League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Returned Riven so I could buy another rune pages bundle. Now to buy her again...

Too bad I can't return Graves :/


I returned Nunubot and Corp. Mundo.

I don't have a ton of fun playing support Nunu and jungle Mundo so I don't see a reason to keep them. At least now I have RP for the next two champion bundles.


Damn this client is buggy. Game shows it loads 100% on the screen. Game never loads. Reconnect to find myself several minutes behind. I lose 13 pts in elo. Damn, I'm pissed!



Of course, the two champions I wanted to get rid of (Zyra and Rengar) I can't because bundles can't be refunded. :I

hmmm there is a limit to how far back you can refund shit =/

I wanted to refund sona skin (paid full price on it XD)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It didn't work for DOTA 2, I can't see how it would work for League.

People will just trade honor.

(The only way this system wouldn't get abused to hell is if you were limited to giving honor in-game.)


Today, we’d like to introduce Honor, our positive feedback initiative. We’re well versed in research done on concepts in psychology such as positive reinforcement and how it can improve behaviors, and we’ve also found that some of the most meaningful, memorable moments in League come from the positive interactions players have with each other. Everyone’s had one of these days: You are struggling in a game and find yourself in a situation where a teammate could have easily trolled or flamed you, but instead goes out of his way to be a helpful, compassionate team-player. He says, “Hey, don’t worry about the first blood.” You may not friend this player or ever play with him again, but this small, kind gesture made a difference and is something you remembered.

In all my time of playing LoL, this has only happened once.


Hey, I always say "It's Fine" whenver a gaffer feeds or when kiunch throw the game. I should have like a billion honor now.
And this is Dominion. You'll typically have 49/15% MPen. Void Staff just isn't typically necessary as a rushed item or something you always build for Dominion.

And you're usually at (or near) true damage without it. That was my point.

Listen to this guy. He's the only other person in this community I see posting actually good advice for dominion (no offense to everyone else).

Concerning runes, the best setup right now is probably:

Movespeed quints
Scaling health seals
Flat cooldown reduction glyphs
Magic/Armor pen runes

A lot of people put scaling MR/Armor glyphs in instead, but that extra CDR is amazing is you have the 7k IP laying around.


In all my time of playing LoL, this has only happened once.
It's probably very rare. I think I posted my story of 4v5 with a guy who ragequit at level 1 after giving up first blood. No one else raged, everyone quietly and competently held/stomped their lanes, the solo 1v2 AD carry held off the other team, and we won.

I managed to get my 6300 IP farmed up before the store closed, so I have 4 rune pages now.

10 Eve dominion games to farm the last 2-3k of IP -- first place 6 times, second place 2 times, third place 1 time, unranked once (shaaaame). Won 7/10 games. Now I never have to play Dominion again! It also probably makes me rage too much, like 5v5.


There is not one.

But...the most OP off the top of my head are Jax, Darius, Alistair, Ezreal, Kassadin, Wukong, Malphite, Urgot, Jayce, Yorick (pre-nerf?), Cassiopeia, Rammus, Akali, and Talon.

I'd say overall probably Kassadin, though he is a bit team comp dependent, Jax probably next behind him.

Great for area denial, not so great at much else. Still probably a top tier AP pick.

This is correct.

Also, tried out Darius for the first time, went bot vs Jax.

Good fun! Just build tanky&damage items on him and he's good to go. When he gets 5 stacks up his W is nuts, it has a 2 second cd.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Of those, I agree most with: Yorick (bot only), Darius, Wukong, Jaycee, Jax, Rammus.

In that order.


Damn, i really wanted to refund my infiltrator irelia skin since i don't play her anymore.

Might as well learn her again


Neo Member
Draven looks cool right, so I bought him on sale last week.. Didn't like his kit at all and then tomorrow I read about the refund-system. Awwwwwwww yeaaaahh!


It didn't work for DOTA 2, I can't see how it would work for League.

People will just trade honor.

(The only way this system wouldn't get abused to hell is if you were limited to giving honor in-game.)

I hate how in DotA people who get high scores are like "commend me for carrying you". Even if there score is mostly a result of picking people off after good tide hunter ults or something.


Draven looks cool right, so I bought him on sale last week.. Didn't like his kit at all and then tomorrow I read about the refund-system. Awwwwwwww yeaaaahh!

Soul Reaver Draven looks cool.

Classic Draven looks like Nigel Thornberry.
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