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Legion |OT| Insert X-Men Meme - Wednesdays 10/9c on FX


I really didn't like it.

It was too hyperactive, couldn't figure which scene it wanted to focus on the most, and it jumped from one place/era to another.

The use of slow-mo and Special Effects was also detreminet to the story, it didn't feel impact-full at all.


I really didn't like it.

It was too hyperactive, couldn't figure which scene it wanted to focus on the most, and it jumped from one place/era to another.

The use of slow-mo and Special Effects was also detreminet to the story, it didn't feel impact-full at all.

Yeah particularly in the ending tracking shot I thought the effects were terrible and took away from what would have been a fun scene.


Yeah particularly in the ending tracking shot I thought the effects were terrible and took away from what would have been a fun scene.

Even the kitchen scene felt little underdeveloped. It felt like the writer/director and the people responsible for the VFX were out of sync. Him going mental, food and items moving about and then the final climax should ave felt more dynamic, yet it felt everything was 2 seconds off. Even the sound effect.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I didn't really care for it. Too much going on, too confusing, no idea if any of it is actually happening. It's hard to suspend my disbelief when it seems like the show wants me to disbelieve everything that happens. I'll give the second episode a try.

My feelings are closer to this than "best pilot ever." It's weird but I didn't really get much out of it. The set design, directing, and costumes are wonderful. Otherwise, I wasn't that impressed. The opening minutes with David's childhood were brilliant. And sometimes there would be bright spots like that sprinkled throughout the episode...but not nearly enough to keep me that engrossed.

This had something that annoys me in a lot of indie films. Being idiosyncratic for the sake of it. I get that the viewing experience is supposed to mirror David's perceived mental illness and confusion, but I didn't find that satisfying to watch. You mix mutant powers into it and it feels like anything can happen and there aren't any rules to the world I'm seeing.

Not bad. Just...weird.


finally watched the 1st episode, holy fuck that was some crazy shit
i find it too confusing and a bit boring in the 1st 20 minutes or so until the body switch, everything after that was pretty awesome
definitely gonna follow this now


I definitely think there's a sense of confusion running throughout the show, but that David did indeed swap with Syd (hence her no touching rule) and she didn't know how to control his powers which led to the incident.

At least I think.

I actually liked the way the escape sequence was shot and the way telekinesis powers were depicted.
I really liked that as well. Usually people just get thrown around but he turned them into freaking cannonballs.
During the chase scene I thought the music sounded like something off Dark Side of the Moon to the point I thought I was hearing a remix of the song 'On the Run'. At the same time they did the Syd Barrett name drop, and the moment in the song "On the Run' where you would hear that loud screeching sound (I was always took as a plane crash since the song is about the fear of flying) we hear a skateboard in the background. Jesus as a Pink Floyd fan consider my mind blown just on that part alone (yes the Syd Barrett thing was a little too on the nose, but I don't care).

Right after the episode I googled Pink Floyd + Legion, and I be dammed if they are not using the same type synthesizer that was used on DSTOM.


That said as someone who never really liked a comic book television series (Jessica Jones was close, but in the end it was too much filler and too many wasted opportunities), I loved this.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
In case you don't know, the first ep is free to download/stream on iTunes

Thanks for that.

I... don't know with this show. Like, the main mystery before the last 10 mins wasn't that super interesting to me. It's when
the powers are going off while they're escaping and the one dude is flicking people around like they're just ragdolls
that the show became interesting for me.

I'm here for the X-men. I'm not here for a psychological thriller. If I wanted that, I have Mr. Robot. Get past the "what is David's power" bit and let me enjoy his power, damn it.


Holy shit that was one of the best pilots I have ever seen. Never since Hannibal has TV looked this beautiful.

This and everyone else that has commented about the show being visually fantastic.

Really enjoyed the premiere as well.


2) The hyper-kinetic nature of the escape: What if that's not how it happened? I mean we can't trust anything on this show if David is involved in that scene. What if he just walked out and killed everyone and is imagining this crazy escape scene?

Ding ding ding! We have a winner. David broke himself out. think about the name of the show..

It's also entirely possible Syd is in his head as well, he certainly has the power, and the feds investigating him could find no record of her.


Ding ding ding! We have a winner. David broke himself out. think about the name of the show..

It's also entirely possible Syd is in his head as well, he certainly has the power, and the feds investigating him could find no record of her.
Had the same thought. Every one of the "Faux-Xmen" are alternate parts of his personality. Even Syd. I mean, he has the power to turn doors into seamless walls, he could probably do anything he wants. Legion has been used before in fiction as a guy with split personalities.

Thanks for that.

I... don't know with this show. Like, the main mystery before the last 10 mins wasn't that super interesting to me. It's when
the powers are going off while they're escaping and the one dude is flicking people around like they're just ragdolls
that the show became interesting for me.

