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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I go 5/0, get my mid and top fed and practically steam roll their lanes

But bot lane just hard feed. Then proceed to feed the enemy top and mid laners. Jesus christ man.

I'm pinging to back off from obvios enemy jungler ganks but nope.

I'm pinging for the guy to ward drag so I can go in. Nope.

I pinging for him to ward baron. Nope.
I go 5/0, get my mid and top fed and practically steam roll their lanes

But bot lane just hard feed. Then proceed to feed the enemy top and mid laners. Jesus christ man.

I'm pinging to back off from obvios enemy jungler ganks but nope.

I'm pinging for the guy to ward drag so I can go in. Nope.

I pinging for him to ward baron. Nope.

Sounds like a normal day in Solo Queue.


Guess who was blamed for this game and reported for intentionally feeding?


I straight up got a warning for "intentionally feeding"

I just started 5-0-2 and the other team had Sion/Naut.

We lost... tank meta so broken! Then the Naut told me "dude I was in your position last game so this game I said fuck it and pick tank meta"

Sad... so sad.


Guess who was blamed for this game and reported for intentionally feeding?


I straight up got a warning for "intentionally feeding"

From a brief glance, only 2 of your teammates appear to be duo, and I don't -think- you'd get a warning from only 2 people reporting intentional feeding. Are you sure you didn't try to make a big play near the end or something, and people thought that was feeding on purpose to end it?

If you were upsetting teammates ingame, that could have also made them more likely to give such a report.
From a brief glance, only 2 of your teammates appear to be duo, and I don't -think- you'd get a warning from only 2 people reporting intentional feeding. Are you sure you didn't try to make a big play near the end or something, and people thought that was feeding on purpose to end it?

If you were upsetting teammates ingame, that could have also made them more likely to give such a report.

Summons I think you're missing the fact that he didn't die at all that game.


TF lost lane really hard and blamed me for not helping him while I was wrecking bot lane. He afked after ulting bot to turret dive but ended up getting all 3 of them killed.

I think Kalista and cho reported TF for afking

Thresh and TF reported me for feeding

Cho reported thresh for trash talking me

And most of the enemy team reported TF and thresh

Thresh and TF went into all chat to ask people to report me for feeding. Enemy team just told them to stfu. Found that pretty funny.


Summons I think you're missing the fact that he didn't die at all that game.

TF lost lane really hard and blamed me for not helping him while I was wrecking bot lane. He afked after ulting bot to turret dive but ended up getting all 3 of them killed.

I think Kalista and cho reported TF for afking

Thresh and TF reported me for feeding

Cho reported thresh for trash talking me

And most of the enemy team reported TF and thresh

Thresh and TF went into all chat to ask people to report me for feeding. Enemy team just told them to stfu. Found that pretty funny.

Sorry, I was confused because when I glanced at lolking Rex had a recent Twisted Fate game and I was looking at that one, somehow thinking he was reported for it. I didn't even double check the scores. I'm very tired, dumb mistake.
I guess I take back what I said about steroid ultimates. Twitch is such a fun character. I dunno if I'm using it right, but I sometimes pop his Q before an engage or right before I get hit by a stun or something so if things go wrong I have a chance of escaping with that delayed invisibility.


I guess I take back what I said about steroid ultimates. Twitch is such a fun character. I dunno if I'm using it right, but I sometimes pop his Q before an engage or right before I get hit by a stun or something so if things go wrong I have a chance of escaping with that delayed invisibility.

Yea Twitch is really fun. I went on a binge playing him for a while, but he kind of fell out of favor. Usually you'd just use Q to get yourself in a good position to fight and then go to town on the with the attack speed buff.
Yea Twitch is really fun. I went on a binge playing him for a while, but he kind of fell out of favor. Usually you'd just use Q to get yourself in a good position to fight and then go to town on the with the attack speed buff.

Hmm maybe I shouldn't buy him then. Speaking of, how long would it take to unlock a decent amount of champions without having to spend real life money?


Hmm maybe I shouldn't buy him then. Speaking of, how long would it take to unlock a decent amount of champions without having to spend real life money?

