really happy with the look of the snowspeeder.
the shaping of the front is perfect.
wonder about the piece count and price.
Price is $199.99USD
So we can expect a piece count of 1.500 I assume
I believe I read we will be finally getting a new tie bomber somewhere.
I found the pages with the batmobiles from the Amazon sample pages for the book.
I see what you mean, it's been incorrectly captioned, all of the above batmobiles with the yellow background were my creations and it's been credited to "Adam Duncan", apparently all of them already existed as real world LEGO sets, which is also incorrect
The below image is from another page, I've highlighted the ones I made, they appear to be duplicated too as the same one as down below repeated.
It will be mine. Oh, will be mine.Is that a new 8x6x3 wide cockpit window ?
Condiment King!
Which book is that? I would like to order a copy.
I think this one:
I think I'll get it too.
I think this one:
I think I'll get it too.
I shall buy the snowspeeder and slave 1 on may the 4th if its double points day/week
Snowspeeder is bae, looks pretty good and the price is alright.
wow I didnt know UCS sets had crazy price per piece ratios, thats a shame
It's in the new Ultimate Batmobile I think.Is the Batman ( Movie spoiler )costume minifigure available?Alfred's 60s Batman
Is the Batman ( Movie spoiler )costume minifigure available?Alfred's 60s Batman
It's in the new Ultimate Batmobile I think.
A-Wing & Vader's TIE Advance, good set? Thinking that one or the Troop Transporter since they're both being retired on the swedish site. What's the difference between the new A-Wing and this one?
Good to know! Then I need something worth 201SEK for the TLBM promotion figures. Maybe the Flash Speeder...Eh, not really. It has Vader and Tarkin, but the A-Wing is a specific Rebels design. The RTT is at least fun to build and has Leia. I'm not sure that she will be in another set, and you know...
I think this one:
I think I'll get it too.
Which version are you talking about?The one where he has the bat painted on his face and he's wearing a nice suit and cap is in the Ultimate Batmobile. The 60s Blue and Grey with the chalk eyebrows and mustache is sadly not in any set that we've seen.
This is from the same FB account "Lego News&Leaks" as Buttercup
Yeah I'm really disappointed too. The figures in that set are a massive missed opportunity IMO.yeah the latter, damn that's the one I really want, love that costume
This is from the same FB account "Lego News&Leaks" as Buttercup
Yeah I'm really disappointed too. The figures in that set are a massive missed opportunity IMO.):Where is NightWing instead of another standard Robin? Why not one of the BatGirl variants from when Batman is giving her her name and suit? 60s Alfred Batman when??
Do we know if this is gonna be a Level Pack or just a Fun Pack?? I wonder what builds he'll come with!?
I would imagine a sandworm. But I'd take the post-modern Deetz house.
I was so hyped for Snowspeeder but in this pic the hype kinda deflates somehow. It looks really small and the shape of the front part looks "off" somehow to me, maybe i need to see it from a different angle though. Will it come with a stand i wonder?
Regarding the size, it may be a bit smaller but not by much. Counting the studs, it's not far off from 10129. The front on this new version is actually more screen accurate. It captures the angles of the nose really well in my opinion.
I can't wait for this to come out. I missed out on 10129 so this is a welcomed set for me. And also because it's one of my favorite Star Wars vehicles of all time.I'd be surprised if it didn't come with a stand considering they included it with Slave I and the TIE.
Is this the first Michael Keaton fig ever or...?
There's a certain property that shows up in Lego Batman Movie that would make an EXCELLENT Lego game world but I cannot imagine it ever happening and am really shocked that it was even in the movie to begin with. Super unfair tease there ):
So ya, the cockpit looks 6 wide at the top and 8 wide at the front bottom.Is that a new 8x6x3 wide cockpit window ?
This is from the same FB account "Lego News&Leaks" as Buttercup