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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports

My god. This game is a time sink.
Already spent around 16 hours in the game and am now at 18% with mission 6 just finished. There is just so much to do in this game.

Perhaps I should focus more on the main missions or at least until I have all the outfits since climbing a big ass bridge and finding a lock icon feels bad.
That is exactly what you should do. Too bad it's nearly impossible to not get sidetracked for hours. "I'll just get that one thing and head to the next story mission..." (two hours later) "Okay, one more thing and onto the story"


Auuugh, I'm stuck in chapter 10.

I can't for the life of me get onto the art gallery roof - I managed to water the flowers and get across the huge signs to where the Super Brick is, but there seems to be absolutely nowhere else to go. I'm obviously missing SOMETHING, but I don't know what.

Help please.
Auuugh, I'm stuck in chapter 10.

I can't for the life of me get onto the art gallery roof - I managed to water the flowers and get across the huge signs to where the Super Brick is, but there seems to be absolutely nowhere else to go. I'm obviously missing SOMETHING, but I don't know what.

Help please.
I don't remember that section exactly but I think you either had to destroy some of the surrounding stuff so you could build something that lets you climb up higher or you had to keep using the Robber's Green Paint (which I believe should be the color you have at that point anyway since you needed it to activate the elevator) to activate a fan to carry you up higher. Not sure which, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those. In any case, after you activate and go up the elevator, use the farmer to grow the flowers up though, and go across the ledges, there should definitely be something at the end there which lets you get up higher.
Just started Chapter 9.

Honey is turning up the stupid to record levels.

He is amazing

I just had a great conversation with him about Rex Fury

"Frank, I'm getting closer to Rex!"
Honey: "Awww thats so sweet! Chase... do you liiiike Rex?"
"Not that kind of close Frank"

I did Chapter 12 last night - the one with all the
references and I think that's my favourite part of the game yet!

TTs scriptwriter / Graham Goring -- if you happen to somehow read this, you and your team did an incredibly good, and funny job!


He is amazing

I just had a great conversation with him about Rex Fury

"Frank, I'm getting closer to Rex!"
Honey: "Awww thats so sweet! Chase... do you liiiike Rex?"
"Not that kind of close Frank"

I did Chapter 12 last night - the one with all the
references and I think that's my favourite part of the game yet!

TTs scriptwriter / Graham Goring -- if you happen to somehow read this, you and your team did an incredibly good, and funny job!
I found it a bit of a mixed bag. Although there were some killer lines in there*, I found an awful lot of the jokes were pitched really, really low and I almost felt offended that I was supposed to laugh at them. Still, a corking game.

*I've just realised I can't tell you my favourite line yet because you aren't at that part. I'll tell you once you complete the game.
I found it a bit of a mixed bag. Although there were some killer lines in there*, I found an awful lot of the jokes were pitched really, really low and I almost felt offended that I was supposed to laugh at them. Still, a corking game.

*I've just realised I can't tell you my favourite line yet because you aren't at that part. I'll tell you once you complete the game.

bit along with the
fireman training guy earlier on
seemed almost designed to be groan worthy in how forced the jokes were, but I think the light self-aware nature of it meant I was able to enjoy it

My favourite joke so far might actually be the one Frank made on the horse

Have any of The Chase Begins 3DS previews mentioned whether the writing is as good in that? The geometry looks lower and it has fogging (as I'd expect) but it looks faithful to the world in this game... I'm tentatively interested if a good jobs been done!


Have any of The Chase Begins 3DS previews mentioned whether the writing is as good in that? The geometry looks lower and it has fogging (as I'd expect) but it looks faithful to the world in this game... I'm tentatively interested if a good jobs been done!
Well, first of all, no Frank :sob:

Based on the one video I've seen, I expect good cutscenes, but the rest of the game doesn't appear to have VA, just text bubbles, and what I saw was pretty standard game dialogue. I'm really expecting LCU Lite here, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

EDIT: It's kind of insane, though, that Nintendo's press site has no box art, no screenshots, not even an ESRB rating yet and it's out in 11 days.


Junior Member
Favorite Frank Honey bit

Frank - "Chase! There's something wrong with my horse! It has no head....and a really weird looking butt!"

Chase - "Frank, you're on the horse backwards."

