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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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That's the ping of one of my friends. As someone who plays with an average of 45 of ping, I don't know how he actually play with that, it feels so weird to play with 150 of ping.

Btw, I actually scrolled 10,000 post in a conversation with a few friends in facebook to get that image... I'm never going to do that again, so much spam, and Chrome was in the edge of collapsing... I can't believe I wasted 20 minutes digging for that pic. =(
I play reguarly on 170 to 200. on that 290 match I literally was killed by an invisible diana. seriously among the worst lol matches of my life

also I need tips to counter split push teams, they seem to always beat us.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member

Fun game. I started off solo top against Kha'Zix and Garen but our Xin didn't really know how to jungle so he ended up joining me in lane at level 5. I played well in the early game, winning a 1v2 against my lane opposition, but then I got pretty stupid in the late game and started diving towers and dying. We were winning by a wide margin so I figured what the hell, but apparently tower diving is a skill I have yet to master.
Nice new champ rotation.

Quinn is a bit disappointing, I'm trying really hard to understand why her ult is good. I thought the cooldowns would reset in bird form, but they don't so you basically go into melee range for 20% more attack speed, 20% movement speed (which is moot since you're losing your ability to attack from range.) The hail of arrows seems ok, but I'm not seeing what part of this package warrants a 2 minute cooldown. edit: I'm guessing its much more useful in SR to chase down people, I've only played a few games in dominion with her since I'm short on time.

I've probably been spoiled by Elise :p.


Nice new champ rotation.

Quinn is a bit disappointing, I'm trying really hard to understand why her ult is good. I thought the cooldowns would reset in bird form, but they don't so you basically go into melee range for 20% more attack speed, 20% movement speed (which is moot since you're losing your ability to attack from range.) The hail of arrows seems ok, but I'm not seeing what part of this package warrants a 2 minute cooldown. edit: I'm guessing its much more useful in SR to chase down people, I've only played a few games in dominion with her since I'm short on time.

I've probably been spoiled by Elise :p.

Use it to chase people down and to get around the map mostly, it makes her a really good splitpusher too.

Also it's 80% bonus movespeed while out of combat, and up to 80% bonus attack speed depending on your w level.
After some bad days with many losses, I had one of my best (if not the best) game.


This and an 11/1/20 game with Caitlyn when I was lvl 13.

I'll so miss this days of low level...
treasure your victories so that you can think about them on your defeats

Agreed lots. When I have bad games, I try to think of the golden Gangplank times, and the Malphite ranked game where I went 15/1/13 or something stupid. It's not easy but it helps. You're not losing skill, necessarily, when you lose. Helps to remember that you're probably no worse after a loss than you were when you woke up that morning. You just feel worse.
treasure your victories so that you can think about them on your defeats

Agreed lots. When I have bad games, I try to think of the golden Gangplank times, and the Malphite ranked game where I went 15/1/13 or something stupid. It's not easy but it helps. You're not losing skill, necessarily, when you lose. Helps to remember that you're probably no worse after a loss than you were when you woke up that morning. You just feel worse.

Yeah, it sure helps. Often when I lose too many games in a row, like yesterday, I go and play coop against bots, just for have some fun, or think that since I've lost many games next match should be easier... (right?)

If not, I just go and play with a friend and have some fun regardless the result.


Because she is a fairly slow champion with low wave clear potential and no easy escape who cannot afford to be away when a team fight happens.

She has decent enough wave clear with her q and her ult is amazing escape, I play her top and build her tankier though so maybe it's different


basically if you're half decent at the game your odds of winning will always be about 50% going in. so yeah, if you win you win, if not c'est la vie. I have like 54% win rate, it's just a matter of accepting that even if you lose ten in a row, eventually you'll win because it's in the cards.
Yeah, it sure helps. Often when I lose too many games in a row, like yesterday, I go and play coop against bots, just for have some fun, or think that since I've lost many games next match should be easier... (right?)

If not, I just go and play with a friend and have some fun regardless the result.

I'll be honest, I played a lot (too much) of Co-op vs. AI from like level 20-30. 'cos normals had gotten too difficult. Somehow my level had passed me by in skill, and I didn't wanna go through a crazy amount of losses to make the matchmaking better. This was at a time I didn't really have friends to play with regularly. So don't worry about it. If you have any decent number of normals going up through the levels, you should be fine, and matchmaking should work.

