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Legion |OT| Insert X-Men Meme - Wednesdays 10/9c on FX

How important is it that when Syd entered his bedroom, the shot of the door opening and closing from under the bed showed no feet walking in?


Hunky Nostradamus
I enjoyed it, but it needs to fuck with the viewer less than Mr. Robot. The whole "nothing is real, everyone is you" thing is played out and is at risk of becoming the new "and then he woke up and it was all a dream, the end."

Agreed. I really hope they don't go as far as Mr. Robot with that.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
What a crazy show, loved it. Never read the comic.


If anyone follows the Legion page on Facebook, one of their recent advertising posts was a little clip of a short scene at the mental institution where you can see in the background one of the patients standing partially behind the bushes. And the clip stated some stat like only 20% of people notice the man standing behind the bushes.

Thought that was funny after seeing Lenny in the mirror without any attention being called to it. :)


I enjoyed it, but it needs to fuck with the viewer less than Mr. Robot. The whole "nothing is real, everyone is you" thing is played out and is at risk of becoming the new "and then he woke up and it was all a dream, the end."
I haven't watched any of Mr. Robot for myself, so can't comment on that, but I do agree on the rest of this (liked it, but could do without it testing my patience by messing with me as much as it did).


semen stains the mountaintops
If anyone follows the Legion page on Facebook, one of their recent advertising posts was a little clip of a short scene at the mental institution where you can see in the background one of the patients standing partially behind the bushes. And the clip stated some stat like only 20% of people notice the man standing behind the bushes.

Thought that was funny after seeing Lenny in the mirror without any attention being called to it. :)

I really don't see how since there's a shot where it lingers on him for a bit.


Watched the first episode on a whim and was very impressed. I love how trippy it gets and so far it's even more interesting then some of the Netflix Marvel stuff. I'm totally on board with the rest of the show now.

Helps that the cast is great as well. Love me some Aubrey Plaza and I've had a bit of a man crush on Dan Stevens ever since "The Guest".
I wasn't feeling it. I'll keep up with it for a few more episodes.

Personally Legion was one of my most hated characters. Just did nothing for me.
Great pilot. Already grabs me more than any of Netflix's comic book offerings.

How important is it that when Syd entered his bedroom, the shot of the door opening and closing from under the bed showed no feet walking in?

I think that Syd was a projection into his memory to let him know she was leaving, triggering him to hurry to meet her before she left and kiss her and then swap bodies and make the whole mess at the ward. Syd's weird because her projection was also steering him away from the two people she was with and into the hands of the black uniformed soldiers.

I'm still wondering what the hell happened when he went back to his normal body and went home. Did they revert back to their normal selves after a while or was it a trip?


Cool poster:



Shit, this was amazing. Similar to Hannibal do the visuals and soundesign alone make it a joy to watch.

Only the final part felt more like a classic superhero show which I hope isn't the direction this will go.


I definitely think there's a sense of confusion running throughout the show, but that David did indeed swap with Syd (hence her no touching rule) and she didn't know how to control his powers which led to the incident.

At least I think.

I actually liked the way the escape sequence was shot and the way telekinesis powers were depicted.

My confusion stems from
trying to understand when he switched back into his own body. Maybe I passed out or something, but at some point after accidently switching bodies he gets his body back, but I can't for the life of me track how that happened. Forgive me if i'm misremembering, but we see a scene after they have swapped bodies where the David that is trapped in Syd's body goes into the fucked up hospital with the doctor, we see/hear Syd (in David body) trapped in a room after presumably freaking out and not understanding David's powers. Sequence ends. Then the next time we flash back we see Syd's body sitting at the table out in the world, then the body suddenly turns into David body (he grabs at his chest) and then he goes to his sisters. I thought maybe showing that transition between bodies was just used to help us understand he was in Syd's body, but he very much seemed to be David when he went to his sisters. Also the green suitcase to me always suggested we were looking at David in Syd's body as that was her suitcase and he was carrying it around. Does the body swap actually happen in a "teleport" sort of way and that's what that scene was supposed to suggest and I just missed it? The fact that touch started it makes me think that touch would be needed to swap back, but I guess not?
All of the other mystery or unexplained stuff
(Syd "floating" into the room)
worked for me and i'm intrigued, but this thing is really annoying me.
My confusion stems from
trying to understand when he switched back into his own body. Maybe I passed out or something, but at some point after accidently switching bodies he gets his body back, but I can't for the life of me track how that happened. Forgive me if i'm misremembering, but we see a scene after they have swapped bodies where the David that is trapped in Syd's body goes into the fucked up hospital with the doctor, we see/hear Syd (in David body) trapped in a room after presumably freaking out and not understanding David's powers. Sequence ends. Then the next time we flash back we see Syd's body sitting at the table out in the world, then the body suddenly turns into David body (he grabs at his chest) and then he goes to his sisters. I thought maybe showing that transition between bodies was just used to help us understand he was in Syd's body, but he very much seemed to be David when he went to his sisters. Also the green suitcase to me always suggested we were looking at David in Syd's body as that was her suitcase and he was carrying it around. Does the body swap actually happen in a "teleport" sort of way and that's what that scene was supposed to suggest and I just missed it? The fact that touch started it makes me think that touch would be needed to swap back, but I guess not?
All of the other mystery or unexplained stuff
(Syd "floating" into the room)
worked for me and i'm intrigued, but this thing is really annoying me.

