I... was already voting Stanley
Vote: StanleyPalmtree
whatatwist.jpgVote: StanleyPalmtree
Vote: StanleyPalmtree
lol as if
Vote: CCS
Wasn't that fun [insert_CCS_voter_here]?
Imagine how much fun it would be if you did the same?
That's not how you force cabot's hand![]()
Cabot can go take a walk.
in fact he already is
I've made my thoughts known. I'm just watching to try and make sure I don't need to make a further vote move to avoid a tie.You think it says a lot as to who's talking right now and who isn't? Awful lot of dead air and a good chunk of people aren't chiming in very significantly.
Serious Kyan says: we are missing some votes.
Cabot can go take a walk.
in fact he already is
Taking a walk during Mafia day end. How dare he?
It's not like you can't walk like a douche glued to your phone either.
Missing votes as in the vote count is broken or?
What do you think Bronx and Ynnek are doing right now?
What do you think Bronx and Ynnek are doing right now?
cabot's late walks border on meditation for him leave the man alone he needs whatever inner peace he can find
panicking in scum chat?
Dusk of the Second Day
The citizens of Lyrule are inspecting the rubble from the caved-in fountain.
”Poor wolf. I wonder if he's in heaven, gathering Tears of Light for all time."
”That doesn't sound like heaven."
”Good point."
”Since these are just rocks, we can bomb them, right?"
”No. These rocks are a different colour and size."
A loud snapping sound can be heard in the distance. Heads turn toward it.
A group of men in dark suits walk towards the citizens. Some are dressed rather oddly in colourful and ill-fitting clothes. They seem to be holding something in their hands.
CCS steps forward. ”Who are you?"
The men stop and bow. One of them starts talking in a foreign language.
CCS looks puzzled. ”They say they are... bales of hay... ketchup... groovy pencil... serious box... what???"
Some of the other citizens shake their head. ”We understand them just fine, CCS. Your translation skills are terrible."
CCS shrugs and turns back to the group of men. ”What do you have in your hand?"
One steps forward holding a rectangle. It's display a series of fast-moving and brightly-coloured images. ”We would... like... to... play," he says slowly.
”Uhhh... okay?" says CCS hesitantly.
One of the other men steps forward and gives CCS a small object. It's brightly coloured and oddly shaped. He points at the rectangle. ”Watch," he instructs CCS.
On the rectangle, the image shows two humanoids pointing their hands at each other. They're each holding one of the objects that CCS has.
”Understand?" asks one of the men.
CCS nods slowly. ”I think so. Point this object at your opponent to win?"
”Yes!" he replies. He shows CCS another copy of the object in his hand, then starts backing away. He puts the object in his pocket.
CCS shakes his head. ”I don't have a pocket, but okay." He tucks his object into his belt.
Sounds come from the rectangle. ”3... 2... 1... go!"
CCS looks at the rectangle, confused, as the other man smoothly pulls the object from his pocket and points it at CCS. He falls over.
The group of men chatter excitedly. ”Winner!"
The man holding the rectangle turns to the thoroughly confused citizens of Lyrule. ”Thank you for playing," he says. He bows, then retrieves the object from CCS and walks away.
The winner of the duel snaps his fingers loudly, then follows the others as they depart.
”What... just... happened?"
”Not sure. What's up with CCS? Is he playing dead?" Someone checks his pulse, then jumps back.
”Uh, you're not going to like this..."
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Groose, an Ordinary Non-Speaking Character (this means Vanilla Townie). The unsung hero of Skyward Sword, you really should get your own game. Okay, you'll settle for a spinoff. How about DLC? Fine, a mobile game? Anyone?
Like the beginning of a particular franchise, you have nothing at your disposal. Not even a jump button. The only thing you can do is VOTE.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is paid online.
Dawn of the Third Day
It is another cloudless night in Lyrule. As the people sleep, Kawl spreads his wings and takes to the sky.
The goddesses track Kawl's flight, as they don't have anything better to do.
