Forgot to mention Kayo lectured me just as much as boken today.
Well it's my second Quadra ever, and I still never won getting one. Basically because in both cases it was me cleaning up, so I had no team left to take objectives...Diana's get quads every other game.
I was playing against the Katyou should be ashamed of playing diana.
unless your playing vs kata
Amen brother, I had the same thing happen to me with the same skin.Before Foxfire Ahri: 2/5/3 Loss
After Foxfire Ahri: 8/1/4 Win
Well it's my second Quadra ever, and I still never won getting one. Basically because in both cases it was me cleaning up, so I had no team left to take objectives...
I was playing against the Kat
I might return Diana, something about her doesn't click in my brain and I for some reason don't use smartcast and missclick her "combo", I dunno...
Amen brother, I had the same thing happen to me with the same skin.
I smartcast with every single champion, but for some reason I can't seem to do it with Diana. Like my brain just malfunctions or something.I played probably, 800 games before I started smart casting, could not adjust to it, but once you get used to it, it's so worth it. Improved my play tenfold, I'd highly recommend just playing a few games to adjust to it.
Before Foxfire Ahri: 2/5/3 Loss
After Foxfire Ahri: 8/1/4 Win
I smartcast with every single champion, but for some reason I can't seem to do it with Diana. Like my brain just malfunctions or something.
Oh right, so back to this for a second. The loss was against an Akali mid. I was having a hard time doing much of anything to her and just when I thought I had her she'd burst me down before I could blink. Is Akali naturally a difficult match for Ahri or was it just a skill level thing? Anyone have some good Ahri tips?Before Foxfire Ahri: 2/5/3 Loss
so prep a lane for a push to coincide with your team coming back. drop some wards. steal enemy buffs. kill dragon.Well it's my second Quadra ever, and I still never won getting one. Basically because in both cases it was me cleaning up, so I had no team left to take objectives...
Yeah, what weirds me out is that it happens with her ult too. I'm weird, I dunnoDepends on what you find awkward with it. Hitting the end target isn't too hard but lining up the arc is a bit of a hassle if you're not familiar with the width of the arc. Also, travel time.
Yeah, I have smartcast indicators on because it feels weird without them. I basically shift-Q instead of just Q because I like to have the option of not smartcasting available, and I'm pretty used to it.Do you have that option that lets you see the range if you hold the button in? For weird stuff like Diana's Q I just hold down the key, aim the mouse, then let go. It's slower than other abilities but still slightly faster than Q + aim + click.
I'd say Ahri is a pretty good matchup, you have a stun on demand you can use to fuck up her combo and you can max W first and punish her if she decides to jump on ya. Still, Akali's pretty scary against most mids, and your ult won't help you run away from her.Oh right, so back to this for a second. The loss was against an Akali mid. I was having a hard time doing much of anything to her and just when I thought I had her she'd burst me down before I could blink. Is Akali naturally a difficult match for Ahri or was it just a skill level thing? Anyone have some good Ahri tips?
I don't remember what I actually did right afterwards, but yeah, specially with Diana that clears ridiculously prep a lane for a push to coincide with your team coming back. drop some wards. steal enemy buffs. kill dragon.
Oh right, so back to this for a second. The loss was against an Akali mid. I was having a hard time doing much of anything to her and just when I thought I had her she'd burst me down before I could blink. Is Akali naturally a difficult match for Ahri or was it just a skill level thing? Anyone have some good Ahri tips?
so prep a lane for a push to coincide with your team coming back. drop some wards. steal enemy buffs. kill dragon.
No Zed free week still? Seems weird.Wonder if that means Nami is still another week out.
Well I guess that makes me feel a bit better. I don't understand Akali very well, I'll have to brush up on her. Thanks for the write up!Akali would destroy an Ahri.
Oh right, so back to this for a second. The loss was against an Akali mid. I was having a hard time doing much of anything to her and just when I thought I had her she'd burst me down before I could blink. Is Akali naturally a difficult match for Ahri or was it just a skill level thing? Anyone have some good Ahri tips?
Huh? Is this list wrong then?
Well I guess that makes me feel a bit better. I don't understand Akali very well, I'll have to brush up on her. Thanks for the write up!
2. she roam and burst the crap out of your teammate.
Laned as Diana vs Zyra last night. I forgot how much damage zyra does, I'd bait the snare... dive on her ass and still come out even if not worse than her.
Her teammates weren't that lucky though.
