The longer I play this the more I'm enjoying it, but I do have a couple more questions
What do the minifigs do? I can't figure out where to view them, or if I should even be spending my Lego bricks to buy them. Except, I'm not sure if you can buy anything else
Once you beat the game is there a way to change suits anywhere in Gotham? One of my biggest complaints so far is that Batman can't glide without the Bat Suit. Sometimes climbing to the tops of buildings requires the Electricity Suit or the Power Suit or whatever else, so once I'm high up I can't even have the satisfaction of gliding back down. Feels bad man
What to the 10 minikits in each level do? This is my first Lego game, so I'm not sure if they are worth collecting
I think that may be it for now
Anyway, what is surprising me the most so far about this game is that I'm enjoying the actual levels far more than free roaming Gotham, when I assumed it would be the other way around. The levels are fun and incredibly well designed, while Gotham is just... kinda boring. There isn't really anything to do except drive around and look for suits that you then use in the area to find a Gold Brick (which, I'm not sure what the Gold Bricks do either)
Maybe it will make more sense the more I keep playing. I'm definitely glad I gave this a shot though after previously dismissing all Lego games as kiddy franchise whoring software