Definitely play with friends if you can. Losing hurts so much less when you're having a laugh with someone you know. And it's a lot easier to laugh at ragers/haters.


How would Sona mid work? Even aside from her having some of the lowest defensive stats in the game, wouldn't she have to depend on ranged harass, without much killing ability past the early levels?


I'm thinking about buying some of the Champions Bundles, since I only own Tristana and Alistar (since you can get them for free).

Are the bundles worth it? or is better to wait for every individual sale?

I've heard that the Gamer's choice one isn't as good...

(You can check out the bundles here, if you need to refresh your memory)


Dunno how I missed this last night since it was the first line of your post, but yes, the doctrine of Kirby is indeed Starfall first.

http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3060484 etc etc

That's a top lane related thread, not a support one. Those are two distinctly different roles. Any solo lane Soraka build would be maxing Q first (or QW evenly, though that's iffy and I can't think of too many match-ups you'd need it vs buying extra pots).

I wouldn't really blindly follow advice without really understanding what's going on, to be honest.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
How would Sona mid work? Even aside from her having some of the lowest defensive stats in the game, wouldn't she have to depend on ranged harass, without much killing ability past the early levels?

It wouldn't work too well. You just push her in to tower since she only has 1 actual damage spell that hits 2 targets, basically no wave clear. She has ridiculous poke and can probably snowball like crazy during the first couple of levels but her lack of escapes and roaming prowess makes her a bad (but viable) pick.


I won a 4v5 game building triforce sona before. ADC dced for whole game so I just farmed and started killing stuff with sheen+power chord procs.

It was fun.
I'm thinking about buying some of the Champions Bundles, since I only own Tristana and Alistar (since you can get them for free).

Are the bundles worth it? or is better to wait for every individual sale?

I've heard that the Gamer's choice one isn't as good...

(You can check out the bundles here, if you need to refresh your memory)

Not a huge fan of buying bundles. Especially so early. Just play some games and buy champs like ashe or garen who are very easy to play and let you learn the basics. After that play the free champs and save up for the ones you like / buy them with RP. Bundle content is fine and good value but you will buy so many champs you won't even touch. Just my opinion.
I noticed that some people really liked teleporting in on minions. They were doing in the middle of the lane away from their tower. Like in front of the enemy Cho'gath.


Is this a serious question? Seriously?

Yes? Unless you're talking about using the print screen button and MS Paint, which is archaic as shit and doesnt count. If there is some shortcut to press that will take a picture of LoL and save it into a folder, please enlighten me. Douche.


Yes? Unless you're talking about using the print screen button and MS Paint, which is archaic as shit and doesnt count. If there is some shortcut to press that will take a picture of LoL and save it into a folder, please enlighten me. Douche.
i think print screen works
saves it all to the screenshot folder

or was it f12?


my ping went back to a solid 170 and....


500 wins :D

finally. also played great as lux that match, so a great way to commemorate the milestone.

next match I played as malph for the first time in months and ended up 10 3 14 as an unkillable mass of rock. like really two of those deaths were because of disconnects lol, I even stole dragon with ult+e and ran away against like 4 guys

and then best of all, next match, killed a diana with my anivia wall. she was inside my ult and about to run away, i try to wall her in and end up killing her with the 1 true damage instead. wasn't sure so asked the enemy di and she said it was the wall so yeah.

bestest day evarrrr

Triforce Sona is best Sona.
muramana is pretty cool on her lol

I'm thinking about buying some of the Champions Bundles, since I only own Tristana and Alistar (since you can get them for free).

Are the bundles worth it? or is better to wait for every individual sale?

I've heard that the Gamer's choice one isn't as good...

(You can check out the bundles here, if you need to refresh your memory)
not worth it imo, you get mostly cheap champions and very basic palette swaps for skins.

if you're not playing much you won't have time to make use of those 20 champions you get and if you are you probably get enough IP already to buy them one at a time and get busy learning them, which is part of the fun.


I'm thinking about buying some of the Champions Bundles, since I only own Tristana and Alistar (since you can get them for free).