I think it was as simple as it being a temporary/timed thing.
The switch happened, the freakout happened, David in Syd's body is escorted out of the hospital, sees the mutant rescuers get out of the car (they more than likely break out Syd in David's body since at least one of them is some sort of psychic/telepath and could have located the real her), with little recourse David can only sit and wait around wondering what to do until the timing of the body switch ends and he gets his form back suddenly and without much fanfare, after this he heads to his sister's and we know he's back in his own body because he has his TK abilities back, his visions and his sister recognizes him.
From there the phone call, the chase, the capture, the interrogation and the escape all happen.

On another note, I think I see where the season might be going. This is all speculation -
As of now I think there is a mutant hunt going on. Syd, Melanie and etc. are all part of a rebellion and they call David "the key" in the preview because they probably know he has reality warping abilities. If he can gain control of all his powers including the reality warping, he could theoretically create a world where mutants and humans are equal. And the demon with yellow eyes, if that is Mojo, might want the same thing to turn Earth into his Mojoverse and might try his mysticism, memory manipulation and hypnotism to get it.
I like your prediction but I still think
its the Shadow King.

Ah I didn't even think of that theory. If it is he
could certainly be looking to take over David's body and thus his powers. Heck, that'd be a pretty good opportunity to to hint at David's parentage if they keep the Shadow King's canon history with Prof X.
Everything was awesome besides that awful escape scene. i hope they keep up the trippy stuff. I need a visual showpiece with hannibal gone


tagged by Blackace
Though the show was really all over the place. I mean, I guess on some level you can justify that it's the point, but visually it was very chaotic and all over the place in terms of the shots used and the tone and everything. Just super random with no rhythm or rhyme or finesse to it. Was super disappointed because I thought the trailer did a good job of selling it, but it's like a trailer cut that goes on for an hour. Just a complete, egregious mess of trying to use every visual effect or technique they possibly can.

Narrative-wise it could have some potential but I'm also not a fan of IS THIS REAL OR AN ILLUSION? HAHA YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO FOLLOW IT backbones of stories in general. Pretty much up there with time travel as far as groan-worthy premises, or at least ones that depend pretty heavily on a late-season payoff and it-all-makes-sense moments.

Will probably stick with it for a few more episodes to see if it improves for Aubrey Plaza & the impressive budget. Her character is a great fit for her. I dig the main dude and Sydney's actors as well. Also, coming off of just finishing Parks and Rec and The People vs. OJ, the main dude sounds a ton like Ben Wyatt and the interrogator sounds like David Schwimmer as Rob Kardashian.
Also, coming off of just finishing Parks and Rec and The People vs. OJ, the main dude sounds a ton like Ben Wyatt and the interrogator sounds like David Schwimmer as Rob Kardashian.

Haha I had that exact thing on my mind in all of his scenes.

As for the shows chaotic nature, Plaza said it's "gonna get even crazier" so I can completely understand people dropping the show. But it does have to tell a narrative so I'd imagine it tightens up alot over the course of the season rather than simply relying on wackiness. At some point the percent of what we know is real & what's a delusion will outweigh what we're unsure of.
I totally get the comparisons to Hannibal. Completely different vibe, but the focus on the visuals, sound design, character and world-building, and focus on mental illness. Very similar to Mr Robot in that way as well.

