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LEGO |OT 3| Build Hard. Buy Fast. No Mercy.

Oooh! This made me so happy to watch :D

Kawaii crazy MOC artist!

Wonderful to see a person enjoy her LEGO so much and spread the joy. Those are some amazing MOCs she made.

I think you're being too kind to the Lego Group. Their current predicament is at least in part a result of their marketing almost being exclusively marketed towards boys, which - you guessed it! - will mean that boys will almost exclusively buy it.

IMO, the videos are great, and I don't find anything particularly disagreeable in them.

I think the major dearth of female minifigures - the video posited a ratio of 18:1 for male- and female-identified characters in Lego's sets, for example - will be a huge stumbling block right from the get-go, and one that is (with the exception of those sets based on external properties) incredibly easy to solve.

The comment about marketing exclusively to boys IS one of the parts of the video I have issues. For her to make claims that boys bought more LEGO than girls due to the marketing, she needs numbers and dates. I would like to see the figures on what they estimated that girls bought LEGO vs boys bought LEGO BEFORE the boy marketing campaigns. This is critical data IMO not to include (understood she may not have access, but she is weaving her arguments/points without mention of it at all).

It's not impossible some yahoo executive thought, "49% of our sales are to girls and 51% of our sales are to boys. Let's start marketing exclusively to boys." IMO I think it was more likely their research indicated boys were a significantly larger demographic that buys LEGO compared to girls.

I agree on the male-to-female ratio of minifigs. They definitely could use more female minifigs. I'd like to know the reason why this ratio is like this.

Oh dear,
I just bought the SSD for 323€ ... o_O
my s.o. must never know, how to get it into the flat unnoticed? xP

I think your biggest worry is her not noticing it when you build the thing.
What you need to do is open the box and take the bags out. You can bring the bags in a few at a time. If you are a collector and want to keep the box, you can collapse it then hide it.

The frustration is because, imo, having a set specifically tailored for girls is an unnecessary decision that (simply by existing) reinforces the mistaken notion that "regular" Lego is for boys only. What's even more frustrating (for some) is that it markets itself using somewhat reductive stereotypes about what girls enjoy.

I think if Sarkeesian's video is slightly out-of-date, however, it would be because later entries in the Friends franchise have included an emphasis away from the leisure-related and strereotypically feminine activities she mentions in the video, but I am not sure how prevalent those are in the theme.

Just out of curiosity, what is the gender ratio in those sets like? Does it approach 1:1?

Certainly, it is unfortunate the vast majority of licenses that Lego could choose from have been highly unbalanced in terms of gender representation - the Star Wars licence is perhaps one of the most egregious examples of this - but this should not deny the Lego Group's agency in choosing to acquire and prioritise those licences. (I imagine that their decision to acquire the licences of franchises targeted to boys was also influenced by the self-reinforcing results of their male-orientated marketing.)

True, but that is not how Lego markets the Friends line, as the adverts in the video show. With the main Lego lines building the set is always an integral and important part of the narrative the toy provides - "Build this set and save the day!" - but with the Friends line building the set is not emphasised. Rather, the implication is that girls should want to buy this product because they like playing with dolls and their accessories. (Perhaps, of course, more recent adverts have changed this tact.)

If you're referring to the image she used here, then I think her claim is defensible irrespective of that. Notice how the female minifigure (even with the basic smiley face) is identified: her long, feminine hair. Maybe I'm just projecting the other minifigures' genders on the basis of my own, but it seems to me that the de facto implication is that the other characters are not, then, female.

I think she dismisses the Creator sets because, unlike Lego's other lines, a minifigure-based narrative isn't at their centre.

LEGO has tried to market to girls with girl targeted themes/sets in the past and failed miserably. What does the success of the Friends theme mean?

I was going to stay away from this but having just watched the video I feel the need to share as I've now lost 13 minutes of my life which I will not get back.

Complaining that a business markets a product for profit which fits their research and is successful (Star Wars for example) and then suggesting they address these issues is kinda pointless unless gender differences are addressed within society as a whole. Lego do what they have to do to operate within society at large and of all the companies out there I think they are quite virtuous.

