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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I wouldn't really call them skill shots. They can miss, sure, but they are instant hits. You cannot dodge them unless you predict when she is going to cast it.


Is this similar to Smite/Dota where boots should be the item I rush first?

Most of the time no, but it depends on the champion. Some champs want to start with boots, while most want to start with some doran's item. Most champs go for some power before they buy boots, getting one or one half of a complete item before they buy boots.

There was a time when everyone started boots, but then all champs got +25 base movespeed and boots lost 25 movespeed, so that boots are no longer a mandatory start.
Is this similar to Smite/Dota where boots should be the item I rush first?
Only in very specific cases like homeguards Hecarim or Zerker rush Kalista

Boots 1 are usually grabbed on the first or second trip to base if you have some spare gold, while the upgrades are usually only bought after laning phase is over
Last game I was Udyr going up against malphite. He was definitely a presence towards the end of mid game, but his early game was so weak. I was level 6 with twice the CS when he was level 4. 6mins in.

I think Malphite a solid top laner, but he could be strong in the jungle, if maybe they gave him some neutral camp scaling, he would be picked up a bit more. I don't know. It would have to be really fine.

Malphite is good for his late game and ult. I never pick malphite when enemy top lane is a push over because i cant really punish.

I usually reserve picking malphite for when enemy team go a strong early lane bully like dairus or renekton. My goal in that lane is to cs and make plays with tp. And a lot of times they know they will be out scaled or if they are stupid enough not to take tp they will over extend trying to make plays early.

Basically my goal is try to go even in lane then make plays elsewhere but if they over extend and i can get a solo kill in lane? Then i should be able to hard carry because i won early and that shouldn't happen.

That's pretty much how I've seen the pros approach it as well, when mega zero and west rice were in the lcs that was pretty how their malphite game goes. Calitrolls now is pretty much the same but the thing about the pros and lcs is the other top laner is obviously no joke and often times punish the malphite pick by going up by 80+cs. That's why it's such a niche pick even with an amazing ult.

In soloq if i go malphite top and don't die in lane with losing by like only 20 to 30 cs i feel real good about mid and late game due to my scaling.

At the same time when i play against malphite if i don't snowball the lane or kill + win by 50 cs i feel like i lost lane.
AP Rek'Sai in urf is a thing of beauty.

Prey Seeker is basically the same damage as a Lissandra Q, only with like 10 times the range. And 5 second tunnels means nobody is escaping you.

I mean Corki probably does it better but he's lame.


AP Rek'Sai in urf is a thing of beauty.

Prey Seeker is basically the same damage as a Lissandra Q, only with like 10 times the range. And 5 second tunnels means nobody is escaping you.

I mean Corki probably does it better but he's lame.
AP Corki with Rylais and Liandry's used to do hilarious damage. Riot cut that out quick, sadly.


AP Corki with Rylais and Liandry's used to do hilarious damage. Riot cut that out quick, sadly.
It still does a ridiculous amount of damage. I still enjoy playing AP Corki. Also throw in a Luden's Echo, Void Staff and Grail/Morellos and you're set. :D


It still does a ridiculous amount of damage. I still enjoy playing AP Corki. Also throw in a Luden's Echo, Void Staff and Grail/Morellos and you're set. :D
If you can afford those 5 items you're probably ALREADY set though. And if a champion isn't set with 5 non-boots items then that champion probably has issues. :p

I think Corki used to be able to spam rockets better though.


Ooof this was a tiring match, I was Top Naut and enemy comp had 3 tanks, Voli Vi and Sion, but their Ashe and Liss were easy to dispatch. I was Top Naut but lost top yet managed to make it up in team fights and getting objectives.
I tanked up like all get out but then I had 1 slot left which...I didn't know wtf to build at that point, BoRK, Wit's End, another tanky item lol.


Ooof this was a tiring match, I was Top Naut and enemy comp had 3 tanks, Voli Vi and Sion, but their Ashe and Liss were easy to dispatch. I was Top Naut but lost top yet managed to make it up in team fights and getting objectives.
I tanked up like all get out but then I had 1 slot left which...I didn't know wtf to build at that point, BoRK, Wit's End, another tanky item lol.

you have a weird obsession with building these items on almost every champ


Probably another Jinx picture worth quoting and teasing for 3 more pages.


I tried to play last night, but some guy named 4Chronic2Man0 had to land in champ select. Since I instituted my "don't play with weed name teammates," I have had like a much, much higher win rate. After my 5:30 timeout expired I found something else to do instead.

Was the Cinderhulk love tap even noticeable? Kind of want to ride jungle for freelo until it gets nerfed hard enough that skill matters in the jungle again.


Probably another Jinx picture worth quoting and teasing for 3 more pages.

I tried to play last night, but some guy named 4Chronic2Man0 had to land in champ select. Since I instituted my "don't play with weed name teammates," I have had like a much, much higher win rate. After my 5:30 timeout expired I found something else to do instead.

Was the Cinderhulk love tap even noticeable? Kind of want to ride jungle for freelo until it gets nerfed hard enough that skill matters in the jungle again.

Cinderhulk is still very strong. Ride that voli train to the top baby


His W; it deals Magic damage over time as he autos.

Also seems Garen's win rate went up a little since the recent patch?

Also I never maxed E first as Wukong, any reason it shows it getting maxed out first here?

Naut is not going to be a champion that stands around auto attacking the same target several times. By the nature of his passive, you want to lock down as many targets as you possibly can; the extra onhit from wit's end isn't going to supply anything and will just take up an item slot and waste gold.

E on Wukong is the standard max because of the attack speed buff.


