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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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First pick brand, face fizz, complain

corgi logic(tm)

Something is wrong when one champion has 0 chance against another solely because of their kits.

I also only picked Brand because I was playing Lich and his ult was fun (and because there weren't any bots like Fizz).


Something is wrong when one champion has 0 chance against another solely because of their kits.

I also only picked Brand because I was playing Lich and his ult was fun (and because there weren't any bots like Fizz).
I wouldn't say 0% chance, I feel confident that I can beat fizzes that just aren't as good as the me as brand. But sure it's reasonable for one champion to be stronger against another


Something is wrong when one champion has 0 chance against another solely because of their kits.

I also only picked Brand because I was playing Lich and his ult was fun (and because there weren't any bots like Fizz).

It's pretty rare for there to ever be a direct hard counter in LoL.

That said, Brand vs Fizz is hilariously bad. Just don't ever pick Brand. Problem instantly solved!

ILL Virtue

Neo Member
I'm late but how did they change skarner's ult? I love the character but he's awful. Needs a buff, preferably more range on his kit. Especially his Q

Also Akali is the bane of everyone's existence. I feel like its not that hard to see which characters are op if you play this game alot. Sometimes I don't understand riot's thinking at all...
Just bought karma (i feel dirty) but hopefully her remake makes her good and the free skin seems like a good deal. Awaiting free draven+skill too.


They made it so that if you escape out of his ult range (flash/cleanse?), when he casts it, the spell fails. I'm pretty sure they reduced the range on it as well. They also nerfed his W or something.

What's funny is shortly after the nerf to his ult, they released Vi. Who has an ult which is inescapable, can't be stopped, and has a longer range.


This is why I play Anivia:


My back hurts after those games.


They made it so that if you escape out of his ult range (flash/cleanse?), when he casts it, the spell fails. I'm pretty sure they reduced the range on it as well. They also nerfed his W or something.

What's funny is shortly after the nerf to his ult, they released Vi. Who has an ult which is inescapable, can't be stopped, and has a longer range.

Yeah, Vi's ult is almost the same thing lol.

Though Skarner's is a suppression and longer duration than Vi's knock up. Her ult has a longer range but her gap closer makes it even more potent.

For the record the knock up can be negated by some champions. Fizz's troll pole, spellshield (pretty sure on this count), Vlad's pool.

Skarner's is much more counterable just by QSS but then again so is Malzhar and Warwick. Suppression is both OP and really weak all at the same time.

Does Skarner's ult go on cooldown if you flash out of it?

Edit: Everything you burned to get in position to ult them does though, so it's kinda like it did!

I am almost sure that it does. I was just playing him the other week and I remember being particularly pissed off that I couldn't re-use my ult after someone flashed it.

Maybe it was a bug.

Either way, it's dumb. People shouldn't be able to flash Skarner's ult. It's taking the best part of his kit and making it too easily countered.


The thing I hate is taking cleanse in a game against Malzahar, getting ulted, and remembering in the middle of the ult that cleanse does not work on suppression. :(
Just bought karma (i feel dirty) but hopefully her remake makes her good and the free skin seems like a good deal. Awaiting free draven+skill too.

Farmed up the IP last night after reading that reveal. I played her on NA a bit and found her pretty fun, but hadn't been able to justify spending IP on her here in EUW before now. Incoming rage from teammates as I play her and fail. >.>

Very much looking forward to the rework though.

Meantime, playing GP more and discovering that skill with him really does make a difference. I can not lose lanes too badly if I'm careful, despite his weak laning. Hilarious toplanes against Olaf and Talon the other night.
So... does this apply to NA too? On PH region, someone found an account with dodge runes. The current patch on PH is just before the BotRK hotfix. People speculated that he probably got it through the rune combiner.


Man Rune Combiner Lottery is the best. Buy some multiple of twenty-five Tier 1 runes, rune combine all day. Lots of fun, and you can make quite a profit (so they tell me).
Sounds like a waste of IP to me. Why not just save up on the runes/champs/pages you need?
Sounds like a waste of IP to me. Why not just save up on the runes/champs/pages you need?

<shrug> If you're bored, it's a bit of fun. I don't do it often, but I've gotten some decent runes out of it. This was before I was thinking seriously about what runes I needed. I still find it an entertaining waste of IP.


All this talk about hybrid runes makes me want a set again. But 8k IP is pretty steep (I think I calculated it out to around there).

I'd run it on my standard Zyra/Sona OP support page (gp10 quints, armor yellow, MR blue, magic pen marks - hi, I'm Zyra and I HURT low level) and my Akali page for sure.

But I'm at the point where I enjoy buying the new champs for IP. I can afford it as long as I only buy every other one with IP.


Though I think lux does pretty alright v akali, it's just easier for the akali to own your ass

chalice is the greatest item you can get, whats a giants belt?
I went catalyst, chalice, RoA and giant belt as my first few items. With 0 kills she still blew me up.

