Two auto attacks. And both of which are outside of Kayle's range (550 v 125/525 with E).
Ah I thought you meant passive plus two autos.
Again keeping at a 25 range is a thing that requires more skill on the opponent rather on Kayle.
What were you starting anyway? Just run pots and outrange her. I'm feeling you're more just not familiar with Kayle rather than anything about Kayle being really good (which she is, mind you, but still).
This is also where I note that almost every Kayle builds AP/ASPD, not AD, so I'm not sure what the Cloth Armor really accomplishes here.
This is just me being surprised a champion is doing 75-94 damage level 1 with autoattacks.
I on principle have a thing against ridiculously good champions like Kayle that any idiot can play, and like you say, cloth armor doesn't do me much good later on, but really what can you build against her? She naturally shreds armor/mr and builds liandry's so you can't stack health either. Just abuse range I guess.
If you actually watch the match you'll see I didn't do bad in lane but it's just a dumb champion I've decided I don't like anymore.
There's honestly like no reason to not run Armor runes anyway, even if it wasn't a Kayle here.
This is my fault for playing blind pick, but I'm at the moment thinking of swapping my mana regen yellows for something else.
You think armor are the better options for mid?
They took her MR scaling and weakened her early game a little. She has one of the best Level 1s in the game and you walked into it by the sound of things. Don't do that. It's pretty easy to play around Kayle's E and it's not like it scales that well anyway.
I should warn you to be scared of her Q then since that's what's actually frightening about her Level 2-3.
I've played her mid and know she has a good early game, it's just that it was such a ridiculous number I felt like fuck this champion.
Like I said, once I said ok fuck this imma abuse my range I had no problems with her. Of course not every champion has Lux's range and not everyone is as skillfull as I am in GTFO as soon as they see the flaming sword.
Lux has a really good skill matchup vs Kayle.
Then again, Lux has a skill matchup vs basically everyone.
Yup I said so in a previous post myself too. Basically if you're not as dumb as to get hit by his Q->E combo then the best thing she can do is block your burst with her ult.
I haven't played her but 6 abilities tells me a functioning brain is required to play her.
She just got nerfed in the last patch. She's easily countered by mobility too. Get up in her face and it's generally hard for her to get away. Her early game is strong and he late game is strong, her mid game is a bit average though.
You know who's a perfect counter to Kayle, funnily enough? Akali.
Fuck Akali