The trailer is pretty good:
Is Superman voiced by Chris Parnell? All I envision is Cyril every time he talks.
The trailer is pretty good:
Let's play nice
In Zulithe's defense I totally get sucked up into "new set hype" when something hits the shelves too. Wasn't interested in the XMen set but now that it's in the wild? Added to my Brickset wanted list.
Case in point: I'm flying out for work at 7am on June 1st. Do you know how irrationally stressed I am that I'll somehow never get the Ecto 1? It's unhealthy man!
Nice!I traded some of my Simpsons spares for an army worthy of mordor, I just need to find some black helmets to prevent a few of them dying in the void
On the subject of Ecto 1, does anyone in the know yet know if we are looking at a BttF situation or Mars Rover? I wanted to get one for my friend for xmas but I REALLY need Milano. Wondering if id be ok to get mine and Milano and pick his up later.
I don't think there'll be any sets based on the new game, there will be a new minifig preorder bonus though but there won't be any new moulds used, just existing ones, so perhaps there's a chance of a different wonder woman or an actual green lantern (my hope)
Hopefully it's not "Space Batman"
Seems lika good time to ask - I was looking at some of my old classic space figures...
Firstly, they have the filled in stud on the top, whereas most new minifigs have a hollow stud.
Secondly, I notice there are two styles of helmet. One with dimples on the side (much like Benny in the movie), and one without - the one without that I have (a couple yellow ones), have a much thicker "jaw" piece. So is the dimple-less one always have a thicker "Jaw"? perhaps it's a later design to prevent the breaking that frequently happens there (much like Benny again)?
Would that be right? OR can you get dimpled ones with a thick jaw? Or are they certain colours? MY dimpled thin-jaw is a red one, and my yellow ones are as described.
It will likely sell out early but it will be around for a year at the least, I'd imagine it'll be back in stock before xmas
I'm not sure if the dimple has any relevance to the chin thickness, which I'm pretty sure was to prevent breakage. The hole in the top of the minifig is in case a child swallows one and gets it stuck in their windpipe, it allows air to get through and they can breathe.
Jang has a video on the different helmet styles:
No no, it totally has to do with store inventory limits. Things come and go and rotate due to shelf space - if we had all sets all the time we wouldn't be able to fit things on shelves due to limited space, unlike somewhere like Toys R Us with massive back rooms and retail shelf space. We'll, say, run out of Joker Steamrollers but then get a bunch of Riddler Chases in. Then those sell out but we get Man Bat Attack back in. Then Joker comes back and we have both but we wait for Riddler, etc etc.wait wat! I thought I had more time than this to get all the movie sets. It would be rediculous if they are already gone for good. Id be soo mad.
NeitherValley Fair or San Mateo?
Don't read so much into my comments. I like to share info about what I find in the wild, after replies and such around a comment then it starts to feel more exaggerated than it is.I know you are very passionate and want to get things first but sometimes I think you just seems a bit .. well too crazy about getting these LEGO first.
NeitherWork the city, live in east bay, it's easier and more convenient for me to go to the Stoneridge one thanks to BART stopping right by it as well as my place.
Don't read so much into my comments. I like to share info about what I find in the wild, after replies and such around a comment then it starts to feel more exaggerated than it is.
And to go one step further... rarity *is* a factor. Not so much box sets, but polybags -- which I often post about as well -- are a pain in the ass to find sometimes, doubly so if they have minifigures. Having a toyhunter POV does pay off. It's satisfying to find something and be able to pay retail for it instead if inflated secondhand prices. And fun.
i know this has been debated to death before but i FINALLY got some storage solution and i want to sort my bricks now so:
Sorting by COLOR is still the best way to go right?
i know this has been debated to death before but i FINALLY got some storage solution and i want to sort my bricks now so:
Sorting by COLOR is still the best way to go right?
also: what do you guys do with the small parts (like joints, technic parts etc.)? Sort those too or just throw em all together in a container?
YES colour sorting all the way here. I used those containers mentioned above and nothing is more frustrating than having twenty of them out and opened when you're building.
Each section is a particular type of piece and I can just pull out the colours I want when I want to work on something. If I was sorting into massive tubs however it would be a different story.
ok so what are you using NOW then if not those containers?
ok so what are you using NOW then if not those containers?
all these heathens with their blasphemous sorting!
Anyways, another night on the mech, probably another yet to go with more details, some lights, I want to improve the laser and the top, arms, maybe add some tanks on the bank, tubes etc
And I missed out on the rover thinking I would have more time plus god only knows how many polybags. I can totally get his need.
On the subject of Ecto 1, does anyone in the know yet know if we are looking at a BttF situation or Mars Rover? I wanted to get one for my friend for xmas but I REALLY need Milano. Wondering if id be ok to get mine and Milano and pick his up later.
To reiterate a bit, I said it feels a little unfair when an item doesn't have a hard sell date but the store won't sell it (after confirming it was in the back) and you know others are buying it from the same chain. I don't think that's such an unreasonable feeling.I am just curios why you are so upset about having to wait a few days.
all these heathens with their blasphemous sorting!
Anyways, another night on the mech, probably another yet to go with more details, some lights, I want to improve the laser and the top, arms, maybe add some tanks on the bank, tubes etc
I have given up somewhat on tracking down polybags - instead I'm going to be doing mass orders from Bricklink. It will cost me more, but save me the constant trips to TRU and other stores, which rarely meet with success.
You're in LA? Come to the Glendale Galleria store, we have all of the Ultra Agents sets in stock now.The Ultra Agents sets are now showing up at Toys R Us in the US. The Mission HQ set was sold out at 2 different stores here in Los Angeles.
Available online here:
And a link to the Android version of the Agents app (iOS version coming soon):
Just a friendly reminder that the Rover started appearing on shelves in Canada two weeks ago. I missed it when it launched but it is regularly being stocked at Mastermind (a toy chain) these days. Not sure if that means it went through another production run.
Edit: Looks like it is sold out online (it is still in the stores though). Maybe check back here?
Ecto-1 is starting to appear in the wild ! Joy !
i know this has been debated to death before but i FINALLY got some storage solution and i want to sort my bricks now so:
Sorting by COLOR is still the best way to go right?
also: what do you guys do with the small parts (like joints, technic parts etc.)? Sort those too or just throw em all together in a container?
If someone in Canada could get one for me I'd be grateful. I'm in Buffalo so I could meet sometime.
Very cool! Sure hope flashback shredder comes to the US somehow. Where are you?Ecto-1 is starting to appear in the wild ! Joy !
Wait is this going to be wide retail or Lego store only?
Very cool! Sure hope flashback shredder comes to the US somehow. Where are you?
You could do this. Seems easy.
You're in LA? Come to the Glendale Galleria store, we have all of the Ultra Agents sets in stock now.![]()
I'm 10 minutes from the airport. Kind of by the zoo.Where are you in Buffalo? I may be flying out of Buffalo the morning of June 10.
Imagine having a big tub of red bricks and looking for that one 1 x 1 red plate in there...
Now imagine you have a tub of 1 x 1 bricks and try finding a red on in there.
Which is easier?
finding colour is easier than finding shape.
For lots of small and misc parts I use the type of boxes one would use to sort and store screws.