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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I lost two games last night back to back where the other team lost 2 inhibs...



is there a bug with runepages that i'm just not aware of?

twice now I've gone to my runepages and they're completely different than what they're supposed to be.

last night i looked at my irelia page after 4 or so games of noticing that my attack speed wasn't getting rune bonus properly, and noticed it had completely different runes on it. I wiped the page, set it up properly, saved, then logged out and logged back in and it was back to the wrong rune page, but with different runes this time.


Yeah I've never liked Ahri even though I main mid lane. Played like every single mid champion but Ahri is like the most boring to me. Even when I get insanely fed on her she just doesn't feel fun.

Personally my favorite mid champions are Xerath, Yasuo, and Viktor.
You like Yasuo but you don't like Ahri?
...I don't have any manaless Jungers >_>; Unless you count Garen but I wouldn't jungle with him yeesh.
No Shyvana, the glorious queen of AFK jungle farming?

Am I supposed to be impressed by your score?
You don't even have two PDs


I appreciate the heads up about the streams. I don't know that it's breaking any rules -- is it? Worst-case, I think the ignore list hides posts, so one could use that to mask out Tizoc's posts if it were an issue.

...but but then they'll miss out on my Bronze Lyfe stories!


Everything is moe to me
Cmon guys, I'm good with everyone trash talking each other, but at least make it specific. We're made relationship charts before, we can do it again.

whooho, first on the list!
it's like being picked first for dodgeball.



Looks like I'm back to playing Aram only but this time I don't have any motivation to ever go back to ranked.

I think my time of quitting this game is approaching



Looks like I'm back to playing Aram only but this time I don't have any motivation to ever go back to ranked.

I think my time of quitting this game is approaching

The only thing you can do to really quit the game is throwing your PC out of the window.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

Looks like I'm back to playing Aram only but this time I don't have any motivation to ever go back to ranked.

I think my time of quitting this game is approaching
Is there anything specific that happened to push you away from the game?



Looks like I'm back to playing Aram only but this time I don't have any motivation to ever go back to ranked.

I think my time of quitting this game is approaching

I know that feel.
...but then they announce a new skin, a rework, a new champ or you play with friends and you're hooked back in.


I've gotten way too many games this season where I play well and get fed but I always get that asshole who refuses to get carried. They go out of his way to lose the game on purpose because people ping him back from ganks or he doesn't want to participate in fights.

I'm not even raging at these games anymore. I'm slightly annoyed. Being slightly annoyed just means I'm getting bored. Raging and venting on the thread was kind of like me being passionate about this hobby.

Sure, winning and carrying with voli feels nice but I'm losing more than I win even though I have insane stats with volibear every game.

You can say that I'm not giving kills to my laners or I'm not picking the right fights like every other guy who doesn't spectate my games. But I am ganking. I gank so much I'm often down in levels unless I counter jungle with my item lead.

Even though I take all the kills, I still give my laners a bunch of time to free farm. I rarely tax and rather solo dragons when I do kill someone so my laners can get ahead. That's how I like to jungle.

It's just damn frustrating when my laners I camp for seem to almost always lose lane when I take my eyes off them.

I'd say it's happened 60% of the games this season and it's too much of a struggle to try and play when this happens so consistently. It's also a pain when I know I can outjungle the crap out of my enemy but my laners don't listen to my warning pings on incoming ganks.

TL:DR Elo hell. My laners won't let me play the game to my full potential.


I like to play FTL when league gets to me. FTL always gets to me more.

Just play something you're bad at. Then you'll know how the feeders feel


About Kha'zix's passive; it marks champs that are isolated, can it be also a good indicator of if I'm gonna get ganked? Like I'm laning (for example), and the mark doesn't show up, I can take that as indicator that another enemy champ is nearby.


Not necessarily. Creeps count too iirc

Probably don't want to lane with kha anyway tho

Also the range on it is surprisingly short. Like enough where you'll have team fights with isolated targets
Turrets count too
Enemy champions are marked as isolated when they have no allies (allied champions, minions or turrets) within 500-units.

Seeing someone in the middle of nowhere with no marker is a dead giveaway, tho at that point in the game if you have no vision you should likely assume people are lingering about
Cmon guys, I'm good with everyone trash talking each other, but at least make it specific. We're made relationship charts before, we can do it again.

Are you saying <Insert Shock and Horror> That streamers are regular commentators on this thread and that sometimes they like to talk smack?!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Cmon guys, I'm good with everyone trash talking each other, but at least make it specific. We're made relationship charts before, we can do it again.

Aww yes, shit talking time.

I've gotten way too many games this season where I play well and get fed but I always get that asshole who refuses to get carried. They go out of his way to lose the game on purpose because people ping him back from ganks or he doesn't want to participate in fights.

I'm not even raging at these games anymore. I'm slightly annoyed. Being slightly annoyed just means I'm getting bored. Raging and venting on the thread was kind of like me being passionate about this hobby.

Sure, winning and carrying with voli feels nice but I'm losing more than I win even though I have insane stats with volibear every game.

You can say that I'm not giving kills to my laners or I'm not picking the right fights like every other guy who doesn't spectate my games. But I am ganking. I gank so much I'm often down in levels unless I counter jungle with my item lead.

Even though I take all the kills, I still give my laners a bunch of time to free farm. I rarely tax and rather solo dragons when I do kill someone so my laners can get ahead. That's how I like to jungle.

It's just damn frustrating when my laners I camp for seem to almost always lose lane when I take my eyes off them.

I'd say it's happened 60% of the games this season and it's too much of a struggle to try and play when this happens so consistently. It's also a pain when I know I can outjungle the crap out of my enemy but my laners don't listen to my warning pings on incoming ganks.

TL:DR Elo hell. My laners won't let me play the game to my full potential.

Join me and play some other (read:fun) videogames. Dark Souls 2: Scholar of First Sin is great.

Yeah, Newt is secretly Nightblue




Wake up sheeple.


I'm just waiting for killing floor 2 to come. I bloody hope it's good. 5 more days

Oh shit. That game snuck on me. Well, these days they all do since my only connection to what's coming out soon is the steam store page, but still. Awesome, loved KF even though I was total shit at it. I need to put in some more overtime so I can get mah PC upgrade.


WTF is up with Khazix's low defense power, dude is like wet paper...

Also screw this camp farming J4 jungler and this lame ass Ez on my team. I'm taking out gnar AND THAT EZ IS FUCKING FARMING, YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN A KILL YOU DICKTIT.

Really the main reason i've lost much of my recent SR matches is because of my team flaming each other what the hell is this rito?

EDIT: Now I'm against either a Top shyvanna that took SMite by mistake or....
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