Hannibal - Crime
Mr Robot - Thriller
Legion - Superheroes

Will probably stick with it for a few more episodes to see if it improves for Aubrey Plaza & the impressive budget. Her character is a great fit for her. I dig the main dude and Sydney's actors as well. Also, coming off of just finishing Parks and Rec and The People vs. OJ, the main dude sounds a ton like Ben Wyatt and the interrogator sounds like David Schwimmer as Rob Kardashian.

Cannot unsee.
Two thoughts about the climax/escape:

1) When the goon starts choking David and the camera cuts away before cutting back... did David break that dude's neck? You hear a crack sound but don't see it, but when the camera swings back around, David's like 15 feet away and the goon is dead.

2) The hyper-kinetic nature of the escape: What if that's not how it happened? I mean we can't trust anything on this show if David is involved in that scene. What if he just walked out and killed everyone and is imagining this crazy escape scene?


Two thoughts about the climax/escape:

1) When the goon starts choking David and the camera cuts away before cutting back... did David break that dude's neck? You hear a crack sound but don't see it, but when the camera swings back around, David's like 15 feet away and the goon is dead.

2) The hyper-kinetic nature of the escape: What if that's not how it happened? I mean we can't trust anything on this show if David is involved in that scene. What if he just walked out and killed everyone and is imagining this crazy escape scene?
1. I saw some black smoke rising from that dude's head, but I didn't hear the crack sound.

2. I think it's highly possible that all those mutants are just different personalities of David, including Syd.
This was awesome. I was surprised how well it toed the line of how much being real/how much is in David's head and not being annoying with it. After Westworld I kinda don't have any patience for withholding shit for late season twists but this felt pretty playful with it for the most part. Ending was kinda wack though yeah.

I hope for action scenes in the future it's more in the vein of the room exploding scenes in the first 2/3rds of the pilot rather than the escape at the end. Felt like a bone being thrown to the cbm crowd to make them tune in for the next episode, "hey it's not all trippy visuals and wondering if this dude is crazy, we also do big CGI fights too!".

Fingers crossed for most of David's superpowered adversaries to be psychics or someone who can be creative with their powers because David should be wrecking shit in all honesty. Pulling for the yellow eyed imp to be Shadow King.


What a beautiful show. I hope it can keep balancing the weird without getting up its own ass like Mr. Robot.

I'm not a fan of Marvel/DC superhero stuff, but I'm totally on board with it.


Holy fucking shit guys. I don't know what I expected, maybe something like Agent of Shield, but this this was something else.

This could of passed for a movie except for the end. The psychological aspect kept me on my toes and was very entertaining.

I hope they keep the production level up but they have a fan. I'm so impressed with what I watched I want to make a twitter account and tell everyone that worked on it great job.


Watched it tonight. As commented before, the escape scene doesn't look good, but it was a minor flaw because I really enjoyed it. Plaza nailed it as Lenny, even though the role was originally going to be given to an actor.
I liked it up right until the end. I guess I forgot half-way through that it was supposed to be a superhero show so the whole "join the resistance and learn your powers" thing really brought me out of it. There may have been one too many flashbacks too but as long as some of them pay off at the end, I'll be okay with it. The set design was great and the changes in the framing were really well done. Overall, I really enjoyed it, especially the acting from Dan Stevens and Aubrey Plaza. Not the best pilot I've ever seen (that honor goes to Mr. Robot) but it's up there.


THIS is the potential of X-Men series and characters finally being realized. They don't have to always be a sorry about saving the world or fighting Magneto. We can slow the fuck down and have a story like this focusing on one character.

Great pilot.

"I'm insane you idiot."
Great pilot. Already grabs me more than any of Netflix's comic book offerings.

I think that Syd was a projection into his memory to let him know she was leaving, triggering him to hurry to meet her before she left and kiss her and then swap bodies and make the whole mess at the ward. Syd's weird because her projection was also steering him away from the two people she was with and into the hands of the black uniformed soldiers.

I'm still wondering what the hell happened when he went back to his normal body and went home. Did they revert back to their normal selves after a while or was it a trip?
because that was a memory. it had already happened, you can't change memories.


I didn't really care for it. Too much going on, too confusing, no idea if any of it is actually happening. It's hard to suspend my disbelief when it seems like the show wants me to disbelieve everything that happens. I'll give the second episode a try.
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