Are the bundles worth it? or is better to wait for every individual sale?

I've heard that the Gamer's choice one isn't as good...

(You can check out the bundles here, if you need to refresh your memory)

I'm not adverse to the bundles. I bought the Champion's Bundle myself. There's some great champions in there that I still use today - Kassadin, Karthus, Katarina, Taric, Soraka, Singed, Jax. You'll basically have solid champs for any role you decide to take on in your climb to 30. You probably won't end up using all of them (I sure didn't) but it gives you a lot more flexibility than the free champ pool and whatever champion you bought with IP or RP. You'll get a chance to try all the roles and figure out how you like to play.

They're a good time value if you like the game and think you're going to keep playing. Most of the champs in the bundle are pretty cheap in IP but if you don't have tons of time to play, the IP you accumulate will be better saved for your level 20 runes. It's not a bad thing to spend some IP on some champs early but those tier 3 runes are pretty valuable and it would be good to be able to buy a few sets when you hit level 20.

edit: Zac's alt skin preview


Looks pretty good. I kinda want to buy the bundle but that "grab the blobs" mechanic seems like 10x more annoying than the Draven catching axes.


How would Sona mid work? Even aside from her having some of the lowest defensive stats in the game, wouldn't she have to depend on ranged harass, without much killing ability past the early levels?

As much as I love Sona
's boobs
, she is terrible mid. She can't spam Q fast enough like Starfall and puts herself at a huge risk just to be able to land it. Side lanes are easier to spam it thanks to the brush. She also doesn't have enough offensive kit to be worth it.

Quinn is high-risk, low reward.

A lot of ADCs DO counter Kassadin.

I think a good Kass will destory ADCs. He can burst most of them down in a single combo.
Don't ever trust an Elementz tier list, he hasn't a clue.

Syndra is in tier 4, lower than Veigar.

Also I've yet to have a bad game as Quinn. Put her with a Thresh or Blitz (i.e. a kill lane) and you'll stomp.

i don't trust or believe in his lists but they are popular which means many players will think it's true and thus Quinn will be labelled as shit. however in this instance i have to agree with him, i think Quinn has not proven in competitive play (for obvious reasons) and i don't think she will be played before a major buff. it is a competitive tier list after all.

Also I've yet to have a bad game as Quinn. Put her with a Thresh or Blitz (i.e. a kill lane) and you'll stomp.

she has a pretty shitty win rate tho. never seen a streamer play her either.


i don't trust or believe in his lists but they are popular which means many players will think it's true and thus Quinn will be labelled as shit. however in this instance i have to agree with him, i think Quinn has not proven in competitive play (for obvious reasons) and i don't think she will be played before a major buff. it is a competitive tier list after all.

she has a pretty shitty win rate tho. never seen a streamer play her either.

To be fair, unless the champ is blindingly OP from the get go, they usually have pretty shitty win rates. And new champs are rarely used in competitive play - a) they're a patch or two behind, b) pros want a lot of practice on a champ before they use them.

Draven wasn't used in a competitive game for ages.

I've seen RobertxLee play her and do well. But I don't generally watch ADC streamers so I can't say one way or another.


she has a pretty shitty win rate tho. never seen a streamer play her either.

To be fair, many champions fit this until they suddenly became good. Syndra was unpopular and pretty bad even after all her tweaks until suddenly she's hugely popular in EU. Zed got zero changes and suddenly became a top pick in mid or top and still sees success in the jungle (if you're Korea/InSec).

Quinn has her issues (her E needs to mini-snare or do something so she can pursue/escape with it better, her passive needs to apply faster so it can't apply on a target as it dies and get wasted, etc.) but she's not terrible. She may not see much play as an ADC though but we'll see on that.

Edit: Also, one post left in this thread what do.
I think a good Kass will destory ADCs. He can burst most of them down in a single combo.

That's assuming he gets any farm going, which he won't. I've done Cait, Varus, and Ez vs Kass before and all of those games were total stomps. Ward, zone, force him to farm under tower, which he can't do.

He won't be able to do anything until mid game and that is assuming he got blue. By then you should have taken his tower and began getting towers in other lanes.
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