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LEGO |OT 3| Build Hard. Buy Fast. No Mercy.


Neo Member
Build up savings and eliminate debt. Once these have been accomplished, it's much easier to justify dropping money on LEGO.

how the fuck?

movie spoilers
Mr/President/Lord Business was the kid creating a character for his Dad, the guy who wants everything his way (his models being a certain by the instructions way). The kid knows his dad has a job doing something but probably not what so he probably typecasts his dad as a "business guy"

A movie about a 'toy' you can buy being anti business? pffffffftttttttt


So sad, TRU didn't have Rescue Reinforcements today. Really wanted to get it on the sale price with the ticket. :(

Oh geez. I like to get my political news from satirical sites and shows such as Daily Show and Colbert Report (granted they tend to rip on right wing more, but lately I think the past few year the right wing has been giving more material to work with). Satirical sites and shows point out some of the ridiculous BS that comes from all types of politicians.

"Indoctrinated" to hate big business from the LEGO movie which is all about making big money too. Oh boy, I'll refrain from going into politics here. I guess we should stop advertising completely to little kids since it's "indoctrinating" them to like toys. Anyway, seeing the movie tomorrow with the kids so I can teach them to hate big business and maybe have fun.


PhoncipleBone, I know how you feel.

I've got some hard choices coming up guys... Wanting to build a new PC later this year when the haswell refresh hits. Only way I can make it happen is by more carefully picking which LEGO sets I get. It's going to be torture!

Sets I know I'm getting:
- all TMNT (not a lot, thankfully)
- all Superheroes
- Simpsons CMF series
- at least 1 of the $100+ LEGO movie sets coming, haven't decided which one
- 3 or 4 SW sets that have my eye
- ghostbusters assuming it's 2014

Other than that, it will be very spotty based on sales and such. How do you guys deal with your LEGO budgets?
I've got some hard choices coming up guys... Wanting to build a new PC later this year when the haswell refresh hits. Only way I can make it happen is by more carefully picking which LEGO sets I get. It's going to be torture!

Sets I know I'm getting:
- all TMNT (not a lot, thankfully)
- all Superheroes
- Simpsons CMF series
- at least 1 of the $100+ LEGO movie sets coming, haven't decided which one
- 3 or 4 SW sets that have my eye
- ghostbusters assuming it's 2014

Other than that, it will be very spotty based on sales and such. How do you guys deal with your LEGO budgets?

Wait for most of them to go on sale. If you monitor Amazon using something like camelcamelcamel.com, you may get lucky and find sets for 30+% off. 20% happens a decent amount of time on Amazon. Just have to wait, or in some cases like some The LEGO movie sets, were already 20% off. Sales and clearances are my friends! I almost never pay MSRP.

If you don't care about the minifigs or only care about minifigs, you can find them on Bricklink or eBay (I found eBay prices tend to be higher, but you can get lucky on bidding ones sometimes). eBay sometimes sells sets without the minifigures if you only care about the bricks.
Another photo bomb incoming. I got a new camera recently, gotta put it to use :D

So, I finally finished my Imperial Flagship. I got the rigging pieces from Lego along with a few other pieces I had substituted with others before. Also snagged some extra heads to make my (cheap) orange Galaxy Squad guy into the (expensive) orange Galaxy Squad girl. Gotta love Lego's service.

Apart from three mast pieces that are still in black, this is now complete and accurate. I think it was slightly cheaper than just buying the full set, but then again I didn't get a box and instructions. It's a really impressive model, either way.





Full story (in Swedish) in my blog


Lol, wetwired.

Why on Earth did Lego want photos of you in a Ghostbusters outfit, or why on Earth did you want to do it? Is it just to show true fandom?

Anyway, they made me laugh, so mission accomplished, I guess.
How do you guys deal with your LEGO budgets?

It will vary from person to person. For me, it's worth mentioning that Lego is not my primary hobby. If I took all the money I spend on my various hobbies and focused solely on Lego, I would be the guy buying a thousand bucks of Lego every month. There are plenty of people in each of my hobbies where it is obviously someone's main/only hobby. The board game thread has people spending huge amounts of money and building dedicated rooms. Warhammer 40k has the same thing, with some people spending a solid 1k a month on that hobby. My video game collection, PC rig, and every console/handheld costs a pretty penny. My movie collection and home theater is another. The list goes on and on. Each one of these in of itself can be a full time and expensive hobby. My focus shifts between my hobbies frequently and whatever I'm into at the time will get the most money put into it at any given time. I just did a bit of binge buying on board games for example (around $500).