I'm not saying Friends has been handled in the best way possible but when I was growing up in the 80's my cousins (2 girls, got no sisters) showed zero interest in Lego and this was way before any kind of action element was introduced. The closest would have been classic space but that was gender neutral.

With Friends more girls will pick it up and play. Surely that is a good thing and they will most likely end up using other lines that Lego offer and having just as much fun as boys.

She should go look at Barbie, Cindy, Bratz and whatever else is out there now telling girls they need to concentrate on looking pretty to have an identity.

Agreed. LEGO is a toy company and a business. It's the parents job (me being one) to raise the kids in a world full of marketing images and stereotypes.

I have to make sure the violent LEGO themes don't influence my sons negatively. *sarcasm* They loved Ninjago and they kept using violence when we disagreed. They said Ninjago taught them it was OK to spinjitzu someone and give them a beat down to resolve differences.

Well, to my friendly fellow AFOLs... I have been had.

I opened one of my backlog sets from over a year ago that I got from... wait for it... amazon warehousedeals.

Inside: no jabba, no gamorrean guard. Everything else SEEMS in-tact but i'm not sure if I'm going to open the bags or not yet to be certain. The bag the guard should have been in looks like it may have been resealed as it doesn't match the seal on the other bags exactly, but i'm not an expert on this.

One of the potential downsides to having a backlog... you could have sets in your collection and not know important (and expensive) parts are missing, and by the time you notice, it's been so long that probably no customer service rep will help you.

Don't let it happen to you :/ Open all your sets asap.

Sorry to here that. Thanks for sharing and hopefully others will learn from your misfortune.

I checked other boxes I got from amazon, not many had rare minifigures though. I'm about 95% sure they are complete. It's just that one set.

I submitted a missing parts form to lego... I have no idea what my chances are of getting the parts from them. Most of the parts were marked red instead of green in the selection menu :/

I feel bad about being upset cause the damn thing has been sitting unopened for a while now. I almost feel like it's my own fault, but I still wish whoever is responsible would have something horrible happen to them.

Ultimately what I hope happens is amazon can somehow track who returned the item and penalize them in some way but that's probably too hopeful.

LEGO customer service is amazing!!! I had something similar happen and they sent me the minifigs that were missing. It was a clearance item that I purchased.

I continue to disagree with this statement, at least in terms of inate preferences in toys. If this is ultimately the point you are making then I suspect we should discontinue this conversation now.

Actually, if I really wanted to disprove your argument I'd dredge up an advert from the 1950s!

I feel like I should clarify that, sure, it's OK to like problematic things. I don't exactly consider the Friends line devil-spawn, but at the same time I think Lego could be doing a lot more a lot better to make Lego "for girls".

(And, actually, anecdotal evidence of girls incorporating elements from "boys'" Lego sets into their Friends-based creations would only seem to suggest to me that good ol' regular Lego is, ultimately, what they really want.)

I hope I didn't bring negative vibes to this forum posting the videos. If girls truly are interested in "regular" LEGO, then Friends will help bring that about. As more girls will venture to Creator and other themes. I was a kid in the 70's when LEGO was more gender neutral and my anecdotal experience was boys were more into LEGO than girls. Not that girls didn't play with them, but not as much.

My next Friends set I get will be the Cinderella carriage set. LEGO combined 2 girl stereotypes and will make a killing. Disney Princesses and Friends.

Hope we all had a chance to speak our thoughts on this and we can move on to the usual happy vibes in this thread.


Ouch! In the previous LEGO thread, I mentioned buying the Harry Potter castle set and having all the minifigures missing. LEGO was willing to to send me all the minifigure parts after showing lots of proof I actually bought the set. They had me scan my receipt and tell them the part number printed on one of the manuals.

Thanks for that info. Well, I still have the "receipt" on my amazon.com order page, is that what you used? I don't have the box it was shipped in anymore, but I think all the relevant info should be on the website... I hope. I still have the exterior box with the UPC and amazon labels on it though.

And yeah I have the manuals so I can definitely do that, but isn't that info easy to find online anyhow? I don't see what that proves.

