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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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All of one person plays him.

where are the pics

also, league has gone mainstream.

jessica nigiri has league cosplay

oop top of page.

OGN CHAMPIONS winter starts in 4 hrs. get hyped.

TL has a pretty good readup on all the teams and the many roster changes: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=419893

of note:
insec is now a top laner.
rapidstar is a sub(?)
locodoco is a sub
expression is the top laner for NJsword

this OGN also features 16 teams, up 4 from the usual 12 - which means more games and more chances that an unexpected team will be great!


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lolgaf players list:
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Cool, I filled it out. I think you might have forgotten a eune server though, unless we simply don't have gaffers there.


Cool, I filled it out. I think you might have forgotten a eune server though, unless we simply don't have gaffers there.

seeing how all the eu'ers complain about their servers,

i swear we dont have any EUNE peeps

guess it doesnt hurt to have it


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

It's creeping spectating time.


Accidently did a blind pick match...enemy team was Yorick, Anivia, Aatrox, Zilean and Zac.

All of them had revive and teleport. All of them built Guardian Angels.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Accidently did a blind pick match...enemy team was Yorick, Anivia, Aatrox, Zilean and Zac.

All of them had revive and teleport. All of them built Guardian Angels.


That's what you get for playing blind pick heathen.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Accidently did a blind pick match...enemy team was Yorick, Anivia, Aatrox, Zilean and Zac.

All of them had revive and teleport. All of them built Guardian Angels.

did you win?
Accidently did a blind pick match...enemy team was Yorick, Anivia, Aatrox, Zilean and Zac.

All of them had revive and teleport. All of them built Guardian Angels.


I remember my one match against Octovayne (Vayne, Kayle, Yorick, Zilean, Lulu).

They didn't **** around. Vayne kills us if go after one of her tentacles. Can't kill Vayne.


I've always been at least 2 levels ahead of the enemy jungler when I play nunu. BB and consume is dumb as hell and there is no counter play to it.

Time buffs and take em all with ease. I've had the enemy top and mid lane lose whole levels worth of exp to try and stop my smite-consume on their buffs.

Plus you don't even need to be fed or farmed to solo dragon.

Only way you can lose with a jungle nunu is if your lanes lose too hard by themselves.


I've always been at least 2 levels ahead of the enemy jungler when I play nunu. BB and consume is dumb as hell and there is no counter play to it.

Time buffs and take em all with ease. I've had the enemy top and mid lane lose whole levels worth of exp to try and stop my smite-consume on their buffs.

Plus you don't even need to be fed or farmed to solo dragon.

Only way you can lose with a jungle nunu is if your lanes lose too hard by themselves.
Well it's definitely winnable with someone like Lee Sin who can counter jungle just as hard, but some people don't know the mechanics in countering a Nunu. Nunu is like the easy mode.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Only way you can lose with a jungle nunu is if your lanes lose too hard by themselves.
all of your lanes lose hard pretty often.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well those games could easily be before 3.8. Just sayin.
i am just messing. 3.8 wasn't that big of a change for nunu. he was like that once he got the buff changes, it was just more underground.


my friend insists on playing jungle zyra

I think jungle zyra sucks

Plants belong in the jungle, sorry man.

OT: She needs a team built around her, because in solo Q the jungle is usually assumed to be a tank or off-tank unless it's Eve or Shaco.


Why isn't Fiddlesticks used more often? Great ult, great sustain, and he can fear you for 3 seconds. Guess it doesn't fit the tanky jungler meta?


Why isn't Fiddlesticks used more often? Great ult, great sustain, and he can fear you for 3 seconds. Guess it doesn't fit the tanky jungler meta?
I see him pretty often actually. I guess he's not used as much because he's really position dependent and easy to counter.


all of your lanes lose hard pretty often.

3 of those games were support nunu before he was buffed. Hence the cs. I've lost 1 jungle nunu game because darius top and fizz mid offers nothing against a jayce and nidalee comp.

and yeah, 3 lanes losing happens quite often actually.

I play nunu and control the jungle by warding everything and stealing everything. I don't gank much so if lanes lose, we lose. I still get dragons but I can't do much when my lanes lose and we can't team fight.

