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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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i don't trust or believe in his lists but they are popular which means many players will think it's true and thus Quinn will be labelled as shit. however in this instance i have to agree with him, i think Quinn has not proven in competitive play (for obvious reasons) and i don't think she will be played before a major buff. it is a competitive tier list after all.

she has a pretty shitty win rate tho. never seen a streamer play her either.

Eh? Quinn hasn't been in competitive play because she isn't allowed to be yet. This will be her first week available in the LCS.

Whether people will pick her or not I don't know, but I genuinely believe she is a champion that people haven't realised is super strong yet.

Same happened with Vi and she didn't need a buff for people to realise that.


Just played a game with new Karma on PBE. Holy shit she's incredible, and at the moment pretty OP. Lots of utility, and some pretty damn good damage and awesome to play. She's a more sustained damage dealer, but all the damage is there. So strong.

New Sakura is really pretty.


Eh? Quinn hasn't been in competitive play because she isn't allowed to be yet. This will be her first week available in the LCS.

To be fair, I think that's the obvious reason he's mentioning :x I honestly expect to see Quinn more in top/mid than ADC depending on how any upcoming tweaks go for her. Her ability to out duel basically everyone and her mobility potential is fairly significant there as opposed to bot.

Same happened with Vi and she didn't need a buff for people to realise that.

In my list of recent champions that people didn't think would be good and then suddenly everywhere, how did I forget Vi. Vi had a few weeks of awkwardness and then Jungle Vi everywhere.

And it wasn't really a buff when they adjusted her E timing, just smoothed things out so it didn't look so awkward to attack-attack-extralongwinddown-attack.

Just played a game with new Karma on PBE. Holy shit she's incredible, and at the moment pretty OP. Lots of utility, and some pretty damn good damage and awesome to play. She's a more sustained damage dealer, but all the damage is there. So strong.

New Sakura is really pretty.

But her voice now ;_;
In my list of recent champions that people didn't think would be good and then suddenly everywhere, how did I forget Vi. Vi had a few weeks of awkwardness and then Jungle Vi everywhere.

And it wasn't really a buff when they adjusted her E timing, just smoothed things out so it didn't look so awkward to attack-attack-extralongwinddown-attack.

That's what I meant, she didn't get a buff but people still realised after a while that she was incredible.

But her voice now ;_;

I like it. It is a bit manly though. I think it fits her new look. Traditional Karma skin has her old VO.


That's what I meant, she didn't get a buff but people still realised after a while that she was incredible.

Well, the Q change (refunding cooldown/Mana) and the ult bug fixes (actually giving her CC immunity) were there too. But, yeah.

I like it. It is a bit manly though. I think it fits her new look. Traditional Karma skin has her old VO.

We'll see. Maybe it's just the initial impression. She sounded so ... bored.


That's assuming he gets any farm going, which he won't. I've done Cait, Varus, and Ez vs Kass before and all of those games were total stomps. Ward, zone, force him to farm under tower, which he can't do.

He won't be able to do anything until mid game and that is assuming he got blue. By then you should have taken his tower and began getting towers in other lanes.

Ah you mean just straight up ADC mid vs Kass mid? Yeah, the range would be a problem. Was just thinking in a typical meta game a good Kass that's able to farm will rip through adc's.


Played a match against Quinn in bot lane (as Trist) last night.
And man I completely destroyed her.

I rarely ever destroy people but I completely demolished Quinn. Me and Blitz in bot lane were 6-0 by 10 minutes. off their Quinn and Twitch.
Played a match against Quinn in bot lane (as Trist) last night.
And man I completely destroyed her.

I rarely ever destroy people but I completely demolished Quinn. Me and Blitz in bot lane were 6-0 by 10 minutes. off their Quinn and Twitch.

I think that had more to do with the supports than the carries.
Played a match against Quinn in bot lane (as Trist) last night.
And man I completely destroyed her.

I rarely ever destroy people but I completely demolished Quinn. Me and Blitz in bot lane were 6-0 by 10 minutes. off their Quinn and Twitch.

Well I guess that's why. 2 ADCs bottom fighting for cs and no support, and you had a Blitz.


Well I guess that's why. 2 ADCs bottom fighting for cs and no support, and you had a Blitz.

Yeah i ofcourse agree, but it was just amuzing how garbage quinn was for the entire game, i guess its because they let us snowball.

I bet the next time I face Quinn i'm going to get brought down to earth real quick


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
for corgi, solo no smite:


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
She's super good. The W into Mantra'd Q combo is stronk.
Funny. I liked Mantra Q the last because it isn't guaranteed damage. Mantra E is insanely strong because you get the standard shield in addition to a huge burst of damage, and your shield goes on to nearby allies.
Funny. I liked Mantra Q the last because it isn't guaranteed damage. Mantra E is insanely strong because you get the standard shield in addition to a huge burst of damage, and your shield goes on to nearby allies.