I hope they can work with me on this cause it did put a dent in my LEGO purchasing outlook, honestly. If they can't/won't replace the parts I'm going to be a lot more apprehensive about buying expensive sets.

They are supposed to contact me within 3 business days, I'll report back when there's any developments. Hate to think of other people having the same problems.
Thanks for that info. Well, I still have the "receipt" on my amazon.com order page, is that what you used? I don't have the box it was shipped in anymore, but I think all the relevant info should be on the website... I hope.

And yeah I have the manuals so I can definitely do that, but isn't that info easy to find online anyhow? I don't see what that proves.

I hope they can work with me on this cause it did put a dent in my LEGO purchasing outlook, honestly. If they can't/won't replace the parts I'm going to be a lot more apprehensive about buying expensive sets.

There is a number in the back of the manual. You don't see that on the LEGO online building instructions unless someone scanned it. I don't know if it's unique only for the set or by region or whatever. I think it's just them doing their best to make sure you actually bought the set. Good luck, but with the receipt and manual, I don't think you need it. It's worth repeating multiple times. I've only had amazingly positive experiences with LEGO customer service.
Reach out to lego themselves. They're fairly good in replacing items, and I think they realize that minifig pinching has become an epidemic.

And yes your Jabba crisis is much more interesting to me than the Friends debate, so don't worry about bring it up.

LEGO has taken notice. Larger sets with multiple bags spread the minifigs among the bags instead of putting them all in bag 1.


Thanks again BentBricks. And glad LEGO is adjusting their bag dispersion to hopefully deter theft. I looked at some videos online to compare the bags in the Jabba set to what I receied: The Jabba itself is in its own bag, so that makes it really easy to take. Still, the Ghammorean guard is (from the best I can tell) actually INSIDE Bag #2 so unless it really was never included, someone definitely resealed the bag. There's very little LEGO can do to combat that :/

Anyways, I'm determined to get it sorted. I don't want to keep dragging out the topic, so here is something LEGO related I found:

LEGO Movie soundtrack snippets!


28 tracks of goodness. I recommend NOT reading the track titles if you want to hear the clips. Just click the play buttons cause they could have plot spoilers. I personally avoided reading them.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I think this is gonna be on very steady rotation for me once it's out.


Thanks again BentBricks. And glad LEGO is adjusting their bag dispersion to hopefully deter theft. I looked at some videos online to compare the bags in the Jabba set to what I receied: The Jabba itself is in its own bag, so that makes it really easy to take. Still, the Ghammorean guard is (from the best I can tell) actually INSIDE Bag #2 so unless it really was never included, someone definitely resealed the bag. There's very little LEGO can do to combat that :/

Anyways, I'm determined to get it sorted. I don't want to keep dragging out the topic, so here is something LEGO related I found:

LEGO Movie soundtrack snippets!


28 tracks of goodness. I recommend NOT reading the track titles if you want to hear the clips. Just click the play buttons cause they could have plot spoilers. I personally avoided reading them.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I think this is gonna be on very steady rotation for me once it's out.

Sorry to see that happen. As a big WD buyer this is always in the back of my mind. When i was missing a small bag from my WDHaunted House purchase they gave me a $30 some refund. That was a couple weeks out from my purchase though so the time frame may be a factor. Also pieces can be replaced where that Jabba fig is not so easy.

Oh that Lego Movie soudtrack! Are you kidding me?! An instrumental sing along Everything is Awesome track!


After I move I think I may consider getting the SSD. I am pretty caught up on sets released up to fall 2013 and I don't plan on getting the Simpsons set at this time. I think it will all depend on how busy we are at work and how much overtime I get.


Neo Member
LEGO has taken notice. Larger sets with multiple bags spread the minifigs among the bags instead of putting them all in bag 1.

They should bring back the front flap with clear window underneath, seems like that's the only way to deal with the problem outside of packaging sets in plastic clamshells.


New modular looking good Phon! Started on my own police station and I'm finding that it's more difficult to create my own modular (versus a castle or some other diorama). I want to limit myself to one baseplate so I'm finding space a premium for the details I'd like to include.

