of fan death
Oh god, I'm considered one of the ragers now? I really need to reevaluate everything in my life.

That probably sounded sarcastic. That's pretty serious. I'm typically pretty laid back. At worst, disappointed in what happens, not really angry at people.

It's been worse than it has been compared to the past as of late. Same for me as well. I think playing with panda has cooled me down quite a bit though.

Fnatic playing really really well right now.


If you want to freeze a lane at your turret but you don't want to take too much minion aggro, duck in and out of the bushes. Only works top and bottom lane.

All you have to do is let the creeps see you, run into the bush, run back out and back in. This way the minions will start zig zagging and will take them a lot longer to actually get to your turret to push back. This doesn't work if the enemy wards the bush though.


Tragic victim of fan death
I never seen scy rage.

It's not so much as him raging from my perspective. It's moreso the excessive negativity, disappointment, and downward attitude I've seen as of late. That's not saying it's super bad. Just saying it's worse compared to the past. Everyone can get better with their attitude though including me. =)
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