Depends if you're looking into the more expensive champions or not. They're newer and might have more interesting abilities, but the lower priced ones can be just as good.

Normally, you get anywhere from around 50-145 ip per game depending on if you win or lose and how long the game goes. So I guess it really just depends on how much you play.


I haven't in a while, but I'd go BotRK first sometimes if their team is exceptionally tanky. Botrk/Ghostblade/LW/IE.
That might be all right as well. I haven't seen the build in a while but then again I haven't seen that much Lucian in my games.

Hmm maybe I shouldn't buy him then. Speaking of, how long would it take to unlock a decent amount of champions without having to spend real life money?
It all depends on which ones you want. There are a lot of cheaper champions (some are free if you subscribe on certain sites, go get your free alistar/tristana/garen if you haven't already), and the price of a champion does not have anything to do with their power level. You could unlock a couple of 450 IP champs in a couple of days, but it all depends on which ones you want.

Twitch is not very popular right now, so you might want to wait a little before you buy him - you might find someone else that is equally fun and a little more in the current meta. If you really really like him though go ahead and buy him, since in most cases your skill with a champion matters more than whether he is currently meta.


That might be all right as well. I haven't seen the build in a while but then again I haven't seen that much Lucian in my games.

It used to just be a comfortable build for me when I was playing him a lot last season, around the time he got nerfed. Lots of gapclosers made the active worth it for me. It's pretty funny when you have a lot of attack speed and pop Ghostblade then use you ult too.
I'm curious, why has Twitch fallen out of favor? I love reading about what is and isn't meta, and the reasons behind it. Bonus points if someone can link an article that also discusses some previous metas and why things shifted to what they are now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I haven't in a while, but I'd go BotRK first sometimes if their team is exceptionally tanky. Botrk/Ghostblade/LW/IE.
BotRK scales poorly with IE, especially after the crit nerf. I would strongly urge players to buy a traditional AS/crit item and not buy into Cinderhulk fear.
I'm curious, why has Twitch fallen out of favor? I love reading about what is and isn't meta, and the reasons behind it. Bonus points if someone can link an article that also discusses some previous metas and why things shifted to what they are now.

Twitch is the same has he's always been. His weakness is lane phase, and strength is mid/late game and can roam.

Doublelift and Sneaky play twitch in solo queue all the time.

They go like bork, ghost blade into mobility boots.

And they almost always crush the game. The only reason they don't pull it out in LCS is because that would force the team to 2v1, and pro teams ward so well harder for twitch to make mid game plays. But if you listen to their commentary they both seem to really enjoy playing twitch.

Also this was why i think Mata was so impressive last year because IMP would often go Twitch therefore weak lane phase, but Mata was so good he carried IMP out of lane phase either ahead or even. I mean Mata was just lights out last year.

Edit: Oh and if you're new Doublelift and Sneaky are both professional ADC for teams in the NA LCS. IMP was the ADC for Samsung White Last year when they won the world championship and Mata was the support for Samsung White who also ended as World Championship MVP.


Yeah I would recommend just buying what you enjoy playing especially at a low level. If you enjoy playing twitch and are good with him there is no reason to not buy him. The meta really doesn't matter pre-30


Has anyone been playing Naut support a lot lately? I've been thinking of trying to add him to my repertoire. I'll prob just keep playing Morg as much as I can since I have a ridiculous W/L with her, but I need others that aren't Blitz or Braum when I want to change it up.
I'm curious, why has Twitch fallen out of favor? I love reading about what is and isn't meta, and the reasons behind it. Bonus points if someone can link an article that also discusses some previous metas and why things shifted to what they are now.
Super aggressive bot lane meta with stuff like Graves + Annie/Blitz every other game plus overall a lot of stuff that can dive you in teamfights = super sad Twitch


I'm curious, why has Twitch fallen out of favor? I love reading about what is and isn't meta, and the reasons behind it. Bonus points if someone can link an article that also discusses some previous metas and why things shifted to what they are now.