Also finished the Palace Cinema the other day. A bit uninspiring on the inside I thought, but I really like the outside detail and look.


The comment about marketing exclusively to boys IS one of the parts of the video I have issues. For her to make claims that boys bought more LEGO than girls due to the marketing, she needs numbers and dates. I would like to see the figures on what they estimated that girls bought LEGO vs boys bought LEGO BEFORE the boy marketing campaigns. This is critical data IMO not to include (understood she may not have access, but she is weaving her arguments/points without mention of it at all).

[...] IMO I think it was more likely their research indicated boys were a significantly larger demographic that buys LEGO compared to girls.

I think the point is slightly different here (and maybe this is in part my fault for either explaining it poorly or actually arguing a different case).

I think it is actually very likely that, even going back to Lego's creation, (significantly) more boys bought Lego than more girls bought Lego, given the general societal expectations regarding what is and isn't a boys' or girls' toy that would have existed back in the 50s, 60s and 70s (as they do now). To that end, Lego's sales figures should have shown some amount of gender disparity in terms of their audience.

Nevertheless, their advertising remained gender neutral - they always advertised sets as a toy for both boys and girls.

Sarkeesian is looking at the announcement of the Friends line and asking what required the Lego Group to develop a segment of its brand specifically aimed at girls when, in theory (at least) it has always had one. To this end she points the blame at Lego's own marketing for perpetuating and self-reinforcing the idea that its toy was "only" for boys. Now, it of course makes perfect sense for the Lego Group to do this: running targeted campaigns is more effective (and so cheaper) than general, catch-all ones, so if they ever face a period of financial struggle (as I believe Lego did) it is probably wiser to double-down on an existing consumer than to seek new ones. But over the course of the years this will only make it harder for them to reclaim the audience they, at one point, decided to ignore.

I feel a good comparison here is this article relating to the video gaming industry, and its perception as being something "only" for men.

LEGO has tried to market to girls with girl targeted themes/sets in the past and failed miserably. What does the success of the Friends theme mean?

I hope I didn't bring negative vibes to this forum posting the videos. If girls truly are interested in "regular" LEGO, then Friends will help bring that about. As more girls will venture to Creator and other themes. I was a kid in the 70's when LEGO was more gender neutral and my anecdotal experience was boys were more into LEGO than girls. Not that girls didn't play with them, but not as much.

My next Friends set I get will be the Cinderella carriage set. LEGO combined 2 girl stereotypes and will make a killing. Disney Princesses and Friends.

Hope we all had a chance to speak our thoughts on this and we can move on to the usual happy vibes in this thread.

I think here, too, I may have been too strong in my argument. First, I would like to amend the false dichotomy that I implied earlier: Girls wanting to play with regular Lego sets should not mean that they don't otherwise enjoy the more leisure-related, stereotypically feminine themes of the Friends line, and, of course, the success of the Friends line is testament to this. (And, of course, the opposite is true for boys as well.) As Sarkeesian says in the video (using herself as an example), there is a tried-and-true place for purple and pink in girls' toys.

And, also, I would like to clarify that if the Friends line does ultimately introduce more girls to Lego (as it may very well be doing), then that is a good thing, however imperfect it is a product.

I think what Sarkeesian finds frustrating, however, is that Lego has decided to expand its audience in a way that then implies implicitly that its other lines are not for girls, and then perpetuates other stereotypes in other ways - why, for example, for a brand of brick-based construction toys is the building element of the Friends line minimised in its own advertising?

Furthermore, it is clear that the Friends line has a very strong fanbase among AFOL fans, especially in being a source of pastel colours for collectors to use. But why not introduce those colours into its main lines, instead of including them primarily in a line targeted towards girls (and so then also implying that boys cannot like pink or purple)?

I'd go on, but at this point I'm just regurgitating the points the video itself makes.
They should bring back the front flap with clear window underneath, seems like that's the only way to deal with the problem outside of packaging sets in plastic clamshells.

