We just lost. That was absolutely embarrassing.
I just had a game where our Quinn fed the opposing caitlyn so bad. We ended up losing because it was like we were playing 4v5. I think I'm going to stay away from normals thus week lol.
We just lost. That was absolutely embarrassing.
new gamecrib episode, need brian summary asap
Voyboy about to run some top lane Lulu in a scrim against MRN on stream.
poor xspecial, he's like the only guy in TSM that I find likeable and he's like on the verge of some wrist cutting shit
League of Legends OT4: ARAMming it down your throats
League of Legends |OT4| 5M concurrent players, all my teammates suck
Speaking of which, I'm up for doing work on OT4 if you (or whoever else that makes it) want.
League of Legends OT4: No Country for Old Karma
I'll be free next Tuesday, actually. Is that good for you? I'll also be free mornings, in all likelihood.
I dig this.League of Legends OT4: No Country for Old Karma
AD Evelynn is not even a thing.
The more I play Quinn the less I understand her kit. You would think E would be a good peel, but it leaves you in a more aggressive spot most of the time or takes too long to matter. Her ultimate seems like it might be okay as a finisher...but the cooldown on it takes too long for it to only be used for its active. And the bird...oh the fucking bird. It just goes wherever it wants to. When it swoops in to target a creep that dies before it can mark it and the cooldown gets wasted I am just at a loss.
Other AD carries with her range have short mobility burst that can create some sort of gap or opportunity, but her kit just does not facilitate that at all.
This seems incredibly limiting to a team comp. Also...why? Why Quinn instead of a billion other champions who would tear her apart in lane?She's better top
This seems incredibly limiting to a team comp. Also...why? Why Quinn instead of a billion other champions who would tear her apart in lane?
This seems incredibly limiting to a team comp. Also...why? Why Quinn instead of a billion other champions who would tear her apart in lane?
Watching Snoopeh play poppy. I'm face palming so much. It's hard to watch.
So many missed kills on the carries because he refuses to use the dash as a gap closer. And he has no sustain!
J4 gets two Lockets.
Commentator says "don't try this at home"
"Najin Swo'd"didnt know you spoke mandarin
you should give us more quotes schmat
I heard tell that any loss is your fault, so you just have to make up for the disconnects! ;p (sorry about the bad luck)Well I just had the worst string of luck. My past 4 games since the patch, I've had someone disconnect or 2 on my team only. Got demoted sigh. -_-
I miss placement matches. Everyone was so energetic and put their all into the games. Only a 2 of the 10 were bad games.
Regular games are a wasteland. Half the people in my Silver II division have the vet badge lol.
I miss placement matches. Everyone was so energetic and put their all into the games. Only a 2 of the 10 were bad games.
Regular games are a wasteland. Half the people in my Silver II division have the vet badge lol.
People in Silver are just bitter as hell lol.
"First Blood"
"GG, we lose, you're the reason I'm stuck in this division!"
It gets a little better as I started getting matched with gold players. A little.
AP or AD evelynn for jungle? I tried both and AD seems to clear a bit faster. Someone told me AD was crap. I'm no so sure.
Got about 2 1/2 minutes into that. Christ almighty, the sexual tension was palpable. They just wanted to love each other so bad.League of Legends pro players may not be media trained professionals, but they aren't this bad at least.