WesternHeretic explained it well, but I would like to add that Twitch should actually not be that bad in the current meta since it is relatively tanky and wants to go late game. Twitch is a late game hyper carry, and other hyper carries are in the meta right now. The only problem is the laning phase, which is quite weak, and there are a couple of lane bullies that are popular.

Has anyone been playing Naut support a lot lately? I've been thinking of trying to add him to my repertoire. I'll prob just keep playing Morg as much as I can since I have a ridiculous W/L with her, but I need others that aren't Blitz or Braum when I want to change it up.

I've played him a couple of times lately with good success. He's really simple to play so you shouldn't have a problem learning him bot.


Played like ass last night as Skarner and went 1-2. So many mistakes, bad warding, ugh. I have to stop playing tired on Saturday nights, TB matchmaking gets ridiculously bad. What are junglers doing these days regarding the ward trinkets? Pros still seem the be favoring the red trinket but I've been linking the upgraded yellow stealth trinket more often than not and supplementing that with the odd pink ward for objective and important junction control. I seem to be getting more mileage out two 3-min wards that a guaranteed to give me vision than the red trinket which half the team I use on a location with no ward anyways.
Twitch is the same has he's always been. His weakness is lane phase, and strength is mid/late game and can roam..

Wait his laning phase is bad? But he can harrass with auto attack and his 3 really well I thought.

Sadly I've mostly been playing bot games or low level games where nobody wards, so I actually haven't bothered roaming since I dont have vision of the enemy team. He impressed me though, even if it seems like I wasn't playing to his strength.


Wait his laning phase is bad? But he can harrass with auto attack and his 3 really well I thought.
It's kinda bad relative to other adcs. It's not an auto-lose though, if you manage to pull off extended trades Twitch can come out ahead. His weakness is when he gets harassed with spells, when Twitch is not allowed to get into an extended auto attack trade.
Wait his laning phase is bad? But he can harrass with auto attack and his 3 really well I thought.
That's the thing though, auto harass on a 550 range ADC with no instant escape puts you in a very dangerous position. Not to mention it has a window of build up so bursty ADCs can dish out their damage and pull back before you can do much about it.


Has anyone been playing Naut support a lot lately? I've been thinking of trying to add him to my repertoire. I'll prob just keep playing Morg as much as I can since I have a ridiculous W/L with her, but I need others that aren't Blitz or Braum when I want to change it up.

Been playing him a good amount and he is pretty solid as a support. Essentially a pseudo Leona with really good picking and lockdown potential. The decrease in cool down on his AOE slow as well as the rest of his CC makes him a kiting/peeling monster.

Plus his shield scales with health making righteous glory a fantastic item on him.
I am in love with the pony. I've never had so many games with 10+ KDA in one week.


Wait his laning phase is bad? But he can harrass with auto attack and his 3 really well I thought.

Sadly I've mostly been playing bot games or low level games where nobody wards, so I actually haven't bothered roaming since I dont have vision of the enemy team. He impressed me though, even if it seems like I wasn't playing to his strength.

Well his Q has the element of surprise and you can't really surprise anyone when you're standing right in front of them. His E does a lot of damage once you get the stacks on and with items problem is early game his auto does nothing and by the time you pop and E (level 1,2 or 3) it doesn't really do much yet while other ADC like graves/Lucian can Q you right in the face before you even get 2 stacks of E.

Edit: Watching Newt rekt it up on Kayle. Looks like both of us have found new LOVE! Thank god for dual monitors! Watching LCS on one and Newt/Ghost on the other HAHA
I'm curious, why has Twitch fallen out of favor? I love reading about what is and isn't meta, and the reasons behind it. Bonus points if someone can link an article that also discusses some previous metas and why things shifted to what they are now.

I'm a Twitch player. Personally, one big reason is the nerf to his base AD and passive. It made trading in lane even more difficult. They also nerfed the late game power of his passive. I don't think it's because we see aggressive bot again because back when he was regularly played we also saw Leonas and Namis.

There's also the shift of crit chance from IE to PD, which is a nerf for champs who like to use Ghostblade or Shiv.

As for jungle Twitch... he just doesn't survive the jungle this season. He USED to, until they made it impossible for ranged champions to get free hits on monsters.
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