I think retailers really hate those windows style box, see the LEGO DK books and how many of those little figures get pilfered. If you put the Minifigures on the box they would have to be assemble also which means more work for factory worker etc. The best thing is what they are doing now, spread out those mini-figs.

Last year, when I first got back into LEGO, I returned a set to Wal-Mart because I found out about Fred buy 2 get 1 free promotion and the clerk cut the box open and dump out everything and I thought it was odd and didn't realize returning LEGO after taking the Minifigures or replacing it with pasta is a thing in this hobby.
I think what Sarkeesian finds frustrating, however, is that Lego has decided to expand its audience in a way that then implies implicitly that its other lines are not for girls, and then perpetuates other stereotypes in other ways - why, for example, for a brand of brick-based construction toys is the building element of the Friends line minimised in its own advertising?

Furthermore, it is clear that the Friends line has a very strong fanbase among AFOL fans, especially in being a source of pastel colours for collectors to use. But why not introduce those colours into its main lines, instead of including them primarily in a line targeted towards girls (and so then also implying that boys cannot like pink or purple)?

I'd go on, but at this point I'm just regurgitating the points the video itself makes.

I don't know where you see that LEGO implied that other lines are not for girl. When LEGO start putting all the Creator in "boys" color box then you can come back and said they really segregate the line.

As other have mention, the fault really is with retailers and long practice of dividing the toys aisles into boys and girls section. I do notice many retailers now put LEGO right in the middle and that's where the line converge and several retailers already put set like Friends next to other LEGO set. Hopefully as thing progress they would all soon move all the construction toys into one aisle (and many already have done that). My local store have all LEGO and other bricks in on aisle, granted the Friends are still all in one area but that is just by nature, all set are arrange to theme and Friends is just one of the many theme. I guess that was my point, I just don't see anything wrong with having girl specific theme.
New modular looking good Phon! Started on my own police station and I'm finding that it's more difficult to create my own modular (versus a castle or some other diorama). I want to limit myself to one baseplate so I'm finding space a premium for the details I'd like to include.

Also finished the Palace Cinema the other day. A bit uninspiring on the inside I thought, but I really like the outside detail and look.

That's why I decided to go with a 48x48 plate. More than double the real estate of a regular 32x32. Sure makes putting in details a lot easier. But sure makes getting the building big enough that much harder because of all the bricks needed.


don't ask me for codes


Just built this. Hinge works quite well actually.

Anyway, LEGO should make an official Raspberry Pi case :) Gonna try my hand at a few designs I think.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Since I finally have my LEGO room/Office complete I have been sorting my collection for the last week. Almost done with the majority of my none display pieces. I am thinking about going to my parents and getting my childhood collection and incorporating it into the LEGION!

The next project will to be acquiring Green Grocer. Cheapest I have seen on Ebay is $550. I full believe I can bricklink the pieces I don't have and use my collection for the rest for way less than this. That will leave me only missing Marketstreet. I cannot wait to have a full street. Anyone have any ideas on the cost to bricklink or PAB the green grocer now?


I was hoping someone could help me out with putting together the curtains for the restaurant modular. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't actually build it the way the instructions suggest. The 1x2 bracket would need to be about 1/3 higher, otherwise the 1x1 brick doesn't fit.

Thanks guys.



I was hoping someone could help me out with putting together the curtains for the restaurant modular. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't actually build it the way the instructions suggest. The 1x2 bracket would need to be about 1/3 higher, otherwise the 1x1 brick doesn't fit.

Thanks guys.

Hehe, same mistake I did, turn the bracket around. Put the 2x1 plate on the other studs, it's a bit longer in one direction.
Man it's tough not to buy some of these Lego Movie sets, I don't really love many of the sets but they have so many great minifigures.

Visited the Lego Store today and noticed they had those green leaf branch thingies...not sure if anyone was looking for those or not.
Man it's tough not to buy some of these Lego Movie sets, I don't really love many of the sets but they have so many great minifigures.

Visited the Lego Store today and noticed they had those green leaf branch thingies...not sure if anyone was looking for those or not.




Or these?

