where's a good and cheap place for getting this or something similar?
The regular Stanley Sortmasters are $10 each at Target. There are similar style ones from different companies at Lowe's and Home Depot as well.
where's a good and cheap place for getting this or something similar?
The regular Stanley Sortmasters are $10 each at Target. There are similar style ones from different companies at Lowe's and Home Depot as well.
Just saw this posted from LEGO's instagram.
I don't break my sets down, haha!
I didnt even know lego had an instagram 0_0
Just saw this posted from LEGO's instagram.
Just saw this posted from LEGO's instagram.
what is the red, yellow, purple batman?
Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
If you have access watch the episode of Batman Brave and Bold called Batman from Planet X, I think that was the title. It's a pretty good and funny rendition. Though I like Grant Morrisons take of it being amental fail safe persona Batman created
Target has 3 packs of these for $20.where's a good and cheap place for getting this or something similar?
If they are saving that for more sets, then variations of Batman's rogue gallery (like those from Elseworlds stories).
Whoa! I've read comics for decades and never came across this character. I guess I missed the revival of the character since I haven't read comics much the past several years.
Batman of Zur-En-Arrh would go great with hippy CMF. It's way out there, man.
Well for Grant Morrison's take just read Batman RIP. It's pretty fucking hilarious actually seeing Batman hallucinating talking to a dead rat.
I just built Tentro and he is 100% the best Mixel yet. He's a cool squid guy, LOTS of pose/playability, he has FOUR ball joints (is this the most yet? Usually they come with two?), and two little grabber hand parts I've never seen before for the upper two tentacles. Plus, as a parts pack, all the orange bits are wonderful.
I want an army of them. The Squids will try to take over the land ruled by the Shuff Clan.
I just built Tentro and he is 100% the best Mixel yet. He's a cool squid guy, LOTS of pose/playability, he has FOUR ball joints (is this the most yet? Usually they come with two?), and two little grabber hand parts I've never seen before for the upper two tentacles. Plus, as a parts pack, all the orange bits are wonderful.
I want an army of them. The Squids will try to take over the land ruled by the Shuff Clan.
I picked up all three Flexer Mixels last week. They're my favorites so far, way better than any of the first wave Mixels.
And your monthly LEGO budget drowns into the deep abyss.
I'm holding out for June 1st to grab Mixels Series 2 so I can get the balloon cart.
Target has 3 packs of these for $20.
I picked up all three Flexer Mixels last week. They're my favorites so far, way better than any of the first wave Mixels.
Team Flexers, reporting in.
I just built Tentro and he is 100% the best Mixel yet. He's a cool squid guy, LOTS of pose/playability, he has FOUR ball joints (is this the most yet? Usually they come with two?), and two little grabber hand parts I've never seen before for the upper two tentacles. Plus, as a parts pack, all the orange bits are wonderful.
I want an army of them. The Squids will try to take over the land ruled by the Shuff Clan.
My favourite from first series, Vulk came with 4-ball joints, and a nixel, and pose able fingers and mouth.
Grant Morrison has amazing imagination and original takes on existing material. He does go a bit to far into the weird and bizarre sometimes though. Doom Patrol is a perfect example of how bizarre he can take things.
He's a great writer.
This. #TeamFlexers #OrangeIsBetter #VivaLaMustacheTeam Flexers, reporting in.
I think the freebie for next month is the same Balloon Cart polybag you got with the Fairground Mixer, for the purchase of over 55/$75.To confirm the Ecto-1 is available in the Leeds store for £45. I've not bought it yet as I want to see what next month's free minifig is.
Cool ! Really like the little green guyPicked up the Wolf Legend Beast while I was at the store this morning; used it to make another mech and finished some others as well:
That'll probably be it for a while, unless I can pick up either the Gray & Yellow, or Blue & Orange mixels next month.
Who here loves and who here hates sorting?
I both love it and hate it.
Love the end result.
Hate the leg work to get there.
Sorting your LEGO.
Is that a Haiku?^ :/
Bat- Now you see why I only work in black. You look very spiffy.
Iron - Blame that on Lego, I had to get this suit from China.
I got the knockoff and they looks really good. Too good, kind of worrisome.
i think the freebie for next month is the same Balloon Cart polybag you got with the Fairground Mixer, for the purchase of over 55/$75.
The knockoff quality has definitely gone up from some of the ones I saw a year ago. The tell tale signs are the print quality and the tolerances. Print quality probably varies. Some Ninjago knockoffs I got last year had the face prints way off center on some. The heads on my Iron Man knockoffs are very tight with the helmet. Also, there's a "sharp" edge to the hands and they are also very tight making it hard to rotate them.
Still, for the price, they are good enough for the kids. They are also good enough for minifigs LEGO hasn't or won't ever make and if the aftermarket price is crazy high. I still prefer LEGO minifigs, but the gap is closing in the price/quality ration.
Also the next serie of Decool will have a megafig The Thing, The Punisher and Bullseye. Lego really need to step its game up.
YouTube user Digger318 puts reviews of the knock offs as soon as they're out. When he does a review he lines up 4 minifigs of the same kind and shows wich production error you can stumble into since the producer sells whatever the machine outputs despite of final quality.
Also the next serie of Decool will have a megafig The Thing, The Punisher and Bullseye. Lego really need to step its game up.
This one will be broken down for parts very soon.
Been on a bit of a spree while my wife has been visiting her folks back home so recently I have built Phantom, Ghost, Contructo-mech and Spaceship SpaceShip SPACESHIP!
So the red one is Kenny. Makes senseAnother few hours on Kenny's Robot! Robot! ROBOT!
The "game" is probably a lot harder when you actually have to follow rules and licensing and such.
It's likely not so straightforward as to go up to the rights holder and giving them a bag of money.
For example, there are multiple license holders for some franchises. How much of a likeness are they allowed, movie only or comic versions? How far does a license extend, to secondary characters? To games and movies?
Are they allowed to sell separate figures or does it have to be a "set" so they don't encroach on the licensers own line of toys?
Licensers probably have to approve designs too.
Another few hours on Kenny's Robot! Robot! ROBOT!
I think I'm done unless anyone has any suggestions? I've got a week left til the expo and I need to do a ship and some landscape to go with it so I can't dwell too much on it. It's been fun doing something quick (3 nights on this) compared to the Ghostbusters Rooftop which I was gretting really bored with and unhappy with the results.
Your point is valid and i also add that Lego will never produce minifigs of characters with violent/controversial tracts like The Punisher, the Dark Knight's Joker etc...
...but as a consumer, what i don't like is how Lego often treats the Marvel/Dc licenses he has, given the licensing limits:
High prices (i know licenses costs but still..), low pieces count, really toyish vehicles and dumb playsets, strategic placing of "exclusive" minifigs.
Lego Ideas already showed that fans (ok maybe only just us AFOLs) want a complete experience with the sets, we accept high/onest prices, but give us a good building experience, attention to the franchise traits and a good displaiability.
We want sets like Arkham Asylum, Quinjet and the Milano to be the standard not the exception, look at how everyone is crazy about the Ecto-1