Yeah, I've just been playing blind pick normals with friends a lot so I didn't know I'd be up against Akali (and even if I did I didn't know the matchup at the time). I'm still in the "just play a ton of games with a bunch of champs" phase of learning LoL so I actually prefer blind pick. This way if I want to practice up on Ahri nobody is going to tell me not to pick her because of the other team's lineup.Edit: I think I was hasty to say "good" match up with Ahri, but I was thinking of my own list of mids, and she ranks among the few that have actually a bit of mobility and a stun-on-demand, but yeah, Ahri is very easily burst down, so it's not the safest of picks. I'd like to try Diana against Akali![]()
Sounds like you played that well. Zyra is pretty tough against Diana but even as a "counter" Diana can still flourish. She just farms so well. She'll use a lot of mana against Zyra with shields and poking down the insane plants though. I usually have to go double doran's rings and hope I'm getting my blue.
I roam a lot more when I'm up against a Zyra. Secure kills.![]()
Sounds like you played that well. Zyra is pretty tough against Diana but even as a "counter" Diana can still flourish. She just farms so well. She'll use a lot of mana against Zyra with shields and poking down the insane plants though. I usually have to go double doran's rings and hope I'm getting my blue.
I roam a lot more when I'm up against a Zyra. Secure kills.![]()
Diana is considered a fairly good Zyra counter. Dodge Zyra E, burst her down. Zyra's zone range is less than Diana's Q so you can work around her Thorn Spitters. Diving her if she has plants to ult will probably get you killed but Zyra's pretty easy to take down once you get into range. Kat, Akali, Diana, etc. are all basically Zyra's bane in lane: She doesn't deal with in your face pressure very well without her E/Vine Lasher's available.
But ... it's mid lane. Basically every match up has a "can be outplayed" corollary somewhere.
Always go double dorans on diana myself, just like the mana regen... especially if some reason I didn't get blue. Went abyssal first which I normally don't since that damage was so scary.
edit: Realized my caster page I've been using has 0 MR on it too.. which wasn't helping. Made a caster MR page now since I have a lot more rune pages.
I really got to nail down my Diana item build. I think I'm gonna add a GA to the core build, I think if I had one yesterday I could've turned the match around.
So basically double doran's, abyss (zhonya's if I'm against an AD), rab's, GA.
lol that's terribleGet Kat in ARAM.
Other team has Blitz, Amumu, and Rammus.
Heimer or Zyra with turrets/plants make cs'ing a bitch with any melee based mid champ.
I am this close to refunding Zed.
Had a diana jungle go with one of the worst builds I ever saw. (Boots of swiftness, and incomplete Roa). She still had the most kills on the team and 0 deaths.... that's derpy.
season 3 bro
The biggest problem with Zed is getting a team comp that works well with him. Even in GAF games, we tend to not get an AP top when I pick Zed. Needs a Rumble or Vlad or Elise or something top to at least keep the threat of AP damage around otherwise armor armor armor armor armor and forcing LWs everywhere. He'll fare better in Season 3 if only for the fact that Armor is more expensive and Penetration gets better returns vs stacked Armor. least, my optimism is hoping hard for this. I find him fun to play![]()
One of the things that is most amusing with Zed, aside from when people are confused about dying to his delayed ult damage, is when you end up laning against someone with 15 armor mid lane, and hit them with the double Q once or twice. They may tend to become cautious after that. when you end up laning against someone with 15 armor mid lane...
Yeah I wish I could use Zhonya's to initiate but my ping always ensures I never get to pop it quick enough. I mostly buy it for the armor (the 100 AP doesn't hurt, too), which is why I'm thinking of buying a GA instead.Pretty much what I do.
1-2 dorans->Sorc shoes->Abyssal is almost guranteed. From there I either go Zhonya's if it looks like I'm going to be the initiation for the team or I'm facing some pretty heavy burst AD or otherwise, GA if I'm way ahead and laning phase is pretty much over, or Rabadon's if I need to be the primary damage dealer and we have another initiator on the team (i.e. our bot lane got smashed but I smashed my lane).
End build is Sorc shoes, Abyssal, Zhonya's, Rab, GA, Void staff
Lux still best mid hero confirmed.
Boken can confirm that.
I don't know if it's a majority of Lux's, but it may well be the champion that ends up with clarity the most. Sometimes you just gotta laser.Is it me, or do a majority of luxs always rock clarity? Swear it's the champion I see it the most on.
I've seen many on her, but she's not that mana dependant (compared to Ori, at least), so I don't see the appeal, specially since lux lives in the "almost kill" zone and desperately needs Ignite...Is it me, or do a majority of luxs always rock clarity? Swear it's the champion I see it the most on.
Is it me, or do a majority of luxs always rock clarity? Swear it's the champion I see it the most on.