And which color? Was it the really bright green, or the medium or dark green? If the medium or dark green, I would love to have either. If bright green, I have a ton. I dont have any of the smaller ones.



Or these?

And which color? Was it the really bright green, or the medium or dark green? If the medium or dark green, I would love to have either. If bright green, I have a ton. I dont have any of the smaller ones.

It looked to be the medium green, may have been the lighting but it didn't look like the bright green to me. And it was the second piece you listed.


Just built this. Hinge works quite well actually.

Anyway, LEGO should make an official Raspberry Pi case :) Gonna try my hand at a few designs I think.

Those are really nice :D

I have many Arduino projects that would benefit from cases and I think I finally have a good number of blocks to do so now.



I really like the Spiderbytes fig, as a fan of the show I think its hilarious that they are including the guy with the cellphone and some of those green pieces could be pretty cool to have. If it's a cheaper set I may BYTE on it...Hahaha, I made a funny!
LEGO Movie Police Dropship (prelim):


Johnny Thunder returns!

Needs less Batman. I like it having 4 robot police. They could use a robot police battle pack set.
I could use a Johnny Thunder minifig!

Anyone else thinking Fantasticar? I'm totally not digging the specialized outfit turtles. I'll pick those sets up only on deep discount. So glad I got the turtles in the first wave.


Thanks for sharing the TMNT set pics. I'm for certain getting them all, because I love those characters and universe so much. The Nickelodeon show is so very good.

As sets on their own, yeah, I'd probably find them underwhelming. That's okay. I can build my own sets! Another goal of mine is to build a large sewer lair replica from the show. So I need a lot of these elements regardless. Sadly larger projects do have to wait until I move :)

Update on my LEGO missing pieces: I got an e-mail reply from LEGO asking for the pictures of the instruction book which I just sent off. That is all they requested. I hope it goes smoothly from here.

While doing this though I almost paniced when I discovered I only had HALF of the instruction book... the first half. Second half was not in the box. Sigh :( Now I just hope and pray whoever may have it, potentially the person who nabbed the figures out of my box in the first place, did not use it to get replacements already which may disqualify me doublefuck me on this. I do have 7 bags though... I will start building the set once I get shipping confirmation from LEGO. Until that happens, I'm keeping them unopened for a potential return to amazon for a full refund. The only reason I haven't done that already was because I got it at a really good price, and a full refund would only cover about 66% of the MSRP. I am willing to bite that bullet if I have to.
Thanks for sharing the TMNT set pics. I'm for certain getting them all, because I love those characters and universe so much. The Nickelodeon show is so very good.

As sets on their own, yeah, I'd probably find them underwhelming. That's okay. I can build my own sets! Another goal of mine is to build a large sewer lair replica from the show. So I need a lot of these elements regardless. Sadly larger projects do have to wait until I move :)

Were you around the thread for Brent's amazing "alley" scene last year? It was part of a huge diorama he did and the alley featured the turtles-was awesome and would be good inspiration for you.

Found some shots on his Flickr. I think he posted some better ones while it was in progress but I don't have them.

Batman vs Bane by Brent Waller, on Flickr

TMNT by Brent Waller, on Flickr


I hadn't seen that, no. It's a fantastic scene for sure. Lots going on :) But did he build their underground lair? That is what I'm interested in attempting.

I have seen some impressive ones. For example, this:


This is more along the lines of what I'm dreaming up, only it will focus tremendously more on the lair itself. And as much as I do like this one, it looks rather unfinished in a lot of areas and focuses a bit too much on the streetside building for my liking.

I do like the idea of doing it in a verticle way, however. Something channeling the awesomeness of the recent Playmates playset:

only... maybe with a touch more panorama like the LEGO Death Star.


I just finished building my first architecture set, The Eiffel Tower. It's a pretty cool display model with a lot of hinges that come in at sharp angles. Pretty much everything is done 4 times. The hinges that make the top of the tower tend to wobble though.

It took me awhile but I put together the Mine Shootout set from the LR line, the set was more than worth the price of admission. Makes me sad I didn't have any room in my apartment to display the train...I need some sort of workbench for Lego. The dinner table can't be the only spot.
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