”He's obviously hungry, right?" Nayru asks.
”I bet 50 rupees he eats a Skulltula," says Farore.
”You know he's a human in owl form right?" chides Nayru. ”50 rupees he eats some crop vegetables from the ranch."
Din calls out from the couch: ”Anyone want to play 1-2-Switch?" Nayru and Farore ignore her.
”Fine," pouts Din. She pulls out an officially licensed headset and starts playing music.
Nayru turns and frowns. ”I can hear your music from here. Is that ‘Dude Looks Like a Lady'?"
Din cocks her head to the side. ”I CAN'T HEAR YOU," she shouts. She shuffles to the next song, which is ”Man, I Feel Like a Woman".
Farore also turns around. ”You have an interesting taste in music."
Still unable to hear anything else, Din takes her headset off. ”Look, over there!" She points in the direction of Lyrule.
In the middle of a crop circle lies the crumpled form of Kawl. A half-eaten head of lettuce lies nearby.
”Poison?" gasps Farore.
”No. He didn't wash his vegetables before eating," Nayru shakes her head sadly. ”You also owe me 50 rupees."
”Look!" points Din again. In a puff of smoke, a tall, slender man appears next to Kawl. He kneels and cradles the owl's head in his hands. ”I'm sorry," he says in a high-pitched voice.
Suddenly, skeletons burst out of the ground and attack the man. The figure reacts quickly and jumps out of the way. A whip appears in his hand and he swings it at one of the skeletons. It crumbles to dust on contact.
However, as quick and deadly as the man in blue is, the skeletons keep coming. Eventually the man falters slightly and a skeleton gets close enough to land a blow, then another, and another. The man falls to his knees.
In desperation, he performs an elaborate ritual with his hands and envelops himself in a blinding flash of light, knocking the skeletons back. The light fades to reveal that the man has disappeared and been replaced by a tall, slender woman in a regal dress.
”Whoa," says Din in awe.
Farore shoots her a look. ”Do you really not know that Sheik and Zelda are the same person?"
”Well yeah, but it's still cool to see the transformation."
Farore shakes her head in disbelief.
Back on Lyrule, Princess Zelda is weaving intricate magic spells, driving back the masses of skeletons. She casts a glance at the horizon: a hint of the sun can be seen. If I can just hold out until dawn-
The momentary distraction was enough. A large skeleton bursts from the ground near her and grabs her feet. Before Zelda can react, the skeleton pulls her underground. Her scream echoes across Lyrule Field, mingling with the rooster crowing the start of a new day. The remaining skeletons crumble to the ground as the sun appears.
The goddesses are silent.
Din pulls out a smartphone. ”If you won't play 1-2-Switch with me, I'll find someone who does!"
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Kaepora Gaebora (also known as The Owl from Ocarina of Time), a Watcher. As a wise old owl, you see many things from afar, and impart wisdom on many a questing adventurer.
Once per night, you may target a Player with the command WATCH: Player and see who visits them, but not what actions are used on them.
You are aligned with town and win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is HD rumble.
Did you get all that? No?
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Kaepora Gaebora (also known as The Owl from Ocarina of Time), a Watcher. As a wise old owl, you see many things from afar, and impart wisdom on many a questing adventurer.
Once per night, you may target a Player with the command WATCH: Player and see who visits them, but not what actions are used on them.
You are aligned with town and win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is a smartphone app for voice chat.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Sheik, a highly acrobatic and skilled warrior. You are a LOVER. Your fellow lover is CzarTim (Zelda). The flavour just writes itself.
Sheik and Zelda share a secret... chat. It is yourself.
As with all Lovers, should one of you die, the other will perish.
You are aligned with town and win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is a minigame collection.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Zelda, a powerful warrior princess. You are a LOVER. Your fellow lover is Natiko (Sheik). The flavour just writes itself.
Zelda and Sheik share a secret... chat. It is yourself.
As with all Lovers, should one of you die, the other will perish.
You are aligned with town and win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is 3 hour battery life.