I'm town reading Splinter and cabot now for a few reasons:
- Both were on the acohrs lynch fairly early and neither are present on the Day 1 CCS lynch Splinter was quite late and hadn't scum read acohrs earlier
I have a poor opinion of Nin and Stanley:
- Neither are playing as I remember them when they were town in the past. What is different?
- Nin's little trolling shtick from Day 2 doesn't sit well with me. Where and why?
- Stanley was on the CCS vote each day. And? Is this the sole reason you scum read him?
- Nin jumped on the Acohrs vote fairly late. Don't think this was a bus attempt Why do you scum read him if you don't think it was a bus?
- Nin voted for Ynnek in response to Ynnek voting for Stanley.
Ever so slight town read on Ynnek:
- Was on the CCS vote both days; justification for Day 2 was to look more closely at the votes, which he did eventually do. So basically the same thing Stanley did...
- However he did jump on the CCS Day 1 vote prett late. This feels like an observation wrapped in shade.
- Is now voting for Stanley; was responded to by Nin.
- Seems to have the same opinion as I do on Stanley, give or take.
I don't know what to think of AB, Kyan, or Bronx,Terra or Magnum
- Kyan jumped on the Acohrs vote late, with the justification for increasing the lead. Could have been a bus attempt, perhaps? Not certain. He certainly made his post visible
- Bronx was on the D2 CCS lynch, but jumped off to vote for Nin and left his vote there. I suspect they're probably not scummates if one of them turns out to be scum. What about Bronx and Stanley?
- AB was on the CCS lynch on DAy 1, but jumped off literally seconds after the day ended. Don't know what to make of that. Can you picture scum!AB inviting there?
So, that's where I'm at right now as far as my current thoughts.