I'm here for the X-men. I'm not here for a psychological thriller. If I wanted that, I have Mr. Robot. Get past the "what is David's power" bit and let me enjoy his power, damn it.
I'm the opposite. Super powers? Whatever, I'll just watch a marvel movie. A psychological thriller with super powers? Fuck yes, I can't get enough of it. Seriously this is one of the only super power/comic tv shows that I genuinely can't wait for next week.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner. David broke himself out. think about the name of the show..

It's also entirely possible Syd is in his head as well, he certainly has the power, and the feds investigating him could find no record of her.

They said that at first, but when he was in the pool, they were questioning him about her in the context of her being real, saying they wanted both of them.
Great pilot. Already grabs me more than any of Netflix's comic book offerings.

I think that Syd was a projection into his memory to let him know she was leaving, triggering him to hurry to meet her before she left and kiss her and then swap bodies and make the whole mess at the ward. Syd's weird because her projection was also steering him away from the two people she was with and into the hands of the black uniformed soldiers.

I'm still wondering what the hell happened when he went back to his normal body and went home. Did they revert back to their normal selves after a while or was it a trip?

No, that's not what was happening. She was being projected into a memory he had of that moment. That was the past as David was remembering it, she wasn't actually leading him anywhere that he hadn't gone in that moment. Notice how while she's telling him this the memory begins to loop, because it can't change.


Man what they hell they need David for with that one dude? Guy was rocking the battlefield.

At first when he was just moving rocks and stuff I thought maybe he was a take on Avalanche but then he just started tossing people after that.


Thanks for that.

I... don't know with this show. Like, the main mystery before the last 10 mins wasn't that super interesting to me. It's when
the powers are going off while they're escaping and the one dude is flicking people around like they're just ragdolls
that the show became interesting for me.

I'm here for the X-men. I'm not here for a psychological thriller. If I wanted that, I have Mr. Robot. Get past the "what is David's power" bit and let me enjoy his power, damn it.

This is a Noah Hawley joint, formerly of Fargo. His entire pitch to FX was "this isn't a show with capes or uniforms". You may want to reevaluate your expectations, which is completely fine- the show won't be for everyone. Personally it hit all of the right buttons.
Loved every second of it. Beautifully shot, the editing work was amazing, the acting was on spot... And it somehow still managed to feel like a part of the X-Men Universe. Great job!


Rewatching the final scene I've noticed that the rescue squad actually as a flying team member as well. It's pretty much "blink and you miss it" but he's actually the one who sends the first soldier flying.

His lower body isn't on fire, but this way of fighting sure reminds me of Cannonball.
That was surprisingly great. The cinematography, the visuals, and the overall tone of it was highly enjoyable. I don't know if I'd as quickly compare it to Hannibal, but it was certainly quite something to watch.

I'm not hugely familiar with X-Men outside of what's in the movies (I've heard of Legion the character through a friend, but not really much about his overall abilities, characters he's associated with [aside from a certain connection], or plots he's connected with), and I was ready to give this a miss based on the previous superhero shows, but gave it a chance due to Noah Hawley and I'm very glad I did.

Some of the special effects were a bit iffy, to put it lightly, but ultimately I don't really mind and find it quite understandable. I'm interested to see how the rest of the season goes and hopefully the direction is as strong as it was in the pilot.

EDIT: One thing I do hope, however, is if the character does indeed have a mental condition in addition to his abilities that they maintain a strong uncertainty over what's real. It serves as a great way to keep with the main character's sense of place, outlook, and ultimately confusion over his situation. Maybe the suspicion that it could wear out over time is correct, but so long as they sufficiently balance and evolve it with the character I think it's going to be essential to the show and primary character.

EDIT: Oh and I must say I am definitely one who believes it's very possible that all of the team at the end may be David.


slept with Malkin
Man what they hell they need David for with that one dude? Guy was rocking the battlefield.

At first when he was just moving rocks and stuff I thought maybe he was a take on Avalanche but then he just started tossing people after that.

What if he (all of them) is (are) David?

Also, haven't posted yet in this thread, but it's fun to read people's theories and interpretations. I absolutely loved the premier. I'll be really surprised if they can keep up with this style for the rest of the season.
I love shows about people who may be crazy, because you never know what's real or fake. I liked it. Acting was great. A lot of good visual stuff going on. Pacing was fantastic. Great humor when it was taken.

What I loved the most is that the preview I watched seemed to be wholly from the first episode. Which means I have no idea where it's gong next. I'm hooked. Lets follow this train into crazy town.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This is a Noah Hawley joint, formerly of Fargo. His entire pitch to FX was "this isn't a show with capes or uniforms". You may want to reevaluate your expectations, which is completely fine- the show won't be for everyone. Personally it hit all of the right buttons.

I mean it doesn't have to be, I mean shit the X-men is a continual soap opera at this point. But I don't care about the mystery of David's "multi-personality disorder" and people trying to capture him on that.

