I didn't think this would be very funny, but I ended up in tears by halfway through.
No... it's perfect.
Succumb to it.
Disappoint haiku
Pankak, I am sad
Chosen one choose to do you
but you no get it
Join us
I love the Cho'gath quote for some reason.Oh god. No more. I'm dying here. :lol :lol :lol The insults are so good.
I've never yelled at anybody. Don't mistake the time I told you to stop whining/telling me how to play as rage.You haven't experienced boken/scy/kaos/soda cop yelling at you in mumble. YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND MAN
I agree with this.
On a recent note, I liked reading scy46's and Rex's comments about freezing and pushing lanes, since I feel like those are mechanics I really don't understand sometimes. Does anyone else have good general tips like that, that people might not mechanically be aware of?
I love the Cho'gath quote for some reason.
He was getting dominated by Diana, so he thought abyssal was a good idea. It would've been good if afterwards he could farm like a beast, but he still couldn't, and so zhonyas became sooo far away. IMO he shouldve went for zhonyas and gave up laning phase and decided to team fight instead.TSM lost to Azubu.
Can someone explain why TSM's Morgana would even rush Abyss? Or why their Ez rushed BT before building any TF component? Morgana not having Zhonya until the last fight seriously cost them the game.
He was getting dominated by Diana, so he thought abyssal was a good idea. It would've been good if afterwards he could farm like a beast, but he still couldn't, and so zhonyas became sooo far away. IMO he shouldve went for zhonyas and gave up laning phase and decided to team fight instead.
this is growing on me.
Yeah that was my fave"new meta. 2 retards. 1 lane."
I never imagined the day I'd see Yi banned in a tourney. Alex Ich cleaning up with Yi.
Yeah that was my fave
Ask her if she'd like to see your BFS.Oh, so there's a French girl in my college course (journalism).
Her name is Fiorella. Guess what her nickname is...
I think she'd prefer to see his Needlessly Large Rod.Ask her if she'd like to see your BFS.
But AP Fiora is awful!I think she'd prefer to see his Needlessly Large Rod.
But AP Fiora is awful!
One of the best fights from yesterday:
One of the best fights from yesterday:
I think she'd prefer to see his Needlessly Large Rod.
6300, want zed, but new waifu coming up.
What do?
I bought Syndra, trust me, terribleness is not a deterrent.Buy Zed, Nami will be terrible.
I am interested in your position and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.Always buy waifus.
I bought Syndra, trust me, terribleness is not a deterrent.
I am interested in your position and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I didn't watch every TSM game but those that I did it felt more like Dyrus, TheOddOne, and even bot lane failed to really preform up to task. Reginald seemed like the least of their problems. I mean Jesus, look at some of the rotating they do just because they can't handle 2v1 lanes right.That was a great fight. I was so disappointed tsm lost. They looked much better than they have in ages but I have to say Reginald is really the weak link. Ambition just shat on him both games. The first game was almost understandable as he was roaming a lot and helping other lanes but the second game was just a disaster. He let his team down game 2.