TheAtomicPile said:
That absolutely happens. The best part is, many times it doesn't even matter if you're doing everything right or not. Either in the campaigns or in versus. Some people are going to be dicks regardless.
But, that's just because The L4D games have the worst player communities out of any game that I've ever played. Worse than any Halo game, any Gears game, any COD game. Simply the worst.
I don't think it's true that the L4D player communities are bad, I think it's that the L4D random player community is bad. Because of the type of game it is, many players basically play exclusively with friends. Since even in Versus you're only going to be playing with 7 other people max, it's not hard to find a regular group of people to play with. This leaves random games filled with people who are either new to the game, or basically just looking to fuck around. Not a good combination.
I play with a regular group of friends, and we're always nice to random people who join us if we don't have enough people and actually decide to set it to a public game. Our experience is that the kindness doesn't really pay off because most of the time the random guys joining are either dicks, or retards. Every once in a while we get a random who has a mic and is actually interested in playing the game. It's not that bad if it's just a noob player who is learning the ropes. We can be patient with that, but the worst ones are the ones who are just plain rude, refuse to listen to any strategies, and basically ends up being a liability on purpose.
If you can find a regularly group of friends to play the game with, it's really a hell lot of fun.