That's why you W them first. Use W and fire Q, they get rooted and the second effect on the Q hits them. More damage overall I think.

edit: although I guess the shield damage is better in a teamfight situation. Mantra Q is better for one on one.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
huh, fair enough then. What was your build?

Also that just shows how damn strong she is. Her Q is on like a 3 second cooldown or less with 40% CDR.
Choosing the mantra for Q could still be the right choice in situations where you are looking for the AOE slow circle and you have a good idea you can land the explosion on it.

I just had some dumb normal super heavy Mejai's AP build.

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
I just wanted to say a quick thanks to the people that recommended champions for me to try out. Sorry it took me so long to get back to the thread to say that, but I really appreciated it.
Choosing the mantra for Q could still be the right choice in situations where you are looking for the AOE slow circle and you have a good idea you can land the explosion on it.

Yeah, what I like about her kit is that there's a reason to Mantra everything, depending on the situation. There's no one ability that's the only one you should use Mantra on. If you want the slow and AoE burst, the Q is what you use. If you want the super strong heal, the W is what you use, if you want the AoE shield and burst, the E is what you use.

She's a genuinely fun and strong champion now.
New Karma E does too many things. It's too messy.

It seems like Mantra has 2 separate effects on it (a skill that already has 2 effects) which don't have any particular design relation apart from "good with multiple people around".


New Karma E does too many things. It's too messy.

It seems like Mantra has 2 separate effects on it (a skill that already has 2 effects) which don't have any particular design relation apart from "good with multiple people around".

Single target Shield + Movement Speed -> Single target Shield + Movement Speed that deals AoE Damage and Shields. The only real awkward part of it is that the AoE Shield is based off the damage dealt by the E and not the original Shield so it gets worded awkwardly (otherwise I'd have just said AoE Shield + AoE Damage). Though, it's done that way to isolate the bonus Shield to the Mantra instead of tied to the skill (which was one of the Karma design problems they wanted to avoid).

...but, it seems like a weird complaint when her old Mantra Shield was the same. Base Effect -> Base Effect + AoE Damage. They just made the Shield AoE and made the Shield fall in line with every other Shield in the game (e.g., Shields + other effect).
You are the adc. Blowing your ult just to do some half-assed split push is a terrible idea. She doesn't even have good wave clear.

Nah, she actually split pushes really well. Split pushers need the ability to duel, reasonable waveclear (this isn't actually that important, anyone with good autos and a little aoe can waveclear) and the ability to either go balls deep and escape a 2-3v1 or the ability to rejoin the team quickly. Quinn has all of that, her major issue is that she's mediocre in team fights due to the lack of a consistent steroid, but she has great dueling, good situational awareness with her W (it lets her check bushes before she wards them) and if the enemy hard commits on your team she can turn into a bird and fly in at Mach 5.


As a main support, why would I ever use any other than 1-13-16 or 0-13-17? I feel runes are what matter in S3. Any thoughts?


Yep, I go like this: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/23578225#masteries I usually play aggressive, though, so I need the defense. Now a days, I'm experimenting with armor pen/damage runes (plus some armor) for support, so any way to mitigate damage is a must.

My zyra/sona I use magic pen reds, armor yellows, MR blues and gold quints. I want to swap out the magic pen for hybrid pen but I don't want to spend the IP lol.

I use similar masteries but I like the xp gain in utility.


What in defense are your 4 points picking up that you feel outweighs the movement speed bonus? I just don't see it.

My non-21 Utility Support page is for melee supports that want Block, basically.

Ranged Supports don't really need it most of the time honestly.

I hope people play this skin. Spear is so much easier to see/dodge. One of the few skins that gives you a disadvantage.

I'll buy it and let you know how I feel about it.

If we play this game ever again.


My non-21 Utility Support page is for melee supports that want Block, basically.

Ranged Supports don't really need it most of the time honestly.

I'll buy it and let you know how I feel about it.

If we play this game ever again.

Leona is the one standout I never run 21 utility on, but she's not one of my stronger champions so it rarely comes up.

Time to spam some lol games!!!! I'm ready for the losses!


Leona is the one standout I never run 21 utility on, but she's not one of my stronger champions so it rarely comes up.

I was going to say "So basically Leona" but I liked it on Thresh occasionally if I feel like I'd take a lot of incidental damage trying to get souls. Taric is iffy since faster to stun range and all and Nunu can go without it.

Generally, you can just go 0/9/21 and play smarter.

Time to spam some lol games!!!! I'm ready for the losses!

no puddin' pop, no sale


I was going to say "So basically Leona" but I liked it on Thresh occasionally if I feel like I'd take a lot of incidental damage trying to get souls. Taric is iffy since faster to stun range and all and Nunu can go without it.

Generally, you can just go 0/9/21 and play smarter.

no puddin' pop, no sale

Gonna try 0/9/21 tonight, then.
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