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Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes |OT| Of great themes and vocal legos


Ahhh that bloody bonus level. Can I find the last couple of studs needed? Can I bollocks.

Only three characters left to unlock, I know who two of them are but I need all gold bricks for the one. No idea who the third is.


What do the minifigs do? I can't figure out where to view them, or if I should even be spending my Lego bricks to buy them. Except, I'm not sure if you can buy anything else
You can play as those characters in the free play variants of the levels - some of them are required to get certain minikits. After you win the game, you can play as them in free roam.

Once you beat the game is there a way to change suits anywhere in Gotham? One of my biggest complaints so far is that Batman can't glide without the Bat Suit. Sometimes climbing to the tops of buildings requires the Electricity Suit or the Power Suit or whatever else, so once I'm high up I can't even have the satisfaction of gliding back down. Feels bad man :(
Each obstacle course has the suits you need to beat them at the beginning. Many of the other minifigs have abilities that mimic the suits (Penguin can explode shiny metal objects and float, Cyborg can do magnetic stuff, Joker can charge electricity stations, Aquaman can shoot water, etc). Once you win the game, you can access any character at any time by holding down the triangle button.

What to the 10 minikits in each level do? This is my first Lego game, so I'm not sure if they are worth collecting
Basically, you collect the 10 minikits, get "super hero" score, and save a citizen in peril for each level to truly win them (you'll want to get as many characters as you can, the minikit detector, and x2 score red bricks before attempting). The 10 minikits for each level build a special mini rideable vehicle, like Wonder Woman's invisible Jet or a mini-Batwing.

Basically, if you've just won the story mode, you are about halfway through the game. Getting the minikits, all the gold bricks, characters, vehicles, and whatever it where LEGO games really shine. Just remember that the red bricks aren't cheats - you want to find as many as you can first (they show up as red dots when you scan the map), then turn them on in the Extras menu.

Anyway, what is surprising me the most so far about this game is that I'm enjoying the actual levels far more than free roaming Gotham, when I assumed it would be the other way around. The levels are fun and incredibly well designed, while Gotham is just... kinda boring. There isn't really anything to do except drive around and look for suits that you then use in the area to find a Gold Brick (which, I'm not sure what the Gold Bricks do either)
Gold Bricks are the basic currency by which you measure your progress in the game. Gold Bricks are given to you for solving puzzles, finishing levels, going through obstacle courses, or just playing around in Gotham. There are minifig gates around the world that require a certain amount of gold bricks to make certain characters appear (the last hidden character requires all 250 gold bricks). Once you find the Gold Brick Detector red brick, you'll find them much easier.

I 100%ed the game yesterday with my kids. Took about 25 hours, and the game is a lot more fun once you get past the story mode into the real meat of the game.
Thanks man! That clarifies a lot of confusion I had about the game. I just beat the story earlier but haven't jumped in to free-roaming during the post game yet. Now I'm excited to jump back in. I appreciate the post good sir!


I only had three bugs, otherwise the game's been a smooth sail. Old Lady -skin looks like a giant purple square, bought a red brick and it didn't disappear and, the worst I've encountered, the last boss is bugged sometimes, happened to me twice, that it won't proceed to the next part.

Great game, pretty much the best Lego game I've played.


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. It honestly was a lot of fun to just relax and mess around using superman and flying around gotham. I only wish it was a bit longer but it was great for its short time and there's a lot to do still in terms of collectibles. I like the direction of the lego games now with the voice acting


I have to also add that the flying controls of superman or any flying character is a bit shit at times. It's fine just going in one general direction like flying straight but its shitty if you just want to go straight up and land on a specific building or something. I thought the map sucked as well when you put a marker somewhere and can basically fly over it by a mile


Just finished up with the game, every achievement found. First time I've gone achievement hunting since the first L4D. It was a hell of alot of fun from start to finish.


Two minikits are bugging me on L3. The ball one you need Aquaman to get to and the electricity one. No idea where to get an electricity suit. and yeah the ball thing...made me feel dumb lol.

Double D

My kids are playing this and keep asking for help when they get stuck and I have no idea what to do. The 'ghost bricks' lead me to the area near the Gotham Zoo. I'm guessing I need to get in there to fight the penguin but can't figure out how to get inside.

After not being able to get in there, I assume that they aren't supposed to be doing that right now, so I set the marker on the map for the batsignal that is located to the right of a bridge. I have no idea what the batsignal represents because there doesn't seem to be anything of value there just some pipes above the water.

I'm totally lost. It's frustrating. Please help.

edit: Is there away to just jump from level to level so they can progress the story without having to traverse Gotham City?


My kids are playing this and keep asking for help when they get stuck and I have no idea what to do. The 'ghost bricks' lead me to the area near the Gotham Zoo. I'm guessing I need to get in there to fight the penguin but can't figure out how to get inside.