So, I prioritize and mainly buy on sale for every hobby/collection I have. Something is always on sale somewhere for at least one of them. Sometimes the sales are insane too. So, I have a mental list of what I really want vs what I would get if the sale is large enough. For Lego this year it's this:

Palace Cinema
Parisian Restaurant
Simpsons House
Marvel Sets
DC Sets
Ecto 1

If I see sales too good to pass up, I'll keep my eyes on these:
Coast Guard Ship
Lego Movie Sets
Various City Vehicle Sets
Star Wars

I'll also impulse buy a set here and there, and of course there are minifigs to pick up along the way. I have a similar list for every one of my hobbies of priorities and each hobby is never far off in my mind. I think I can safely assume that the big collectors in all hobbies are like me in that they are financially secure, have good jobs, houses, spouses, and basically aren't kids anymore. GAF skews young, but it seems the people that have large amounts of disposable income skew on the older side of this site's primary demographic.

This is our second year in our new house and we have some big ticket improvements we plan on doing this year. As a result, my hobby spending will drop, not because I can't afford it, but because my time will be taken away while working on the house!
Lol, wetwired.

Why on Earth did Lego want photos of you in a Ghostbusters outfit, or why on Earth did you want to do it? Is it just to show true fandom?

Anyway, they made me laugh, so mission accomplished, I guess.

You mean you don't have your own hand made, replica quality Ghostbuster outfit complete with lights and sound?!? I just assumed we all had one!





Totally worth it, bought it at TRU during that lego movie event yesterday, and got a free movie voucher with it.


Lol, wetwired.

Why on Earth did Lego want photos of you in a Ghostbusters outfit, or why on Earth did you want to do it? Is it just to show true fandom?

Anyway, they made me laugh, so mission accomplished, I guess.

You mean you don't have your own hand made, replica quality Ghostbuster outfit complete with lights and sound?!? I just assumed we all had one!



Yeah I think the real question is why WOULDN'T you want. Lego didn't ask for them in a costume though, that was my idea :)


Great costumes guys :p Well now I REALLY feel left out, I guess I should start working on mine pronto.

SillyEskimo: Yeah LEGO is definitely not my only hobby either, there's also video games (on just about every current system except XB1; including PC of course), card games (just had a binge on this >.>), figures (some japanese imports, some western), there are others but these are the ones that requires substantial spending for the time being.

Sure, I *COULD* spend $1k/mo on LEGO if I cut out most everything else... but spending is not my /only/ hurdle when it comes to LEGO, it's also space :(

Maybe someday I can be one of those guys with a basement the same squarefootage as the first floor and I can devote it all to LEGO... maybe.


We all should pitch in to get wetwired his own costume!



NOTE - Opted to not wear my boots that day as it was for a charity walk.


Just saw the movie. OMG. what an awesome ride, full of clever touches, and genuine love for LEGO all throughout.

Just have one thing to say, really:

Spaceship. Spaceship! SPACESHIP!!!!!!!
great pics wetwired, cannot wait to see the final product.
So how is your involvement with the rest of the building process going to be? Or can't you give us anything?


Another photo bomb incoming. I got a new camera recently, gotta put it to use :D

So, I finally finished my Imperial Flagship. I got the rigging pieces from Lego along with a few other pieces I had substituted with others before. Also snagged some extra heads to make my (cheap) orange Galaxy Squad guy into the (expensive) orange Galaxy Squad girl. Gotta love Lego's service.

Apart from three mast pieces that are still in black, this is now complete and accurate. I think it was slightly cheaper than just buying the full set, but then again I didn't get a box and instructions. It's a really impressive model, either way.


Full story (in Swedish) in my blog

Very nice fleet you have there... including the Viking ship (I really want that ship).

Are you going to be adding the Sea Cow to this fleet?


speaking of ships, i recently saw that Ninjago ship on clearance sale somewhere, what's the consensus on that one here? I believe it's 9446

It's... ok.

The deck of the ship is really small, plus it tends to fall apart in certain sections. The sails, and the rigging action, is where this set really shines.

If you are into airships, then this would probably be a good buy. Otherwise...
Very nice fleet you have there... including the Viking ship (I really want that ship).

Are you going to be adding the Sea Cow to this fleet?

Probably not, unless it's one of the two-in-one sets (or you can mod it into one). It's too untraditional for me.

On that note, I wanted to see if I could tear down the corsair ship and get a headstart on any of the other ships, but the sails are the big problem, all that custom fabric is very expensive on Bricklink.

The viking ship was an impulse buy when I went to a Lego meetup and one guy had it for sale. It's pretty sparse, but it's huge (not always a good thing) and the automatic reloading function of the cannon is great for terrorizing friends and sea serpents alike.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I'm not really into LEGO, but after seeing the movie I kinda want to collect all the Lego Movie sets - especially since I got Pyjamas Emmett and Western Emmett - as I know nothing of LEGO at all really, is there a list of all the Lego Movie Sets where I can attempt to try to get them all? I thought I saw some people talking about a firetruck or something as far as a Lego Movie set and I couldn't find that one anywhere, unless I was mistaken.
I'm not really into LEGO, but after seeing the movie I kinda want to collect all the Lego Movie sets - especially since I got Pyjamas Emmett and Western Emmett - as I know nothing of LEGO at all really, is there a list of all the Lego Movie Sets where I can attempt to try to get them all? I thought I saw some people talking about a firetruck or something as far as a Lego Movie set and I couldn't find that one anywhere, unless I was mistaken.


