Unknown Soldier
Disney still can't decide if they want to rename "X-Men" to something else because you know wokeness. I have zero faith in Disney actually knowing what to do with the X-Men, and if I were Sony I would be nervous too because Disney has successfully run every significant franchise they own into the ground in less than a decade. The Spider-Man games keep selling and selling but right now Wolverine looks like a big gamble because there hasn't been any significant movement in the film franchise since 20th Century Fox got acquired by Disney. Sony is on the hook for $160M minimum spend to get Wolverine made and they do not have any recourse if it bombs and loses them that $160M.What's funny is all these sales are banking on the Marvel films to push the awareness of these games. Yet, Disney has put Avengers on ice, Star Wars can't seem to figure out where the magic went on the big screen and Pixar is MIA. This is the same Disney that's suppose to make X-men popular? Disney's wiser move would be to first, look how to get people back to the big screen. Then start making real scripts for big releases again and stop fooling around with Disney+. Then maybe it'll be time to release X-men on the big screen. Until then don't bother...
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