After not being able to get in there, I assume that they aren't supposed to be doing that right now, so I set the marker on the map for the batsignal that is located to the right of a bridge. I have no idea what the batsignal represents because there doesn't seem to be anything of value there just some pipes above the water.

I'm totally lost. It's frustrating. Please help.

edit: Is there away to just jump from level to level so they can progress the story without having to traverse Gotham City?
You have to go to the bat signal to activate the next mission. After completing a mission you can access it from the Batcave. Gotham City should be explored after completing every level, it's much easier.


My kids are playing this and keep asking for help when they get stuck and I have no idea what to do. The 'ghost bricks' lead me to the area near the Gotham Zoo. I'm guessing I need to get in there to fight the penguin but can't figure out how to get inside.

After not being able to get in there, I assume that they aren't supposed to be doing that right now, so I set the marker on the map for the batsignal that is located to the right of a bridge. I have no idea what the batsignal represents because there doesn't seem to be anything of value there just some pipes above the water.

I'm totally lost. It's frustrating. Please help.

edit: Is there away to just jump from level to level so they can progress the story without having to traverse Gotham City?

There should be some barely visible studs that act as a guide to wherever you need to go. Just follow them and eventually a cutscene will start up. The bat signal is always your next destination. Also, the marker just sucks in this game, you can put it anywhere and basically fly right over it. The only thing its good for is helping you know what direction to go. In terms of actually helping you to go exactly where needed though, it sucks.

As for jumping from level to level unfortunately you cannot do this until you complete missions. You can hit start and go to the batcave then theres like a computer in the middle that lets you pick each mission.

Double D

I figured it out. Some guide I found said that it is a known bug. The bat signal marker was put in the middle of the water when there is actually nothing there. My destination was a
train that was driving around with Lex and Joker in it
. That's why the ghost studs weren't really leading me to a static location.

I'm guessing this isn't as big of an issue for most people, but when you aren't playing the game and are trying to jump in and help it's totally confusing.



I have a gold brick showing on the map at the middle of Botanic Gardens, but I can't find it and my gold brick finder isn't flashing =/


tagged by Blackace

I have a gold brick showing on the map at the middle of Botanic Gardens, but I can't find it and my gold brick finder isn't flashing =/
Did you remember to activate it again in the red brick menu? Remember if you ever turn off the game they all reset to off.


Somebody early in the thread mentioned a lack of inverted controls in the 360 version. Is this the case for PS3 as well? I kind of want to play this, but no invert is a deal breaker.


It would at least be playable.

What about the PC version? Some way to hack it in, maybe?

Yep you can invert the control on PC's version in-game, I'm using a 360 controller and although there isnt an actual "Invert" option I just reversed the up / down assignment for the right stick, same result.

Another bonus with PC version: 60fps ..So smooth.

Mike M

Nick N
I tried the demo on my 360 this afternoon. My
year old nephew was walked in on the opening cinematic.

Nephew: "Who's Bruce Wayne?"
Me: "Seriously?"
Him: "Oh, that's right. He's Iron Man."

And he really, really meant it.

Follow up story;

I took him to see Avengers last weekend, and they run a trailer for Dark Knight Rises. He asks me afterward if Spider-Man is in it.

Halfway through Avengers he asks when Batman is going to show up.

After the movie, we hit the Lego store and he flips his shit at a JLA Lego set, thinking they were Avengers Legos (Which, to be fair, were only a few boxes down the wall from the DC sets.).

At dinner, I explain how DC and Marvel are different companies, and he immediately insists that he saw the movie say it was DC (Which is bizarre because he was incredibly fixated on why Spider-Man wasn't in the Avengers when he saw the Marvel logo flash at the bottom of the screen after the trailer for ASM.), so Batman could have been in it. I correct him, and he goes on to say that Batman should have been in the movie anyway because he can fly.



So is anyone still playing this awesome game?

My 8 year old son is still playing it like crazy. He just recently finished the main story with minimal help (hell, I got stuck on that stupid subway electrical double jump!) and is now going through unlocking Gotham and the other villans. I'm at about the same point in the game but for some reason started playing the lego clone wars game again. I like it a bit better than this one.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Played this a bunch with my six year old this weekend. Up to like 210 gold bricks. What is with the char switching? It takes too long and sometimes it just doesn't switch?

Also the save system pisses me off. I had 9/10 mini kits on one level and saved and exited. Went back got the last one and saved and exited (hoping it would give me credit, nope). Went back to save spot and finished the level, it did not give me the 10th kit, apparently the save point is not your actual progress, just the point before the minikit which I did not think to go get again (the white arrow did not show up since it was so far off the path).

So I have to go back play the entire level again to get my last kit? #$%

Edit: Platinum, first one ever. Level 14 and six years later. Feels weird actually completing something.