I feel they amped her damage to the point it's just too dumb.

lol looks like a Charlie Brown character

Also Akali is the bane of everyone's existence. I feel like its not that hard to see which characters are op if you play this game alot. Sometimes I don't understand riot's thinking at all...
More than OP, I think she's overbuffed, but yeah.


formerly sane
The thing I hate is taking cleanse in a game against Malzahar, getting ulted, and remembering in the middle of the ult that cleanse does not work on suppression. :(

Cleanse hasn't gotten people out supression for ages. IF you want to make malzahar useless get a quick silver sash if it's that annoying same for ww or other people's ults that are canceled by it.


I wouldn't say 0% chance, I feel confident that I can beat fizzes that just aren't as good as the me as brand. But sure it's reasonable for one champion to be stronger against another

Yeah, I get that some champions are just stronger than others, but usually the matchup has some skill involved so it's not an auto-loss.

I mean, when you show me a bunch of games where you beat Fizzes as Brand in lane I'll believe you, but it's a pretty terrible matchup that's over at champion select.


I went catalyst, chalice, RoA and giant belt as my first few items. With 0 kills she still blew me up.

I feel they amped her damage to the point it's just too dumb.

lol looks like a Charlie Brown character

More than OP, I think she's overbuffed, but yeah.
skip catalyst, get chalice first then tome. never fight her, just e, push, ult, push. if she jumps you, Q her mid flight and W yourself to negate her damage, E her then just walk away.

Yeah, I get that some champions are just stronger than others, but usually the matchup has some skill involved so it's not an auto-loss.

I mean, when you show me a bunch of games where you beat Fizzes as Brand in lane I'll believe you, but it's a pretty terrible matchup that's over at champion select.
What youre implying is that even the most terrible player could pick fizz and beat a plat brand or something. just not happening.
What? It's not even hard.
hit ur god damn rumble ult then we will talk about not hard

"His name is Zac!"


too much teasing riot
this champ is like 2 weeks from release
tho hes cooler than quinn already


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
hit ur god damn rumble ult then we will talk about not hard
Hey Rumble ult is stressful. You've got to like aim it and stuff and it gets all weird with smart casting. People just naturally Flash away from Skarner.


skip catalyst, get chalice first then tome. never fight her, just e, push, ult, push. if she jumps you, Q her mid fight and W yourself to negate her damage, E her then just walk away.
Thanks, but that's not needed, I was just trying to make a point on how ridiculous her damage is now.

I also ran against a Kayle yesterday that literally took a quarter of my health with each E hit on level 1.

I really feel I must be getting the wrong runes or something...


Hey Rumble ult is stressful. You've got to like aim it and stuff and it gets all weird with smart casting. People just naturally Flash away from Skarner.
yo people need to flash in the time it takes for skarners ult to cast
thats hard man
Thanks, but that's not needed, I was just trying to make a point on how ridiculous her damage is now.

I also ran against a Kayle yesterday that literally took a quarter of my health with each E hit on level 1.

I really feel I must be getting the wrong runes or something...

Q mid flight* oops
Thanks, but that's not needed, I was just trying to make a point on how ridiculous her damage is now.

I also ran against a Kayle yesterday that literally took a quarter of my health with each E hit on level 1.

I really feel I must be getting the wrong runes or something...

Well she'll do more damage each time she hits you (as long as she hits you a few times in succession). Kayle's early damage is funny, people just don't realise how strong she is.

Because she does magic and physical damage with each auto with her E on, and a lot of mids from what I've seen only have one rune page of resistances, either armour or MR, she just eats them with autos.

It's fun to see opponents walk towards you at level 1 or 2 and then immediately run back to their tower with less than half health, chugging their pots.


I have had it happen to me while I was playing him.

didnt happen to me during the great ignite/flash jungler experiment of '13

Thanks, but that's not needed, I was just trying to make a point on how ridiculous her damage is now.

I also ran against a Kayle yesterday that literally took a quarter of my health with each E hit on level 1.

I really feel I must be getting the wrong runes or something...

no armor runes and she had AD runes perhaps


Well she'll do more damage each time she hits you (as long as she hits you a few times in succession). Kayle's early damage is funny, people just don't realise how strong she is.

Because she does magic and physical damage with each auto with her E on, and a lot of mids from what I've seen only have one rune page of resistances, either armour or MR, she just eats them with autos.

It's fun to see opponents walk towards you at level 1 or 2 and then immediately run back to their tower with less than half health, chugging their pots.
I just checked, it was like this:
    Lux | Kayle
AD  56  | 59
AP  17  | 23
AR  12  | 37
MR  42  | 43

First I'm weirded out why she beats me on every single stat, but maybe Kayle's got better base stats than Lux. Second, I guess the damage mostly comes from my low armor, but normal adcs like Ashe start out with armor pen, extra AD and they don't hurt that much.

Like I said, I feel like I have shittier runes than anyone else, or something.
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