Frank - "Ooooooh! Well that explains why he got so mad when I fed him that apple!"


just finished the story and HOLY SHIT. The last mission is propably the most epic thing I have played in a long time (the visuals, the music oO), and there is still so much to do. For me personally it is a serious game of the year contender, having a blast

jmoe316 said:
Am I the only one who views the ending as a parody (or taking inspiration from)
Saint's Row 3
. Don't get me wrong, it was cool, just had a moment of "I've done this before."

I'm surprised with reading so many comments and no mention of this.

the gameplay indeed is similar, but Lego is just so much more epic by doing it
in space with the earth coming nearer


Kills Photobucket
Ending sequence questions:

Are they chanting "LEGO" in the freefall background music?

Is the game set so that you always make it to the command module with 1 second left to build tension?


Finished the game with 100% completion today.
I enjoyed every minute of it, all 60 hours (yes, I'm slow).
I'm enamored enough with the Wii U game that I will probably jump right into the 3DS one when it's released.
I found it a bit of a mixed bag. Although there were some killer lines in there*, I found an awful lot of the jokes were pitched really, really low and I almost felt offended that I was supposed to laugh at them. Still, a corking game.

*I've just realised I can't tell you my favourite line yet because you aren't at that part. I'll tell you once you complete the game.

Hmm. I never felt offended, but I simply didn't laugh at some of the jokes.

On the whole, though, it's the funniest game I've ever played. I laughed out loud more than when I played Monkey Island 2 or Psychonauts for example.

So what's your favorite line in the game?


Some of my favorites:
"French Parrots!!!" (this one was charming, especially with his awkward movement afterwards)
"I'm splitting up with Janice!"
For movie references, probably the Goodfellas one and the sentinels.
I also loved the shameless puns e.g. "criminal record", because they were always presented in an ironical way. Same for the construction site jokes. You wonder how much references they can fit in.
Finished the story tonight and started trying to finish up on the collectables...

I hadn't realised that the little 'i' on the touchscreen brought down a guide to tell you what you're missing... When you're zoomed in on an area, it tells you what's left in that area, when you're zoomed out it shows progress for the whole game. Yes, I didn't RTFM!

Another thing I realized, quite by accident, was how to move those large items with gold handles on, sometimes doors with handles on

get the Rex disguise unlockable during the final mission free fall, pay to use it in a police station, then use him as robber character at a disguise booth. He costs a million studs to unlock.
I don't know if the game ever tells you this or if its written down anywhere

Another nice thing is that the red brick you can get in the airport, using the above ability, allows you to fast travel on the map, to any unlocked train stations. Valuable when you've beaten the game and need to get about quickly!

Anyway, that ending was just awesome. The visuals and music.. My god.. I'd take a sequel in a heartbeat but they'd struggle to top that

I loved the final chief / chase / frank exchange:

Chase: "you can have the arrest chief. Some things in life are more important than work"
*Chase snuggles into Natalia*
Ellie: "awww!"
Frank: "Yeah! You're talking about videogames right?"


Hmm. I never felt offended, but I simply didn't laugh at some of the jokes.

On the whole, though, it's the funniest game I've ever played. I laughed out loud more than when I played Monkey Island 2 or Psychonauts for example.

So what's your favorite line in the game?
'Offended' might be too strong a word, it's more that I found myself groaning out loud or stone-faced for quite a few gags. That's understandable though given my sense of humour and the games target audience, I'm not knocking it.

My favourite line was
When Chase first enters the base where the Professor is being held and says "Professor!, Chase McCain!" then Prof replies with "No you're not, you're a policeman".
I've probably paraphrased it badly but I'm sure you know which bit I mean.

I hadn't realised that the little 'i' on the touchscreen brought down a guide to tell you what you're missing... When you're zoomed in on an area, it tells you what's left in that area, when you're zoomed out it shows progress for the whole game. Yes, I didn't RTFM!
.....woah. I didn't RTFM either.


Finished it a few days ago. Took me 20 hours and finished with 33%. I think I'm done for now, I might pick it up again someday to do the rest, but I'm a bit burnt out at the moment.

Cool game though, great first try. If there's one thing I'd like them to focus on is make the actual missions skill-based instead of just switching outfits constantly. I get that it's for kids, but a bit more control would be nice.