Was thinking of picking this up before seeing Batman tonight. How's it run on the PS3 and what's the install size? Thanks fellas.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Well this was my #113th Platinum

Fun game, love the Lego Quirks

They made Superman Fun... that was fucking amazing

I loved the Flash, good lord his hyper speed and building broken items, love the gestures he makes

Whoever played the Joker (voice-over) did an awesome job

Also that robot fight in Lex Luthor building, to get the 10th gold brick by making those speakers, I loved the Disco Batman theme... hilarious


Been itching to dig into this game, and this thread makes it worse. However, the UI will absolutely ruin my plasma, so I need play it on my upstairs LCD, which has limited availabilty b/c I share it w/ the rest of the family. Doh.
Great game, and the voices worked rather well despite my initial qualms - we wouldn't have had the
Arkham City
joke otherwise :)
My only real criticism is that they perhaps don't make best use of the cast of characters - 90% of the game is Batman, Robin, Superman, Joker & Lex Luthor. The other heroes & villains are little more than cameos, really.
And did we really need to spend so long fighting that Joker Robot? :D


Not sure if this is a PC version thing but everytime I collect a gold brick my character cannot move for 5 seconds or so? Sometimes get killed because of it.

Other than this Ive had fun playing, finished the story, collected all 20 red bricks, only need to unlock 1 more character.

Still need a bunch of minikits tho.


Not sure if this is a PC version thing but everytime I collect a gold brick my character cannot move for 5 seconds or so? Sometimes get killed because of it.

Other than this Ive had fun playing, finished the story, collected all 20 red bricks, only need to unlock 1 more character.

Still need a bunch of minikits tho.

Happened on the 360 too.
It does an auto-save when you collect a gold brick, so I'm guessing freezing your character is something to do with that. I found it really annoying until I unlocked invincibility.


Started playing and I'm having a pretty good time. It's my first lego experience.

So is there a way to save manually all? Or is that just regulated to the little disc things in missions? Are there any of those in Gotham just lying around or do I need to activate the next mission in order for it to save?

Also, will I ever get the chance to buy legos like Catwoman and such? Are they super expensive?

Thanks guys.
Not sure if this is a PC version thing but everytime I collect a gold brick my character cannot move for 5 seconds or so? Sometimes get killed because of it.
That's normal. The game auto-saves when you collect a gold brick and you cannot move your character during that time, same when you are in control of a vehicle, you can move forward and backward but you can't turn your vehicle when the game is auto-saving.

Started playing and I'm having a pretty good time. It's my first lego experience.

So is there a way to save manually all? Or is that just regulated to the little disc things in missions? Are there any of those in Gotham just lying around or do I need to activate the next mission in order for it to save?

Also, will I ever get the chance to buy legos like Catwoman and such? Are they super expensive?

Thanks guys.
Those little computer terminals exist around Gotham City too, but you cannot save your game using those terminals like during a mission, they're only for summoning vehicles and checking the city map/fast travel. If you want to save your game around Gotham City, pause the game, choose Return to Batcave and the game will save automatically.

You will get a chance to unlock other heroes and villains as you progress further into the game. Some can be bought after you defeated them, some can only be bought after you have collected the required amount of gold brick and rebuild a golden gate, you can find the location of these gates/arcs by pressing the Scan button when you're checking your map. Don't worry about the prices, money(studs, currency, whatever you'd like to call it) is never an issue in this game.

This is my first serious experience with the Lego series too. (Played the first Lego Star Wars but don't remember much of it) Cannot wait for Lego LOTR!!!


Hey thanks^^^^

Yeah, I was just able to fly as Superman around Gotham. Smile on my face the entire time. Had my first freeze though which was disappointing. Also, the framerate isn't so hot on the triple.

I think I'll make the LOTR game my next lego adventure as well.
I still haven't played the first Lego Batman game (which i have on Steam though) Is that worth checking out at ALL at this point or should i just grab this one straight away?
Vita version is only 15 on WOWHD... don't really wanna play the open world version on PS3, didn't care for it in LOTR so I'll prob get the vita version.
Early last month I finally 100% everything is Lego Batman 2. The only lego game to day I've done that with. The pc version, so it wasn't even for achievements.


I also made a small video of some of the glitches I ran into while playing the game.



Hell of a game. Might revisit it now.

Third favourite after Harry Potter / Star Wars Original Trilogy (based on my love for the respective series).

Really looking forward to the Marvel game. Sounds like basically the same game, which I'm all for as the open world aspect was fantastic.
Hey guys,

just wondering if anyone has a save game file with the story completed but the unlockables hunt barely underway?

Dauyghter loved running around as the invincible characters collecting pick-ups but she sadly saved over the save file and most I can find online seem to be 100% files.

thanks in advance!
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