Naut is not going to be a champion that stands around auto attacking the same target several times. By the nature of his passive, you want to lock down as many targets as you possibly can; the extra onhit from wit's end isn't going to supply anything and will just take up an item slot and waste gold.

E on Wukong is the standard max because of the attack speed buff.

Fair enough.


the only justification i could ever see building an attack speed item on naut is because his auto windup is garbage

but again, not an efficient use of gold on him


How do I carry as ADC? I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do when my team is focused on constantly diving the other team's back line and leaving me totally helpless. It doesn't matter how many kills or CS I get when it's me against their front line every fight. I can only position and kite so much.
Depends on the situation, but often if your team is just leaving you to die just hope it works lol

Either that or pick ADCs with tools against diving


Wit's End on Naut used to be a thing at some point in time tho

It's still ok, it's just a win more item, more now than ever.

It was better on him before the mini-rework because more of his damage was packed into Titan's Wrath and his long cooldowns (even at 40%, his Q-W-E CDs were 6s-12s-6s) meant you had lots of time between spell casts to auto-attack. Once you get a good amount of CDR Riptide now goes down to ~3s and between his slow AA animation and the cast animation for Riptide, Nautilus' openings for landing additional AAs is considerably smaller.

Naut's AP ratios are actually pretty solid, but he runs into the same issue as other AP tanks in that dipping into AP too much is a bad idea and it's generally reserved for early game buys like RoA. His base damage since the Riptide change are also really good, and as a general rule you're better of going with a typical CDR-centric build and buying some magic penetration items (Liandry's, Abyssal) if you're interested in damage late game.
How do I carry as ADC? I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do when my team is focused on constantly diving the other team's back line and leaving me totally helpless. It doesn't matter how many kills or CS I get when it's me against their front line every fight. I can only position and kite so much.

Shoot everything in front of you. There's a misconception about avoiding the tank and going straight for the carries, but sometimes you have to kill the tanks first. It's really dependent on your team composition.

Like just to throw an example out there. Jinx melts front line very fast. So lets say you're graves and their adc is jinx. If at same or similar items there's just no way you're gonna kill their tanks before she kills yours. So it make sense for your team to dive her and then your job is just to stay alive longer than her so they can peel back for you (if other team is smart they will be peeling for her instead of diving for you).

However let say your team is composed of two tanks, control/utility mage mid (think Ori/Lulu) and you + mage support. Other team is pretty much the same thing. In this situation it's more of race of which team can kill the other tank first rather then diving the back line. In this scenario both teams should be peeling for their respective ADC.

My only advice when fighting their front line is flash early. Don't ever get hit by their cc or you're pretty much done. You're most likely all offensive items or all but one (late game). So you just have to find a way to dps constantly non stop, and if you put yourself into a bad situation where you get cc you're either dead or you're running for your life and not dpsing while the other adc is. Either way you're losing the fight if you're not dpsing.

Here's two video example (I picked both with Graves just so you can kind of get a sense).

Example #1


There was just no way Graves was going to kill Maokai/J4 faster than Ezreal/Corki kill Fizz/Reksai. So Graves took a risk.. and it worked out.

Example #2


This time you notice Graves spent the entire fight, fighting the two front line Irelia/Reksai. He never went for their carries but focus tank first and stayed the hell away from LB who can 1 shot him, and Annie who can stun him which leads to death.

So same champion but in one scenario took the risk went for back line, other peeled back and kill tanks. You'll get used to what to do for in certain situations over time.
How do I carry as ADC? I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do when my team is focused on constantly diving the other team's back line and leaving me totally helpless. It doesn't matter how many kills or CS I get when it's me against their front line every fight. I can only position and kite so much.

Sometimes the best thing to do is just run away and save yourself. If you're well farmed and your team stupidly abandons you, try to draw as much aggro as you safely can. If 2+ champions commit to chasing you only for you to Flash/QSS/Heal/dash to safety then it's on your team to do something meanwhile. You can also look for 1v1s or splitpushes to make the game about smaller fights where you can outplay your enemies.

One other thing to do is to wait until a fight breaks out before you show up. Hide away from your team and the dive should be much less dangerous - at least one person on the enemy team will forget about you and go after someone else.


Very cool videos. I've been doing that, but I definitely need to improve. My general method is to just auto whoever's in front of me while kiting back and trying to dodge CC. Though it doesn't help that I've been playing a lot of immobile ADCs lately.
Sometimes the best thing to do is just run away and save yourself. If you're well farmed and your team stupidly abandons you, try to draw as much aggro as you safely can. If 2+ champions commit to chasing you only for you to Flash/QSS/Heal/dash to safety then it's on your team to do something meanwhile. You can also look for 1v1s or splitpushes to make the game about smaller fights where you can outplay your enemies.

One other thing to do is to wait until a fight breaks out before you show up. Hide away from your team and the dive should be much less dangerous - at least one person on the enemy team will forget about you and go after someone else.
That's how I've felt, but I'm probably not doing it right. I'm a pretty passive ADC, and I try to avoid fights unless we have an advantage. I'm in low elo, and trying to rely more on myself than my team. I love splitpushing, especially since it's so easy to get vision on the other team.

I think I might try incorporating a defensive item earlier in my build. Probably not the best solution but when it's solely up to me to not die, then I dunno.


in the new mega tank meta, don't be afraid to build a botrk on non traditional botrk adc's. even if you already have/plan to get a bt, it's still worth it.


seriously hecarim is so fucking broken i love it

how are y'all building him? I've been going cinderhulk-triforce into full tank. i want to fit in a ghostblade or cleaver but i feel i need the mid-game tankiness
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