I'd rather see what those personalities do in regards to his power. His escape was interesting, but the questioning about it: Not so much.


The Devil with the Yellow Eyes is more terrifying of a design than I've seen in any horror movie in the past 5 years. The gluttony he conveys for some reason is just extremely disturbing to me, I love it.
I can't tell if I liked this or not. Too confusing in spots, but it's still interesting to me. I might give it another episode, but I don't know if I'm hanging in with this one.
EDIT: Oh and I must say I am definitely one who believes it's very possible that all of the team at the end may be David.

What if he (all of them) is (are) David?

Also, haven't posted yet in this thread, but it's fun to read people's theories and interpretations. I absolutely loved the premier. I'll be really surprised if they can keep up with this style for the rest of the season.

That is my take too. All the "team", including maybe the old lady, are David personas. It is the way he copes with reality. He does not kill anyone, that guy kills. That is what he wants to believe. In the sanatory, he believes he did not cause the trouble, it was Syd using his powers, even if later we discover that there is no record of Syd. They are all in his head.


I feel like them all being him is too obvious of a twist given the central concept of the show (we already see him hallucinate at least one person after all).

Plus really how do you make 8 episodes (or a 2nd season) with essentially no real secondary characters?


The hyper-kinetic nature of the escape: What if that's not how it happened? I mean we can't trust anything on this show if David is involved in that scene. What if he just walked out and killed everyone and is imagining this crazy escape scene?

Presuming they're going anywhere near the direction of what the character can do, there's reason to believe that every single friendly character so far other than him is one of his personas manifesting as a mutant power. Not a sure thing, but likely.

I feel like them all being him is too obvious of a twist given the central concept of the show (we already see him hallucinate at least one person after all).

Plus really how do you make 8 episodes (or a 2nd season) with essentially no real secondary characters?

It's not really a twist though, it would just be viewers who are unfamiliar with him figuring out what he can do alongside him. Plus he's an Omega level mutant so he's quite powerful. The show is called Legion and that's his comic name; his mutant ability is basically right there in his name. They can still act perfectly fine as secondary characters even if they are not strictly real, because of the nature of his abilities.

There are a few things in there, like when she comes into his bedroom, that telegraph some pretty obvious potential things going on.


Presuming they're going anywhere near the direction of what the character can do, there's reason to believe that every single friendly character so far other than him is one of his personas manifesting as a mutant power.

It's not really a twist though. The show is called Legion and that's his comic name; his mutant ability is basically right there in his name. They can still act perfectly fine as secondary characters even if they are not strictly real, because of the nature of his abilities

Do you think even like 2 percent of the audience is aware of the character's story or history? It would absolutely have to be built as a twist in the show. The average audience member is not going to connect the show being called Legion with equaling everyone's the main character.

And, really, after that is revealed, who wants to watch David and Syd's interactions anymore if he's just in puppy love with himself? It's just not a concept that could sustain a TV show. A movie, maybe.


Do you think even like 2 percent of the audience is aware of the character's story or history? It would absolutely have to be built as a twist in the show. The average audience member is not going to connect the show being called Legion with equaling everyone's the main character.

And, really, after that is revealed, who wants to watch David and Syd's interactions anymore if he's just in puppy love with himself? It's just not a concept that could sustain a TV show. A movie, maybe.

No, I wouldn't expect a general audience to be familier with that. The thing is though that if you're interested you can do a quick Google search and find that information readily so the show would be undermining itself to act like that's a hue secret imo; and I would like to think that just because there's not a real crowbarred romantic interest that people would suddenly drop the show. I may be wrong about that though, audiences can be fickle.

The potential is there to do a lot with it, it seemed pretty clear they were having fun experimenting. Hopefully it translates into something deeper than just a neat little visual experiment


Really liked it, but Noah Hawley has yet to do wrong for me. The acting was on point, and the show does really well at disorienting you. It wants you to feel like David does and kills it.

I feel like the trailers so far have only shown scenes from the pilot. I don't mind, but it's not often you see that restraint.
I don't think anyone's mentioned it, but did anyone else notice the subtle aspect ratio change when he was making a call on a pay phone outside? Am I crazy? I need to go back and watch it again tomorrow to make sure I didn't imagine that.
That is my take too. All the "team", including maybe the old lady, are David personas. It is the way he copes with reality. He does not kill anyone, that guy kills. That is what he wants to believe. In the sanatory, he believes he did not cause the trouble, it was Syd using his powers, even if later we discover that there is no record of Syd. They are all in his head.

I think we need to continue to clarify that we don't actually know if there's no record of Syd. That's said in the beginning, but afterward, in the pool, the interviewer guy was talking as if Syd was real ("we want the girl, too"), so I don't think we can say that part proves she doesn't exist yet.


Holy crap that was awesome. The escape at the end was pretty cool. So were all those mutants other than Syd just his different personas using their powers?
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