Blitz pick is very very questionable...
Wrong. Horrible vision control and map rotations. Bad pulls. A big reason these lanes fell behind was because of how Aphromoo played this game.
Even then, beyond Aphroo's really questionable play the pick itself was just bad even had he played well. They have Azir and Tristana in an obvious siege comp, both of whom can self peel so the team needs some lockdown to keep the opposing team in place after the disengages have been used (see Lemon's Morgana pick vs. Fnatic). Elise has a bit of that with her cocoon, but Blitz offers absolutely none of that, neither does Olaf (which was equally a terrible pick into this comp).
Morgana would have been the superior pick and it was available at the time.
On the subject of the Olaf pick, how does Gnar slip away? Would have been perfect. Fits the comp, can play both the 1v1 and undermanned lane, and isn't all that gold dependent either.