And the consume buffs are the reason why he can control the jungle better atm. People don't chase him because the 1% damage actually hurts like hell. Especially when you have red.
Why isn't Fiddlesticks used more often? Great ult, great sustain, and he can fear you for 3 seconds. Guess it doesn't fit the tanky jungler meta?
Ganks are okay ish. I mean sure fear screws you, but that's it. You can't drain a lot unless you don't max fear first. He's also kind of a sitting duck after his ult if the enemy has ways to cancel your drain.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And the consume buffs are the reason why he can control the jungle better atm. People don't chase him because the 1% damage actually hurts like hell. Especially when you have red.
they do, but that was the 3.7 buff. it wasn't until the jungle spawn timer changes that people seemed to notice him.
Why isn't Fiddlesticks used more often? Great ult, great sustain, and he can fear you for 3 seconds. Guess it doesn't fit the tanky jungler meta?
Hard to play. Also doesn't fit all comps.


they do, but that was the 3.7 buff. it wasn't until the jungle spawn timer changes that people seemed to notice him.

Hard to play. Also doesn't fit all comps.

3.8 increased XP from blue so faster level 2 so you could run to enemy red/blue buff faster.

That and more people understood how blood boil changes everything on a level 2 jungle nunu.


Fiddlesticks is a good support if you are playing against assassins/divers and are laning against a low ranged ADC.

3s fear into 1.2s silence


OGN CHAMPIONS winter starts in 7 minutes

TL has a pretty good readup on all the teams and the many roster changes: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=419893

of note:
insec is now a top laner.
rapidstar is a sub(?)
locodoco is a sub
expression is the top laner for NJsword

this OGN also features 16 teams, up 4 from the usual 12 - which means more games and more chances that an unexpected team will be great!


lets create a
lolgaf players list:
[Google Form]
fill this out you asses
theres all these new people that i dont recognise too


This is my story on what it takes to be a good Jungler. It is also why Jungling is too hard and I'll never be good at it cos all I do is try to gank over extended lanes that are warded where I am

Jungling in league is basically playing a 4 position (that is, in general terms, you will be the 4th richest person on the team) that requires you to have global map presence while your opponent can do the same to you

You have to gank 3x more than doto mids
However, jungle farm is always available so you are sacrificing farm for gank opportunity. You are also sacrificing the opportunity to gank other lanes. Its basically a huge balancing act of the most important resource - your time. so you better not Fuck up
-Because of this it's important to know where all the wards are which requires good team mates or being able to guess the position by player behaviour as you come for ganks
-Also, the good opposing Junglers can either guess or see you coming for gank and either counter gank and fuck you up or going into your jungle and stealing your shit
-Its important to understand which lane is more gank able than others which requires you to not able to be able to read the lane, but to understand lane match ups ie. At level 6 riven is likely to go all in on singed or that garen counters akali so is likely to be aggressive at level 3. You abuse that and gank their asses.
-It is also important to know ganging which lane is key to your victory. You basically have control over the effectiveness of your team going into the mid game. Do you want to cripple the core player of their AoE comp (Orianna), or do you want to make your poker much stronger (jayce). Do you want your tf to dominate the map in midgame and gank for him. Or Do you recognise that no matter how much you gank a lane they will always be useful to their comp (malphite). Or do you know that if zed gets ahead of his opponent it will snowball out of control.
-You also have to play invisible mind games against the enemy Junglers that requires you to have knowledge of his path, what lanes he is valuing, his last position and which lanes are potential gank targets, which is why consistent counter gankers like diamondprox are pretty amazing. Counter ganking is incredibly powerful because gankers tend to overcommit and use some skills to initiate. And as such you need to be wary of this too. You also have the choice to punish bad gangs by your opponent by stealing his camps, especially if he is a poor farming champion.

Beyond all that, there's the generic requirements such as what kind of Jungler are you playing - farmer, counter Jungler(specialises in making life hell for enemy jungler), counter ganker, power ganker (my category for those with powerful ganks), early game ganker (those that depend on getting early game gangs off) and map presence gankers (high mobility)
Also, you need to know the different gank paths and which ones are the best for the target position and the way your champion ganks
There's the mechanical requirements of your Junglers like aiming their skillshots and positioning. And playing dangerous smite games with the enemy Jungler

Tl;Dr Jungling is hard. Respect your junglers

I like you.
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