It's a great thing this game exists too; kids just don't get to play these kind of games that don't involve shooting hookers.


Any new codes been released lately?
What I'm wondering is if there are any codes that unlock things not normally obtainable in-game apart from the High Speed Chase missions/vehicles. I think (and someone feel free to correct me) that all these random character unlocks would be obtained anyway through 100%ing the game.


What I'm wondering is if there are any codes that unlock things not normally obtainable in-game apart from the High Speed Chase missions/vehicles. I think (and someone feel free to correct me) that all these random character unlocks would be obtained anyway through 100%ing the game.
Yep, so far only the Lego set code unlocks thinks not normally available ingame.

The other codes just unlock costumes earlier.


What I'm wondering is if there are any codes that unlock things not normally obtainable in-game apart from the High Speed Chase missions/vehicles. I think (and someone feel free to correct me) that all these random character unlocks would be obtained anyway through 100%ing the game.

Yep, that's the case. Six digit codes unlock things you can get in the game somehow, seven digit codes unlock something unique.


After about 4 hours of playtime I could finally look past the game's technical problems and start appreciating it for what it is (IMO, a very good LEGO game and an okay open-world game). Still I got stuck in the geometry a couple of times and had to restart the complete mission, or got respawned on something that isn't solid ground and repeatedly fell into a pit until I just quit the game. A couple of months extra development time wouldn't have hurt.


After about 4 hours of playtime I could finally look past the game's technical problems and start appreciating it for what it is (IMO, a very good LEGO game and an okay open-world game). Still I got stuck in the geometry a couple of times and had to restart the complete mission, or got respawned on something that isn't solid ground and repeatedly fell into a pit until I just quit the game. A couple of months extra development time wouldn't have hurt.

After 10 hours I had one case of being stuck somewhere. For theri first open world game they did a really great job.


After 10 hours I had one case of being stuck somewhere. For theri first open world game they did a really great job.
They really did a great job vs. their past work, period. I have rage-quit several LEGO games in recent years for just incredibly stupid game-breaking glitches, bad design, etc. LCU has worked tremendously well. They should always give their teams three years to design these. ;-)


After 10 hours I had one case of being stuck somewhere. For theri first open world game they did a really great job.

I had absolutely zero glitches while playing the game, then I handed the controller to my friend so he could play. Broke the game twice within a matter of minutes. I have no idea how. I still haven't had any problems while I've played.


I would bang a hot farmer!
It only glitched on me once. I got into a truck and it wouldn't let me pull out of the garage. I quit and reloaded my save and it worked fine the second time.


I don't remember that section exactly but I think you either had to destroy some of the surrounding stuff so you could build something that lets you climb up higher or you had to keep using the Robber's Green Paint (which I believe should be the color you have at that point anyway since you needed it to activate the elevator) to activate a fan to carry you up higher. Not sure which, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those. In any case, after you activate and go up the elevator, use the farmer to grow the flowers up though, and go across the ledges, there should definitely be something at the end there which lets you get up higher.

Thanks for the advice - I made the same old mistake of not destroying all of the destructible things in that area so couldn't build something to help me progress. Up to Chapter 11 now; cheers!


The only game glitch I had in my 60 hours of play happened when I was assembling one of the costume changing booths.
I assembled it with me trapped inside of it.
Warping back to the police station fixed the problem.


I'm not seeing myself buying LEGO toys at the age of 35 though ;)
Just googled it, that's a really great set.

I'm 32 and I ordered it. First Lego set I've bought in a long time, but in this case it's no different than buying a gaming action figure or statuette anyway.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I just finished it tonight. So awesome. I'm gonna try to re-play the levels to complete them as much as I could.

How do you get the
orange handles?
Change your thief outfit to
Rex Fury. You should have gotten that outfit during the last level and then you have to spend 1 million coins to buy it before you can use it.


Kills Photobucket
I just finished it tonight. So awesome. I'm gonna try to re-play the levels to complete them as much as I could.

How do you get the
orange handles?

Set Rex Fury to your burglar disguise. He can do all the burglar stuff + use orange handles. He's in one of the stud rings during the free fall sequence at the end (right at the beginning of the final sequence when you're almost to the command module.
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