Currently available sets. There are upcoming sets that are not listed yet. For me, this community thread is as goid as it gets for what is upcoming and when.


We all should pitch in to get wetwired his own costume!



NOTE - Opted to not wear my boots that day as it was for a charity walk.

Nice, I actually started pricing it :) the suit itself is reasonable. The photo packs however are another story, at least a grand :(

I love it. I guess this is for your picture that will be in the instructions and a bit of info about you, right?
Did you get a picture after you were slimed?

I got sliced later :p

great pics wetwired, cannot wait to see the final product.
So how is your involvement with the rest of the building process going to be? Or can't you give us anything?

Can't really say, I have seen it though and the box art. I wasn't disappointed and I was geeking out at a few things, particularly when I found out who did the redesign.

This one is just amazing.

"OK, who went and shrunk the car? Egon, was it you?"

This was my Bill Murray impression of the scotch ad from lost in translation


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Nice, I actually started pricing it :) the suit itself is reasonable. The photo packs however are another story, at least a grand :(

Build it yourself and save big money. Total cost on my pack was probably around $700-800. The full costume, including boots, custom patch with my name, pads, belt, flashlight, and Ghostbuster T-shirt, were all less than $100 total.

The Ecto Goggles ($200ish), PKE Meter ($100ish), and Ghost Trap ($450ish?!? Goddamn!) are all Matty Collectibles which are kind of pricey now. I got them all as they were released.

Also as an FYI, Matty released the Neutrino Wand late last year as a stand alone item and it is quite affordable if you get one now ($130). It has lights and sound built in.



So for some reason I was in my local Lego store Friday night and decided to give Galaxy Squad a second chance and picked up the mech.


Man this is one awesome set.

The articulation and details on this set are great. I loved how the cockpit separates and you can transform it to be piloted by the robot (?)

I'm hoping they design more medium sized mechs. I know we have the exo suit coming up later this year, hopefully that works out.


Build it yourself and save big money. Total cost on my pack was probably around $700-800. The full costume, including boots, custom patch with my name, pads, belt, flashlight, and Ghostbuster T-shirt, were all less than $100 total.

The Ecto Goggles ($200ish), PKE Meter ($100ish), and Ghost Trap ($450ish?!? Goddamn!) are all Matty Collectibles which are kind of pricey now. I got them all as they were released.

Also as an FYI, Matty released the Neutrino Wand late last year as a stand alone item and it is quite affordable if you get one now ($130). It has lights and sound built in.


Yeah I was eyeing off the Marty collector stuff on the weekend. Most of it seemed to be available still on the website with the exception of the trap.

I was hoping to get it done to use when the set is released. Seeing as though I have to order all the parts from overseas and find the time to put it together I can't see it happening. I have the stay puft marshmellow man I want to get done and some other ghostbuster related lego I want to do before then as well.


Neo Member
Words can't describe how excited I am for the ghostbusters set! Can't wait to see pictures. Speaking of which.. Has anyone seen any pictures for the Exo-suit? Anyone know where I can find series 10 minifigures?


So for some reason I was in my local Lego store Friday night and decided to give Galaxy Squad a second chance and picked up the mech.


Man this is one awesome set.

The articulation and details on this set are great. I loved how the cockpit separates and you can transform it to be piloted by the robot (?)

I'm hoping they design more medium sized mechs. I know we have the exo suit coming up later this year, hopefully that works out.

Yeah, that set is very cool. Lots of Galaxy Squad is kinda underrated imo.


Yeah I was eyeing off the Marty collector stuff on the weekend. Most of it seemed to be available still on the website with the exception of the trap.

I was hoping to get it done to use when the set is released. Seeing as though I have to order all the parts from overseas and find the time to put it together I can't see it happening. I have the stay puft marshmellow man I want to get done and some other ghostbuster related lego I want to do before then as well.

Actually, you'd be the man for the job...Someone NEEDS to build a complete proton pack out of LEGO. It hasn't been done yet to my knowledge - just talks of it, but nobody has got anywhere with it.

Do it, it's practically calling out to you :)


Yeah, that set is very cool. Lots of Galaxy Squad is kinda underrated imo.

Galaxy Squad is not long for this world. It's gonna disappear from shelves as soon as what's left is sold out. Check your local Walmarts to find the sets 30-50% off right now!


Actually, you'd be the man for the job...Someone NEEDS to build a complete proton pack out of LEGO. It hasn't been done yet to my knowledge - just talks of it, but nobody has got anywhere with it.

Do it, it's practically calling out to you :)

I thought about it actually, but I'd need a metric ton of black blocks, which I don't have a whole lot of
I am just going to say, the Hobbits set must have done really bad but then gain the sets were all pretty much lackluster. Now I wonder if we will get anymore set.
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